
Need help with changing color.

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Myke B
Before I ask of help, I'm pretty sure this doesn't violate any rules indicated by the sticky. I would really appreciate it, if someone who has experience with photoshop, could change the color scheme to lime green. This is not for a skin I'm making, I just want the color to match that of my own personal cursor.
The closet thing to a rule violation would be number 6, but I'm not asking how to skin, I'm asking for a little photoshop help. Sorry, I just want to be clear with what I'm asking, without violating any rules.
Actually you are. But anyway, I'll help and I hope this is fine for you.
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Myke B
Awesome, thank you so much! What rule am I breaking btw? so I don't break it in the future.
The skinning subforum is probably for posting skin projects so any questions or help should be at the skinning support.

Thread: Please keep non-skin threads out of this forum.
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Myke B

Nathanael wrote:

The skinning subforum is probably for posting skin projects so any questions or help should be at the skinning support.

Thread: Please keep non-skin threads out of this forum.
I saw that thread, but it's 3 years old and I wasn't sure how often people looked at that :/ Once again, thanks so much :)
No problem. ;)
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