
Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata

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Fushimi Rio
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年2月6日 at 21:27:43

Artist: Tsukiko
Title: Haruka Kanata
Source: Haruka Kanata
Tags: Sorahane galgame opening eroge visual novel chenwu
BPM: 140
Filesize: 23673kb
Play Time: 02:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Error: 80 - 32 (5.34 stars, 826 notes)
  2. Hard (3.36 stars, 415 notes)
  3. Normal (1.69 stars, 170 notes)
  4. cwR's Insane (4.16 stars, 769 notes)
Download: Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata
Download: Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
cwR's Insane by chenwu
hi!~ testplay here~ 弱菜表示好难……完全打不来连打;w; 见笑了
Kanata: 这个就是完全抓瞎了……打到最后突然简单下来简直有种冰火两重天的感觉orz
anyway, 打得很烂,希望不会成为mod被拒的理由 :( 顺祝新春快乐!~
testplay :3 I can't stream ;_;

I think in Haruka, spacing at 00:06:000 (9,10,1) - can be confusing. I almost thought it was 1/1.. because of spacing change.

Nice map :)
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

Akabato wrote:

hi!~ testplay here~ 弱菜表示好难……完全打不来连打;w; 见笑了
Kanata: 这个就是完全抓瞎了……打到最后突然简单下来简直有种冰火两重天的感觉orz
anyway, 打得很烂,希望不会成为mod被拒的理由 :( 顺祝新春快乐!~
没关系没关系 开这种图的testplay本来就是娱乐性质(喂
春节快乐 高三党还有好几套卷子 sad

CloudSplash16 wrote:

testplay :3 I can't stream ;_;

I think in Haruka, spacing at 00:06:000 (9,10,1) - can be confusing. I almost thought it was 1/1.. because of spacing change.

Nice map :)
Thx for testplay~
test play~ Kanata is Extra diff right?

I'm Really bad at stream sorry ._.
Test play
Replay :
Replay :

