
[duplicate] Show when break ends during gameplay

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I would like an indication on when the current break ends (maybe a red tick or filling green or something) on the pie or bar indicating map progress while playing a map.

Perhaps stretch that further to show when the next break occurs during gameplay, but that's less important to me.
The break ends when you see the arrows flash.

Very unnecessary, imo
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Sometimes I want to stretch during a break. And sometimes I stretch on a short break and don't have time to recover my position, which is very annoying.
The pass/fail comes up halfway through the break. See how long it takes for it to come up and if it's a few seconds, then go ahead and stretch once pass/fail comes up.
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I'd waste half the break waiting for the O/X in that case.

strager wrote:

I'd waste half the break waiting for the O/X in that case.
If it's been a few seconds and O/X hasn't come up, then you obviously will have enough time.
...Pause during a break and stretch. That's what I do.
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Pausing breaks the rhythm, man. =[
I do feel your pain and support this if someone comes up with a nice way to show it.
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Gemi wrote:

I do feel your pain and support this if someone comes up with a nice way to show it.

mtmcl wrote:

Is Gemi just the guy who comes out of nowhere to disagree with things?

Gemi wrote:

I do feel your pain and support this if someone comes up with a nice way to show it.
Me too. I approve :)
Sir Minelli

strager wrote:

Gemi wrote:

I do feel your pain and support this if someone comes up with a nice way to show it.

mtmcl wrote:

Is Gemi just the guy who comes out of nowhere to disagree with things?
Nah, more like laziness. He likes to stretch as well lol

strager wrote:

Gemi wrote:

I do feel your pain and support this if someone comes up with a nice way to show it.

mtmcl wrote:

Is Gemi just the guy who comes out of nowhere to disagree with things?
More precisely, I tend to pop in when something seems to go into the wrong direction (in my opinion) and that's usually when people start to support a stupid idea. Sometimes it's actually a new feature which would be great, but some people disagree with it for no real reason. So yeah, this approach causes me to be there mostly only when I disagree, but not always.
If you take your hand off the mouse, you risk not getting your hand back in time. In any case, it's usually extremely obvious how long a break lasts.

Also, the only time you wouldn't know where the breaks are is the first time you play the map, right? I don't see why you should get help for FC'ing a map first time.

Echo wrote:

Also, the only time you wouldn't know where the breaks are is the first time you play the map, right? I don't see why you should get help for FC'ing a map first time.
Why shouldn't you? It's just a small thing to make playing more enjoyable for players. There is no harm in adding it and it would definitely be a nice small thing that makes playing just a tad more fun.
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It's not that I wish to play perfectly on my first try. I wish to not be frustrated by small breaks after difficulty parts of a map.

If I have a good first experience on a map I'm more likely to play it many times again.

Like somebody said, if you wait 3 seconds, you'll either see warning arrows, the pass/fail icon, or nothing. And if you see nothing, it means you have time to rest.
Something that occurred to me, was to highlight breaks in the progress pie using a slightly different color (maybe green?), so you can see the length of the break (and as you go through the break in real time it will be filled over with the regular gray, so you will see how much break time is left -> when the colored segment is completely filled over, the break is over).

Also useful to warn you when the map starts that the mapper didn't put any breaks at all >:(
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Showing a different color in the pie graph or whatever progress bar is used might be a cute little addition. It wouldn't work well with marathon maps in the pie graph (unless it only showed as a tiny tiny line or something [unless the marathon has tons of break]), but otherwise it would be neat, I suppose.
Don't forget the normal progress bar! It's what I use :<

The feature sounds good, but it's low priority... It'd still be nice though.

Gens wrote:

The feature sounds good, but it's low priority...
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Gens wrote:

Don't forget the normal progress bar! It's what I use :<
I'm not.

I used to use progress bar but realized it's pretty much useless as I can't see the end of the bar. =S

(And the progress bar or pie is unusable on a white background for the most part...)
Sir Minelli
Low priority in my opinion.

