
[7k] oct4 modding queue (Open)

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Status: Open
7k only for now

IMPORTANT: I will mod under the assumption that it is going for ranked
If otherwise (like just for improvement) I will give general feedback just lmk (it is way easier)

7K Rules:
-If the highest diff is below like 4.00* don't send, everything else is OK

4K Rules:
-Must be over 5.00* (difficulty, ignoring SR)
-Avoid simple/generic patterning
(not to say it's bad but usually many others will be able to mod it anyways)

-More confident with higher SR but I am okay with practicing with low SR too (7K)
-Be able to play what you map unless you have experience or got playtesters already
-No meme songs or terrible audio files

Just request with a link to the map and any other details, like any specific diffs I should look at
If you need mods fast tell me.. I am a lazy man

Progress + Feedback
I will try to provide feedback to every map unless it is low SR


Artist / Title:Interestingcn/A-SOUL - New Year's Eve
Link: beatmapsets/1892613#mania/3899877
Desc:LN Hybrid pattern
Diff(s) to mod:Extra, Another, Insane
Notes:This mapset has 2 GD from my friends, and they are both the first time to map for rank, so we need more mod to help this mapset ranked, it is pleasure if you could reading and modding. Thanks!

Btw about the M4M, I prefer 7k, I prefer to mod your mapset 1975627 if you like. :3
Artist / Title:
Link: beatmapsets/1986953#mania/4127450
Keymode: 4k
I new to making beatmaps so tell me what you think and be as brutally honest! Also I might add more difficulties and possibly effects to it! I am trying to get this ranked but it may be a while till that happens.

Also I'll try to update/respond as soon as I can but there may be few days delay.
Diff(s) to mod: Hard (osu!mania)
Notes: I am very new to the mapping scene so any feedback, suggestions, or tips are really helpful


Artist / Title: saradisk - 222 wewewe
Link: beatmapsets/1971226#mania/4090084
Keymode: 4k
Desc: I did this map more for the intention that it may be ranked one day :)
Diff(s) to mod: Light Insane , Insane
Notes: I've been mapping in osu mania for some time now, I know some basic concepts hahaha

NM Request Please

Artist / Title: Getsuryu - MOONLiGHT
Link: beatmapsets/1985155#mania/4123269
Keymode: 4K
Desc: It contains Roll, Mini Stream(1/4 Stream in 3 Beat)(I think) and JumpTrill
Diff(s) to mod: Insane or Top Diff. You can mod the lower diff if you want
Notes: I am new to map that type of pattern. I don't know what the name of that pattern. But, I will try to rank it

Thank you very much
Artist / Title: Harumaki Gohan - Suisei ni nareta nara
Link: beatmapsets/1990123#mania/4134472
Keymode: 4k
Desc: Map with chords/jack patterns, and lns for vocals
Diff(s) to mod: 1 diff spread
Notes: anything is greatly appreciated

thank you!
Hidden is fun
Artist / Title: かたぎり - 九皋
Link: beatmapsets/1940906
Keymode: 4K
Desc: a Hybird map without SR bloated (I think) Hope you can like it~
Diff(s) to mod: Single diff
Notes: Thanks in advanced!
Artist / Title: BACO - Love & Justice
Link: beatmapsets/1947313
Keymode: 7K
Desc: Nonstop chordstream
Diff(s) to mod: Any
Notes: hope it makes you happy
Artist / Title: xi - Agartha
Link: beatmapsets/1988689#mania/4131275
Keymode: 4k
Desc: hybrid map, trying for rank and it still needs some polishing.
Diff(s) to mod: Fabled Realm
Notes: Thanks in advance.
Artist / Title: Infant Annihilator - Motherless Miscarriage
Link: beatmapsets/1898205#mania/3915356
Keymode: 4k
Desc: very fast and difficult map that is extremally under rated by the star system
Diff(s) to mod: all if you can but if i have to pick one then top diff
Notes: tv size hellhole
Artist / Title: MAN WITH A MISSION x milet - Kizuna No Kiseki (TV Size)
Link: beatmapsets/1974897#mania/4133146
Keymode: 4/5/6
Desc:Anime song with duration TV Size, had mixed patterning on all-keys
Diff(s) to mod: 6K , EZ/NM/HD/Rocma's MX/Ham's SC
Notes:EZ until MX focusing the rhythm notes than a dump. but for suggestion i preference to mods MX or HD soo i can re-arranged the lower diff. that's all you can mods 5-Keys if you free, still free from mods!

