It's come to my attention while working on a new version for my osu!TwitchBot that messages sent to yourself through IRC get propagated to the in-game chat, however messages sent to yourself through the in-game chat do not get propagated to IRC.
This would be helpful for not only my bot/relay, but all the other Twitch bots in the General Development forum (and probably other tools that would rely on chat messages in the future).
I can think of at least one other immediate use for this without thinking too deeply - A bot which periodically requests /api/get_beatmaps and sends you a message when a new beatmap is released (so you can get that shiny #1 rank on the map). This is currently possible through #announce, but you get the idea.
Video of what currently happens:
I didn't know whether to post this in the Feature Request forum or the Technical Support forum ;_;
This would be helpful for not only my bot/relay, but all the other Twitch bots in the General Development forum (and probably other tools that would rely on chat messages in the future).
I can think of at least one other immediate use for this without thinking too deeply - A bot which periodically requests /api/get_beatmaps and sends you a message when a new beatmap is released (so you can get that shiny #1 rank on the map). This is currently possible through #announce, but you get the idea.
Video of what currently happens:
I didn't know whether to post this in the Feature Request forum or the Technical Support forum ;_;