Onitou Taiko Cup is a 1v1, open rank tourney for Taiwanese players!
We want to find staff in various positions. If you are willing, please fill out the form!
Notice: If you want to register as a referee, you must have the ability to communicate with others fluently in Chinese
格式 Format: 月/日 m/dd
工作人員登記 Staff Regs: 5/22
參賽選手報名 Player Regs: 6/26~7/15
資格賽 Qualifiers: 7/21~7/25
16強 Ro16: 7/28~7/30
8強 Quarterfinals: 8/4~8/6
4強 Semifinals: 8/11~8/13
決賽 Finals: 8/18~8/20
總決賽 Grand Finals: 8/25~8/27
工作人員登記 Staff Regs: 5/22
參賽選手報名 Player Regs: 6/26~7/15
資格賽 Qualifiers: 7/21~7/25
16強 Ro16: 7/28~7/30
8強 Quarterfinals: 8/4~8/6
4強 Semifinals: 8/11~8/13
決賽 Finals: 8/18~8/20
總決賽 Grand Finals: 8/25~8/27