Thank you very much!
Artist / Title: Lcwww - Fairytale
Link: beatmapsets/1990565#mania/4135544
Keymode: 4 Keys
Desc: Beginner Friendly 1* - 3* and Chill Music
Diff(s) to mod: Any
Notes: PP Farm is fun
Ryu Sei
Artist / Title: Abyssmare / WINNER
Link: beatmapsets/1990889
Keymode: 5+1
Desc: EZ2-styled map, kinda long and mostly filled with jumpstreams
Diff(s) to mod: Normal, Hard
Notes: Technically still 6K, you can treat the mod as 5K with extra ring finger on it

Thanks 'w')
Topic Starter

CandyCrush14 wrote:

Artist / Title:
Link: beatmapsets/1986953#mania/4127450
Keymode: 4k
I new to making beatmaps so tell me what you think and be as brutally honest! Also I might add more difficulties and possibly effects to it! I am trying to get this ranked but it may be a while till that happens.

Also I'll try to update/respond as soon as I can but there may be few days delay.
Diff(s) to mod: Hard (osu!mania)
Notes: I am very new to the mapping scene so any feedback, suggestions, or tips are really helpful

Chrisse wrote:

Artist / Title: Harumaki Gohan - Suisei ni nareta nara
Link: beatmapsets/1990123#mania/4134472
Keymode: 4k
Desc: Map with chords/jack patterns, and lns for vocals
Diff(s) to mod: 1 diff spread
Notes: anything is greatly appreciated

thank you!

_Solut1on wrote:

Artist / Title: Lcwww - Fairytale
Link: beatmapsets/1990565#mania/4135544
Keymode: 4 Keys
Desc: Beginner Friendly 1* - 3* and Chill Music
Diff(s) to mod: Any
Notes: PP Farm is fun

Ryu Sei wrote:

Artist / Title: Abyssmare / WINNER
Link: beatmapsets/1990889
Keymode: 5+1
Desc: EZ2-styled map, kinda long and mostly filled with jumpstreams
Diff(s) to mod: Normal, Hard
Notes: Technically still 6K, you can treat the mod as 5K with extra ring finger on it

Thanks 'w')

by-ad wrote:

Artist / Title: MAN WITH A MISSION x milet - Kizuna No Kiseki (TV Size)
Link: beatmapsets/1974897#mania/4133146
Keymode: 4/5/6
Desc:Anime song with duration TV Size, had mixed patterning on all-keys
Diff(s) to mod: 6K , EZ/NM/HD/Rocma's MX/Ham's SC
Notes:EZ until MX focusing the rhythm notes than a dump. but for suggestion i preference to mods MX or HD soo i can re-arranged the lower diff. that's all you can mods 5-Keys if you free, still free from mods!

Thank you very much!
To every one of these I made a HUGE typo in my rules :1. I meant no maps under 4*
Since this wasn't apparent I'll add these maps to low prio for now (I will probably get to them cause I feel bad)
SORRY to everyone^^^
Artist / Title: tokiwa - wasurena feat. Sennzai
Link: beatmapsets/1957020
Keymode: 4K
Desc: very LN map, not much to say tbh
Diff(s) to mod: Memoirs
Artist / Title: Nizikawa - 401
Link: beatmapsets/744508#mania/1569750
Keymode: 5k
Desc: its my old map that i want to rank
Diff(s) to mod: Mogutchau yo!
Notes: im requesting for M4M
Copano Rickey
Artist / Title: Sakuzyo feat. Nikki Simmons - Destr0yer
Link: beatmapsets/1962070#mania/4066442
Keymode: 4k
Desc: nix
Diff(s) to mod: any ;w;
Notes: I like this song. ;w;
Topic Starter
Closed for now
Topic Starter
4k maps subject to stricter judging
Copano Rickey
hi pls
Artist / Title: sasakure.UK - the EmpErroR
Link: beatmapsets/1841579
Keymode: 4k
Desc: nix
Diff(s) to mod: any ;w;
Notes: nix ;w;
Artist / Title: Killswitch Engage - My Curse
Link: beatmapsets/1986876#mania/4127305
Desc: Jack/Anchor based map
Diff(s) to mod: Love
Notes: Been struggling to actually get mods on this map :/
Salty Mermaid