17:33 tellertheworld: 早晨~
17:34 tellertheworld: 有時間做個IRC嗎?
17:34 Eggache0: 嗯 下午刚考完试准备补个觉
17:34 Eggache0: 没啥问题(
17:34 tellertheworld: 那好吧...
17:35 tellertheworld: 全部的難度都是你的?
17:36 Eggache0: 次难度不是
17:36 tellertheworld: かなた? はるか?
17:36 Eggache0: Haruka不是(
17:37 tellertheworld: 打一次先 等等
17:37 Eggache0: 然后I就跳过吧 I我又找人在做了
17:38 tellertheworld: 那我只mod kanata
17:38 Eggache0: ._.咦 hard呢 太简单么
17:39 tellertheworld: 一會兒再看看
17:40 tellertheworld: hr好似有點高
17:41 Eggache0: 嘛 到时候Insane肯定是hp7的 extra不能比I低吧
17:42 tellertheworld: 不一定
17:43 tellertheworld: 你是第1次作圖?
17:43 Eggache0: 。怎么可能啊 之前也去过你的queue啊
17:48 tellertheworld: 可以了
17:48 tellertheworld: 說明一下整體上先
17:48 *tellertheworld is editing [ Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata [Kanata]]
17:51 tellertheworld: offset 35
17:51 tellertheworld: 大約
17:51 Eggache0: 只改第一条红线吗
17:52 tellertheworld: 我教你如何改
17:52 tellertheworld: 等等
17:52 tellertheworld:
17:52 Eggache0: ._.我觉得改红线我还是会的……
17:53 tellertheworld:
17:53 Eggache0: 嗯 改完了 谢谢
17:53 tellertheworld: 左上 move Select_Fate ed offsets by: 30~40ms
17:53 tellertheworld: move Selected
17:54 Eggache0: 嗯 我直接把第二条红线前的全都move30ms 然后对齐note 应该也可以吧
17:54 tellertheworld: 按ctrl+a
17:55 tellertheworld: 就可以全選全map
17:55 tellertheworld: 建議用35ms (雖然我對offset沒太多研究
17:55 Eggache0: ...这个我可以以后慢慢来 先说后面吧
17:55 Eggache0: 35我觉得合适
17:57 tellertheworld: 00:37:963 - 至00:41:070 - 有點脫節
17:58 Eggache0: ...缺音?
17:58 tellertheworld: 有點誤讀和難以客觀讀圖
17:58 tellertheworld: 不是缺音 是放位難打
17:59 Eggache0: ……这个我找人testplay过啊 作为extra来说难度问题应该不大
17:59 tellertheworld: ~_~''
17:59 Eggache0: 也有可能是我找的都太触了(
18:00 tellertheworld: 有地方混音 節奏有點亂
18:00 tellertheworld: 可能是因為錯offset的關係
18:01 tellertheworld: 有item方向放錯
18:02 tellertheworld: 整體上問題大致是這樣
18:02 Eggache0: ……只是这么说我也猜不到是哪个放错啊
18:02 tellertheworld: 這我開始mod
18:02 tellertheworld: 還未開始... 我會說的~^o^~
18:02 Eggache0: 抱歉(
18:03 tellertheworld: 00:10:749 -
18:03 tellertheworld: 00:11:606 -
18:03 tellertheworld: 重音
18:03 tellertheworld: 是主音才對
18:04 Eggache0: ……抱歉 什么叫主音 24白线?
18:04 tellertheworld: 建議作為slider的開始/加個圈
18:04 tellertheworld: 這一段
18:04 tellertheworld: 由00:08:177 - 至00:13:749 -
18:05 tellertheworld: 你會聽見突出的聲音是鋼琴聲
18:05 Eggache0: 啊 明白了 fixed
18:05 tellertheworld: 你可以當它是主旋律
18:06 tellertheworld:
18:06 tellertheworld: 2和5 的距離
18:07 Eggache0: 这个啊
18:07 Eggache0: 你test一下看看 这也是无奈之举(
18:08 tellertheworld: 2和3的距離 需要和3和5的距離一樣 (會令你的圖更美觀
18:08 Eggache0: 不不不
18:08 tellertheworld: 明了
18:08 Eggache0: 那么做
18:08 Eggache0: 后面的原地连打stack开之后
18:08 Eggache0: 就乱了(
18:08 tellertheworld: 去song setup
18:08 tellertheworld: advanced
18:09 Eggache0: 嗯 那就unrankable了
18:09 tellertheworld: 調低一點
18:09 tellertheworld: 應該不會吧
18:09 Eggache0: 我也想让他直接stack上啊._. 但1/4不能stack是规定
18:11 tellertheworld: 請等等
18:13 tellertheworld: 那可以將00:29:815 (2,3,4,5) - 向左移一點
18:14 Eggache0: 嗯 我自己之后再考虑吧 这里先跳过
18:14 tellertheworld: ok
18:15 tellertheworld: 00:34:315 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
18:15 tellertheworld: 這裡應該全部都是鼓聲
18:16 tellertheworld: 而且是一樣的 但00:34:958 (3,3) - 沒有反彈
18:17 Eggache0: ……虽然不知道怎么回事 但我是跟的鼓啊
18:17 tellertheworld: 我就建議00:34:285 (1,2,1,2) - 變做沒反彈
18:18 tellertheworld: 可以加速節奏
18:18 Eggache0: 没反弹怎么下啊 直接滑条塞满?
18:18 tellertheworld: 在同一種節奏下用不同的物件 會硬人難跟
18:18 tellertheworld: 會令
18:19 Eggache0: 虽然不知道怎么回事 但这里我听的节奏很明显不是单纯的1/4spam
18:19 Eggache0: 所以我还是保留(
18:19 tellertheworld:
18:19 tellertheworld: 我想就大約是這樣
18:20 tellertheworld: 對 這裡的確不是單純的1/4
18:20 Eggache0: 恕不接受 跳过吧 抱歉._.
18:20 tellertheworld: 好的
18:23 tellertheworld:
18:23 tellertheworld: 這個還可以
18:23 tellertheworld:
18:24 tellertheworld: 但這個角度在連打的時候是尖角轉彎
18:25 tellertheworld: 00:45:214 (4) - 放在x:441 y:188
18:25 Eggache0: 我自己玩的时候第二个反而接上的多 尖角转弯应该不是问题
18:25 Eggache0: 好 fixed
18:25 tellertheworld: 這圖你能玩?
18:26 tellertheworld: 為何只有00:46:071 (4) - 和其他的slider重疊
18:26 Eggache0: 能啊 不过hp7随手pass还是有难度就是了
18:26 Eggache0: 毕竟是extra啊
18:26 Eggache0: 因为不知道放在哪里好了……
18:26 Eggache0: 你这么一说我觉得确实是挪开舒服点 改了
18:26 tellertheworld: 大概
18:27 Eggache0: 嗯 就是这里
18:27 tellertheworld: 00:52:714 (6) - x:333 y:93
18:28 Eggache0: fixed
18:28 tellertheworld: 01:00:428 (1,2,3) -
18:28 tellertheworld: 有歌手歌吧... 你之前都是跟歌 到這裡用了鼓聲
18:29 Eggache0: 跟歌也很怪啊 鼓声这么强
18:30 Eggache0: 总之我以后试着调整一下 先跳过这里吧 有点困(
18:30 tellertheworld: 試試吧... 主旋律是歌(個人感覺)
18:31 tellertheworld:
18:32 tellertheworld: 不覺得有點怪怪的?
18:32 Eggache0: ……还好吧
18:33 tellertheworld: 忘了加一條線
18:33 tellertheworld:
18:34 Eggache0: 大间距又空开一拍 没必要顺flow 顺了反而不舒服._.
18:34 Eggache0: 不过还是改了
18:35 tellertheworld: 後面和前面差不多
18:35 tellertheworld: 就這樣吧
18:36 Eggache0: 好的 谢谢 我去补个觉^
18:36 tellertheworld: 我post上你的map page
hello, test play with relax mode
replay is here
From my queue~