I was thinking of a counter showing how many seconds remaining for the break to end. But meh.

Gens wrote:

Don't forget the normal progress bar! It's what I use :<

Derekku Chan wrote:

Showing a different color in the pie graph or whatever progress bar is used might be a cute little addition.
I used to use one of the progress bars, but I seem to like the pie better (mmm pie).
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Echo wrote:

It's completely unnecessary.

Play once - now you already know where all the breaks are. Why do you need any more cues?
agreed... i don't see a point to this at all.

one shouldn't expect to know everything in a beatmap on your first try without seeing it through auto or have played it atleast.
With thousands of ranked maps you shouldn't force people to play a test play first on every single map they play. This information is absolutely NO harm to ANYONE and I don't see why adding it in the game is such a bad thing for you guys. It wont distrupt your play at all, but it will be fun/helpful for others, so what's the problem?
no, people SHOULD be forced to play through a song. this is a rythm game, you can't simply expect to know the rythm of the song the first time you hear/play it. allthough this is abit offtopic now.

This information is absolutely NO harm to ANYONE and I don't see why adding it in the game is such a bad thing for you guys. It wont distrupt your play at all, but it will be fun/helpful for others, so what's the problem?
you are right this doesn't harm anyone directly, however this affects peppys time, and he doesn't have much time. the little time he has can imo be spent on much better things then adding things like this. unless this is easy to code or someone can easily code it for him, i'd rather they spent time on more important things.
I don't support this at all. When a break happens, I just pause to stretch no matter how short it is. Then the next sequence of 4 beats can already give me back the rhythm I originally had.
I would support colouring break time on the pie, but AFTER it has occurred. I am strongly against showing breaks before they are played out, but think it would be a nice effect to colour the break time as you go. Or even gradient the pie based on performance or something.

peppy wrote:

I would support colouring break time on the pie, but AFTER it has occurred. I am strongly against showing breaks before they are played out, but think it would be a nice effect to colour the break time as you go. Or even gradient the pie based on performance or something.
Sounds good to me~

Gabi wrote:

no, people SHOULD be forced to play through a song. this is a rythm game, you can't simply expect to know the rythm of the song the first time you hear/play it.
Actually you CAN expect this, because we have a very clear visual representation of the correct rhythms. A good player can get a full combo or 100% on a sightread on many songs. The only thing you cannot sightread well are sudden slider speed changes. (which brings forth the point whether those should be shown in advance somehow too)

That said, this is a minor thing and I'm not going to make a problem out of it. The aforementioned slider speed issue (and any similar game play related issues) is another matter though. I wont start a huge thing about that either though since there are so few maps that do this.

peppy wrote:

I would support colouring break time on the pie, but AFTER it has occurred. I am strongly against showing breaks before they are played out, but think it would be a nice effect to colour the break time as you go. Or even gradient the pie based on performance or something.
I like it.

Never occurred to me when I first proposed color, but yes, come to think of it, showing the breaks on screen before they happen is extra info which *may* make the game easier for some players.

I'm switching my support to coloring breaks (after they happen).
Sir Minelli

peppy wrote:

I would support colouring break time on the pie, but AFTER it has occurred. I am strongly against showing breaks before they are played out, but think it would be a nice effect to colour the break time as you go. Or even gradient the pie based on performance or something.
Ok now we are officially off topic.

Still, this would be only for the look of course. I don't think this is a bad idea, i dislike coloring the breaks though, gradient the pie based on your performance sounds interesting.

Coloring the breaks might be forcing it. After you complete a break though, you could add a nice effect to the pie which will kinda let you know that the break ended.
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Sir Minelli wrote:

... though, gradient the pie based on your performance sounds interesting.
Sounds cool and silly at the same time. =]

Gemi wrote:

Actually you CAN expect this, because we have a very clear visual representation of the correct rhythms. A good player can get a full combo or 100% on a sightread on many songs. The only thing you cannot sightread well are sudden slider speed changes. (which brings forth the point whether those should be shown in advance somehow too)
Wrong wrong wrong.