Artist / Title: Yuyoyuppe feat. Natsuiro Karin - SICK -Yanderu EP-
Link: beatmapsets/1996989#mania/4150526
Keymode: 4
Desc: zoinks (don't really know what to put here)
Diff(s) to mod: Since it's 5 songs in one diff, you could go with any song.
Notes: So yeah, the map is pretty long, 16 minutes, the 5 songs from yuyoyuppe's album (the title). Also, it's rated 5.35*, but only the two first songs are actually rated over 5*.

Thanks and have a nice day
My Angel Chen
Artist / Title:Minstrel - yotogibanashi no kamikakushi
Link: beatmapsets/1997274#mania/4151200
Keymode:4 key
Desc:Rice leaning map (NM gd diff is still wip)
Diff(s) to mod: Please mod hard and boundary
Notes: hope you liked :]
NM here
Artist / Title: Kaneko Chiharu - INF-BL-aste-R
Link: beatmapsets/1934192
Desc: stream and jack
Diff(s) to mod: any u like
Notes: song from sdvx


NM here

Artist/Title: Mori† - LIMBO
Keymode:7 key
Desc:Hybrid and LN
Diff(s) to mod:Darkness and Final Prayer
Notes:Hope you liked

Thank you very much!
Artist / Title: camellia - Toxic Violet Cubes
Link: beatmapsets/1992832#mania/4140941
Keymode: 4
Desc: ln/hyndrid/jack and speed jack
Diff(s) to mod: TVC
Notes: trying to rank 7 star
Artist / Title: Laur - Viyella's Destiny
Link: beatmapsets/1991344#mania/4137414
Keymode: 7k
Desc: Pretty balanced difficulty. 1/4 Heavy Ln Chordstream.
Diff(s) to mod: One difficulty
Notes: Ln jumpscare
Hello hello

NM Req

Artist / Title: Laur / PRISTINE
Link: beatmapsets/1993142#mania/4141860
Keymode: 7k
Desc: 7k Release LN Tech Hybrid
Diff(s) to mod: Finale
Notes: Im not sure about this map, i will prefer some tips about mapping in 7k and im not sure if this map will be for ranked. Right now, i only want to know more than 7k. Thx in advance.
Artist / Title: umu. - Humanly
Link: beatmapsets/1991486#mania/4143104
Keymode: 4K
Desc: 250 BPM JS & Some CJ
Diff(s) to mod: Just the base speed obviously
Notes: This is an older map of mine and I'm just curious to see any adjustment I might need to make. This is quite an experimental map, so sorry for any weird patterns, (also I've never done a mod request before so I wanted to try it out).

Artist / Title: *namirin - Omajinai
Link: beatmapsets/2000017#mania/4157870
Keymode: 4K
Desc: 135 bpm hybrid jacks
Diff(s) to mod: Charm
Notes: Hope you like it :)

Thank You and Goodluck
Copano Rickey
Artist / Title: sasakure.UK - the EmpErroR
Link: beatmapsets/1841579#mania/3782496
Keymode: 4k
Desc: nix
Diff(s) to mod: any ;w;
Notes: nix ;w;
Artist / Title: rN - onostrapha
Link: beatmapsets/2000007
Keymode: 7k
Desc: hard tech full rice
Diff(s) to mod: currently only one diff
Notes: cute song by featured artist
map maker
Artist / Title: HAGISPOH - Lamento
Link: beatmapsets/2002636#mania/4164616
Keymode: 4K
Desc: 7min, 210bpm, hybrid, jumpstream/handstream
Diff(s) to mod: only one diff
Notes: hi
Artist / Title:Sobrem - slic.hertz
Desc:LN and dump tech hybrid
Diff(s) to mod:Insane Jazzy
NM plz
thanks and Have a good day
hey, are you still open?