  1. the diff name of Insame(Haruka) is unranked, imo :arrow: source
    I suggest to change to "chenwu's Insane"
  2. I suggest to add AudioLeadin 1000~1500
  1. for easiest diff, you should not change SV
  2. 00:39:461 (3) - not good shape
  3. 00:45:890 (2,3,4) - because of easiest diff, you should not use 1/2 beat by use of circles like this. it's hard to see and difficult for beginner, imo
  4. 00:45:890 (2,5) - stack correctly
  5. 01:48:033 (4) - curve more gently
  6. 02:03:461 (1,2,3) - it is better not to align in a straight line. a little boring, imo
  1. 00:00:033 (1,2,3,4,5) - hard to see. avoid only circle mapping or replace them
  2. 00:05:175 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  3. 00:16:747 (1) - remove NC
  4. 00:30:675 (2) - delete
  5. 00:34:318 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this overlap is hard to see
  6. 00:43:747 (8,9,1) - you often use many times reverse slider and overlapping of them like this. but, for hard diff, it's so hard to see and hard to find rhythm. I recommend to avoid the pattern like this
  7. 00:49:747 (3,1) - I suggest to exchange to spinner
  8. 01:23:818 (5,6) - avoid overlap. very hard to find circle(5)
  9. 02:29:175 (4) - this shape don't suit to rhythm
  1. 00:54:033 (4,5,6,7,8) - awkward. on purpose?
  1. CS +1
  2. 00:18:675 (7) - I prefer to delete
  3. 00:57:247 (6,7) - I suggest not to stack
  4. 01:28:211 (2) - delete
  5. 01:30:890 (1,1,1) - intersting!
  6. 02:20:497 (8,1) - I prefer not to stack
totally, dufficult mapset, I feel. at least normal and hard, I hope you to make easier...
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. the diff name of Insame(Haruka) is unranked, imo :arrow: source
    I suggest to change to "chenwu's Insane" Thanks for informing :) But I want to keep it.
  2. I suggest to add AudioLeadin 1000~1500 it seems doesn't work now.
  1. for easiest diff, you should not change SV hmm. I'll consider.
  2. 00:39:461 (3) - not good shape Tried to fix. lol
  3. 00:45:890 (2,3,4) - because of easiest diff, you should not use 1/2 beat by use of circles like this. it's hard to see and difficult for beginner, imo fixed.
  4. 00:45:890 (2,5) - stack correctly fixed
  5. 01:48:033 (4) - curve more gently fixed
  6. 02:03:461 (1,2,3) - it is better not to align in a straight line. a little boring, imo Yeah. fixed
  1. 00:00:033 (1,2,3,4,5) - hard to see. avoid only circle mapping or replace them fixed.
  2. 00:05:175 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ ^
  3. 00:16:747 (1) - remove NC fixed.
  4. 00:30:675 (2) - delete fixed.
  5. 00:34:318 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - this overlap is hard to see Got no better idea,so I keep it now.
  6. 00:43:747 (8,9,1) - you often use many times reverse slider and overlapping of them like this. but, for hard diff, it's so hard to see and hard to find rhythm. I recommend to avoid the pattern like this
    Hmm, partly agree. For this pattern I'd like to keep it now. I'll fix the others.
  7. 00:49:747 (3,1) - I suggest to exchange to spinner I agree.
  8. 01:23:818 (5,6) - avoid overlap. very hard to find circle(5) fixed
  9. 02:29:175 (4) - this shape don't suit to rhythm Yeah. Tried to fix it.
  1. CS +1 It's maximum to aviod overlapping now.
  2. 00:18:675 (7) - I prefer to delete I prefer not
  3. 00:57:247 (6,7) - I suggest not to stack I think it's better to read now.
  4. 01:28:211 (2) - delete fixed
  5. 01:30:890 (1,1,1) - intersting! Thanks.
  6. 02:20:497 (8,1) - I prefer not to stack Fixed.
totally, dufficult mapset, I feel. at least normal and hard, I hope you to make easier... I'll try. lol
~Good Luck~
Neil Watts
Hi, from my modding queue~

Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata

Be careful to your diff name. For information :

Ranking Criteria wrote:

  1. A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to an username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming.
8 spinners? x.x
- 00:10:318 (1) - a lot of people absolutely despise it when you reverse stuff more than once.
- 00:00:000 to 00:30:890 - no hitsounds ? try to add some with a low volume
- 00:41:175 (1,2,1) - you have so much imagination !
Maybe you should add more hitsounds in this map. Nice work though.

- 00:29:175 (1) - see above
- 00:42:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - combo breaker =(
- 01:06:890 (1,2,3,4) - the (4) circle isn't aligned
- 01:29:175 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - try to make some known shapes
- 02:05:175 (4,5,6,7) - combo breaker
- 02:12:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
Same comment about the soundmappings.

The soundmapping is better but needs to be improved.
- 00:30:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - to avoid, keep the first stream combo but change the second (small sliders with reverse arrows?)
- 00:38:497 (4) - align it
- 00:44:604 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - no ><
- 00:54:033 (4,5,6,7,8) - align them
- 01:00:890 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^
- 01:07:747 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^
- 01:12:033 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - no
- 01:32:925 (2,3,4,5) - align
- 01:44:497 (8,1,2,3,4) - combo breaker
- 01:46:640 (2,3,4,5) - align
- 01:58:318 (1,2,3,4) - combo breaker
- 02:13:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - noooo :cry:
- 02:18:890 (1,2,3,4) - combo breaker

Too much streams! :o

omg nazi mapping, sorry, I can't mod this :o

Good luck ! :D
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

Neil Watts wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue~

Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata

Be careful to your diff name. Save as my former reply.

- 00:10:318 (1) - a lot of people absolutely despise it when you reverse stuff more than once. fixed
- 00:00:000 to 00:30:890 - no hitsounds ? try to add some with a low volume not necessary, imo

- 00:29:175 (1) - see above hmm, no.
- 00:42:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - combo breaker =( >.<
- 01:06:890 (1,2,3,4) - the (4) circle isn't aligned I didn't assume to
- 01:29:175 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - try to make some known shapes fixed
- 02:05:175 (4,5,6,7) - combo breaker fixed