There never was any reason and never will be any reason for a person to be able to sight read a map and get 100%.

In fact, it was this goal that broke so many maps.</personal opinion>

Spacing is meant to be an indication, but NOT a means to help people achieve 100% on their first try. Failing and retrying is a part of any rhythm game, no matter how good you are.
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Indeed, Echo.

I still don't like being gayed by retarted breaks, though.

Echo wrote:

Gemi wrote:

Actually you CAN expect this, because we have a very clear visual representation of the correct rhythms. A good player can get a full combo or 100% on a sightread on many songs. The only thing you cannot sightread well are sudden slider speed changes. (which brings forth the point whether those should be shown in advance somehow too)
Wrong wrong wrong.

There never was any reason and never will be any reason for a person to be able to sight read a map and get 100%.

In fact, it was this goal that broke so many maps.</personal opinion>

Spacing is meant to be an indication, but NOT a means to help people achieve 100% on their first try. Failing and retrying is a part of any rhythm game, no matter how good you are.
Spacing is irrelevant as we have approach circles that show exactly what the timing is. If you are good enough you'll be able to sightread 100% anything regardless of spacing. Yes, "correct" spacing can help sightreading a lot, but I was referring to the existence of approach circles with my comment.

Also when playing with the hidden mod you don't even need approach circles to see the rhythms, you just need to see when a note appears on the screen. It's harder to sightread this way, but it's still possible.

The same goes with any other rhythm game. If you are good enough you can sightread a 100% score. Again the only things that go against this are sudden slider speed changes (in osu!) and sudden bpm changes/stops (in bemani games). Any rhythm game that I've seen played by dedicated players has had many songs sightreaded 100%, and I do it regularily myself on a few games (like osu, where the timing is usually very relaxed).

Echo wrote:

Wrong wrong wrong.

There never was any reason and never will be any reason for a person to be able to sight read a map and get 100%.

In fact, it was this goal that broke so many maps.</personal opinion>

Spacing is meant to be an indication, but NOT a means to help people achieve 100% on their first try. Failing and retrying is a part of any rhythm game, no matter how good you are.
This is quite likely the stupidest thing I've read on these forums. The ultimate point of any rhythm game (perhaps any game for that matter) is to achieve 100% and the better you become the faster you'll be able to accomplish this. Obviously the limit of that would be 100% on sight reads (admittedly Osu! is much harder to do this on than something like DDR).

The game shouldn't care how many times you've played a map and (with the exception of mods) should always try to make things as easy to read as possible. For that matter maps should always be made with the goal of accurately representing the rhythm of the song as their top priority. Having consistently chaotic, odd or intentionally hard to read patterns as a means to fit the song is one thing but throwing them in randomly just to **** with a sight reader and add arbitrary challenge is shitty map making.
@bbobjs: you are missing the point of this thread. They are talking about BREAKS "throwing" you off, not patterns.

peppy wrote:

@bbobjs: you are missing the point of this thread. They are talking about BREAKS "throwing" you off, not patterns.
I'm actually just responding to Echo's assertion that "There never was any reason and never will be any reason for a person to be able to sight read a map and get 100%" which admittedly is off topic. I understand that they're talking about breaks but they're also talking about the validity and viability of sight reading.
maybe the pie for break can be used the same way as it's used before the map starts? But this time instead of gray it can be coloured with red? So the whole pie is the break length and it's being filled radially according to % time left, so you can guess how much time you have.
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nazenaze wrote:

maybe the pie for break can be used the same way as it's used before the map starts? But this time instead of gray it can be coloured with red? So the whole pie is the break length and it's being filled radially according to % time left, so you can guess how much time you have.
Yeah, wasn't that already said a few times in this thread?
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