Artist / Title: Ardolf - Lycanthrope
Link: beatmapsets/1759637#mania/3601446
Keymode: 7K
Desc: itsa featured artist, top diff is delay-like chart with fast streams
Diff(s) to mod: any diff you prefer (Insane or Extra)
Notes: dope

Thank you!
Artist / Title: Reizoko Cj - You're Gonna Love My Nuts
Link: beatmapsets/2003937#mania/4167367
Keymode: 4K
Desc: mashcore chart containing various patterns such as handstream/jacks/trills
Diff(s) to mod: Chop
Artist / Title: Sawano Hiroyuki feat. mizuki - TuNGSTeN
Link: beatmapsets/1918498#mania/4026891
Keymode: 7K + 4K
Desc: typical sawano song, pretty straight forward
Diff(s) to mod: pls focus on 7k if you can
Notes: nikke is a good game with big ASSets, trying to rank the 1st song for that game

hope u like, thanks
Artist / Title: Murasaki Hotaru - Re:TrymenT
Link: beatmapsets/1972170#mania/4092246
Keymode: 4k
Desc: Banger, but like LN ish (not really tho)
Diff(s) to mod: Any, preferably lower diffs
Artist / Title: Tsukimi Shizuka x LUNARiUM - Fight Against the Past
Link: beatmapsets/1998347#mania/4153674
Keymode: 4K
Desc: A map with tiebreaker style, going for rank c:
Diff(s) to mod: The only diff
Notes: banger
Yasuhara Takahashi/ Kick the Monsters
Link: beatmapsets/2005483#mania/4170988
Keymode: 4K
Desc: jacks with JS and HS at the start then just jacks
Diff(s) to mod:fran
Notes: basically guitars and drums that hype you up.
Artist / Title: Aqours - Mijuku DREAMER(b-UMB J-CORE Remix)
Link: beatmapsets/560750#mania/1185780
Keymode: 5k
Desc: idol remix song (?)
Diff(s) to mod: Sunlight!!
Notes: some old map
Topic Starter
Topic Starter
pls read info!
Artist / Title: kanemiko - comet casting capsule ("catching celestial clusters" Long Version)
Link: beatmapsets/2056915
Keymode: 4k
Desc: 250 bpm map, top diff is hybrid while yunxmi’s diff is all rice for now
Diff(s) to mod: any diffs

Thanks in advance
Artist / Title: CrYmson - Immortality
Link: beatmapsets/1850929
Keymode: 7K
Desc: 7K BMS rice pattern, Keysound diff is just for reference, I wrote instruments which corresponding with each columns on Keysound diff's Timeline. Have a good day! :)
Diff(s) to mod: any diff you want!
Artist / Title: Camellia - #1f1e33 (#00102g version)
Link: beatmapsets/2066780#mania/4323804
Keymode: 4k
Desc: LN / hybrid with tons of speedjacks
Diff(s) to mod: #ant1p01e
[TCD] Vani
the map is still in wip but the only thing that's wip is the lowest diff so hopefully you won't mind

Artist / Title: Ashrount vs. 打打だいず - Abstruse Dilemma
Link: beatmapsets/2060387#mania/4306963
Keymode: 4k
Desc: Hybrid, tech. Kinda clunky. Need help with patterns and consistency.
Diff(s) to mod: top diff since it's the only one that's >4*
Artist / Title: Hoshimachi Suisei - Stellar Stellar
Link: beatmapsets/2062437#mania/4312758
Keymode: 4k
Desc: Hyrbid/LN chart new to this style of mapping so any mods would be nice
Diff(s) to mod: Astronomical
Artist / Title: Kry.exe (feat. Ice)
Desc:jacks, hybrid, speed, LN
Diff(s) to mod:Dimensional Bend
HI :)
Artist / Title: Camellia - Body F10ating in the Zero Gravity Space
Link: beatmapsets/2024945#mania/4218588
Keymode: 4k
top diff: LN's, tech, hybrid and jacks
low diff: Ln's, hybrid and jacks

Diff(s) to mod: any
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