Good luck ! :D
Thx for modding.
00:58:747 (1) - 感觉这里很挤
01:05:604 (1) - 转圈后1拍太远了 里中心近点
01:10:104 (2) - 可删
01:51:247 (3,4) - 合并滑条
02:31:747 (2,3,4) - 直线看起来有点蠢
00:56:818 (7) - NC
01:03:033 (6) - 拆单点跟歌词
01:18:890 (1) - CTRL+H吧 离中心近点
01:26:068 (2) - 怎么 C感觉是白线阿 唱得真不准
01:54:890 (5) - NC好读点
02:00:354 (2) - 节奏还是感觉有点怪
02:12:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 尼玛这梗至少出现3次了能不能换一个阿
00:13:747 (5) - 倒不如跟00:14:604 (3) - 叠
00:29:175 (1) - whistle
00:36:675 (3) - 给我感觉很莫名
00:50:925 (7) - 前后间距一样比较好看点
01:18:890 (1) - 哦草间距都7.0+了 尾巴叠到01:17:925 (4) - 不行嘛
01:19:533 (2) -
01:51:890 (4) - 不好接
02:44:739 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这单点ACC 翔死
CS3.5 你妹明明是3.6
这图怎么摸阿 没想法阿
00:15:461 (7,8) - 1/8吧
00:30:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 梗和次难度重复啦
00:37:318 (5) - 我觉得这里开始用1/8好 ,前面没必要
00:56:390 (1,2,3,4) - 间距再小点
00:57:568 (2,1) - 真心JB 这个会读成2分拍,建议间距从小变大没必要一开始都那么大
01:40:318 (1,2,3,4,5) - 顺序要和要丧心病狂
01:42:033 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:52:318 (1) - 哦草这不能忍能玩?
明明那么难 1/8滑条那么善良不科学
来一点1/8串阿 哪怕5下也好阿

Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

sjoy wrote:

前14秒怎么没有音效阿 可能是忘了
00:58:747 (1) - 感觉这里很挤 请打开蛇行滑条
01:10:104 (2) - 可删
01:51:247 (3,4) - 合并滑条
01:26:068 (2) - 怎么 C感觉是白线阿 唱得真不准 不知道 我压鼓点
01:54:890 (5) - NC好读点 不好读 反而以为是1/1
02:12:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 尼玛这梗至少出现3次了能不能换一个阿 没梗
CS3.5 你妹明明是3.6 啥玩意儿 我记得我改了啊
00:15:461 (7,8) - 1/8吧 不知道 先保留
00:30:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 梗和次难度重复啦 没梗
00:37:318 (5) - 我觉得这里开始用1/8好 ,前面没必要 没梗
01:40:318 (1,2,3,4,5) - 顺序要和要丧心病狂 本来是直接从2逆时针转过去 结果没人读对 全打1去了 只好改
01:42:033 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ 这个暂时没想到更好的
01:52:318 (1) - 哦草这不能忍能玩? 能 bybf
明明那么难 1/8滑条那么善良不科学
来一点1/8串阿 哪怕5下也好阿 没找着合适的地方 估计改完红线可能来下几个


RandomEffect wrote:

  1. 00:54:033 (4,5,6,7,8) - awkward. on purpose?maybe(?)
Neil Watts

Neil Watts wrote:

The soundmapping is better but needs to be improved.
- 00:30:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - to avoid, keep the first stream combo but change the second (small sliders with reverse arrows?) I want to keep it
- 00:38:497 (4) - align it no
- 00:44:604 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - no ><
- 00:54:033 (4,5,6,7,8) - align them
- 01:00:890 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^
- 01:07:747 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^
- 01:12:033 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - no
- 01:32:925 (2,3,4,5) - align why?
- 01:44:497 (8,1,2,3,4) - combo breaker this kind of sliders is not very hard to play.same as the small sliders with reverse arrows you said above
- 01:46:640 (2,3,4,5) - align
- 01:58:318 (1,2,3,4) - combo breaker
- 02:13:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - noooo :cry:
- 02:18:890 (1,2,3,4) - combo breaker

Too much streams! :o

sjoy wrote:

串那么难AR8.5阿 ar8还行
00:13:747 (5) - 倒不如跟00:14:604 (3) - 叠 放哪都差不多的感觉
00:29:175 (1) - whistle no
00:36:675 (3) - 给我感觉很莫名 咱感觉还好
00:50:925 (7) - 前后间距一样比较好看点 不会改了..
01:18:890 (1) - 哦草间距都7.0+了 尾巴叠到01:17:925 (4) - 不行嘛 先看看别人怎么说
01:19:533 (2) - 咱没抓错重音啊
01:51:890 (4) - 不好接 整个图唯一的难点(同样不会改了..
02:44:739 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这单点ACC 翔死 都换了滑条

