
What's your opinion on pp farming

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Ye it's kinda a controversial topic but almost everyone pp farms

Recently the only thing I've been playing is pp farm maps to get 5k pp a
Well, taking a look here in this forum, you can see that I'm a huge advocate against pp scores. They're like kryptonite to me. I get a sad look on my face when I see someone have pp scores in their top plays. Not that I've never played pp maps though. I'm ashamed on the scores that I got from pp maps, unknowing of what their purpose is made for. It saddens me when players inflate their ranks when you can organically increase them through pure improvement and skill. :cry:
Real question is, should the SR system be improved to average a maps difficulty, or should a map's PP be dynamic-- based on the patterns and their length.
honestly pretty neutral about them but i do hate seeing intentional farm like triumph and end time
A way to keep people motivated and have some competition "but pp is based on vibro and lns" my opinion on that is just skill issue lol get good. Most people who opininates on pp farming are 5 digits and people who don't really understand how hard it is to farm from #2000 and above
PP farming is fun to do occasionally.

It ain't much but its honest work
Nene Sakura
I play all ranked maps so my top plays end up being "pp maps". I think it's just a preference how you play the game, so I'm neither for it nor against it.
Realistically you can't say it's a problem that people "play maps".

The issue lies purely in Mania's difficulty calculator.
who gives one care that people farm or not. there's a reason loved maps exist. If you pp farm you pp farm. There's no other way to get in the high ranks without farming. Farming is skillfull whether or not you agree. It's not something everyone an do.
Hoshimegu Mio
I just farm pp every once in a while to see how much I've improved.
I dont really care about it I just dont enjoy it much myself. I'll do it sometimes, but I dont plan to farm anymore in mania much after I get around 9k.
In my opinion, I don't care too much and I will keep my stance unless PP farming disrupts the game players too much. Most players doing PP farming would want to enjoy, wouldn't they?
Wimpy Cursed
I don't mind pp farming.
I do it whenever I want to see my improvement.
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