Thanks for modding.
(咱已经把红线绿线都调好了.video offset好像没统一
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio
(咱已经把红线绿线都调好了.video offset好像没统一
好啊 不过我传图失败了
00:36:001 (2) - NC?
00:44:573 (1,2,3) - 间距是不是有问题? 1和2是1.05 2和3就变成了1.00
00:52:930 (3,4) - 没包好 建议把4移到(324,265)
00:54:001 (4) - 感觉可以从 00:53:787 - 这地方就开始 因为vocal已经开始了
00:59:787 (3,4) - 没包好 建议把4移到(130,36)
01:02:144 (1) - 我觉得这里好像还有点东西可以放 转盘可以放到后面一点再开始
01:12:001 (1,2) - 没包好 建议把1移到(435,236)
01:31:930 (4) - NC?
01:40:716 (2,3) - 没包好 建议把3移到(174,48)
02:45:976 (2,3,1) - 这里好像跟背景的音乐不合啊

00:36:001 (4) - NC?

00:30:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 这地方可以8个note就换NC 吧
00:54:001 (4,5,6,7,8) - 01:07:716 (3,4,5,6,7) - 01:46:608 (2,3,4,5) - 间距?
01:28:073 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这地方看上去像3个滑条

Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

tm1209 wrote:

00:36:001 (2) - NC? 感觉没啥必要
00:44:573 (1,2,3) - 间距是不是有问题? 1和2是1.05 2和3就变成了1.00 好像是
00:52:930 (3,4) - 没包好 建议把4移到(324,265) 改了3
00:54:001 (4) - 感觉可以从 00:53:787 - 这地方就开始 因为vocal已经开始了 打着不舒服
00:59:787 (3,4) - 没包好 建议把4移到(130,36)
01:02:144 (1) - 我觉得这里好像还有点东西可以放 转盘可以放到后面一点再开始 放了点
01:12:001 (1,2) - 没包好 建议把1移到(435,236)
01:31:930 (4) - NC? 没必要
01:40:716 (2,3) - 没包好 建议把3移到(174,48)
02:45:976 (2,3,1) - 这里好像跟背景的音乐不合啊 n难度 没啥好梗了

00:36:001 (4) - NC?

Hollow Wings
as ur req


  1. timing还是得找bat看下
  2. hard的leadin为何要改掉。。。


  1. 00:16:716 (1,5) - 建议nc移动
  2. 00:37:608 (8,1) - 排版间距和之前的不一样,微调一下
  3. 00:38:894 (2,3) - 好难,我倾向于2移出来一点(仅个人建议,后同
  4. 00:48:001 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 这些的ds都太近了
  5. 00:49:716 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这串可以比之前那串的ds更大点
  6. 01:01:930 (2) - 这个尾音不建议消掉
  7. 01:06:430 (6) - 反向
  8. 01:07:716 (4,5,6,7,8) - 4567和8不要overlap,和之前一样分开
  9. 01:11:787 (5) - 反向
  10. 01:22:287 (1) - 反向
  11. 唔,柑橘复制粘贴太多,要学2ha的话还是得多积累点梗,光会五边形可不行


  1. 其实节奏还好,排列柑橘还是微乱,不过似乎我也没资格这么说?hhh


  1. 00:44:144 (9) - 这个箭头还是挡住太多,建议换掉,01:11:573 (9) - ,02:13:287 (9) - 也是


  1. 02:28:752 (3,4) - normal还是不要玩overlap了即使是这种
  2. 这变速噗

good luck
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

Hollow Wings wrote:

as ur req


  1. timing还是得找bat看下 timing太伤心
  2. hard的leadin为何要改掉。。。 咦 应该是手滑


  1. 00:16:716 (1,5) - 建议nc移动 没啥区别 还是算了
  2. 00:37:608 (8,1) - 排版间距和之前的不一样,微调一下 没看出来 不过还是动了动
  3. 00:38:894 (2,3) - 好难,我倾向于2移出来一点(仅个人建议,后同 这个还好 憋一下甩出去吧
  4. 00:48:001 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 这些的ds都太近了 好像是 等有梗了和后面一块改
  5. 00:49:716 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这串可以比之前那串的ds更大点 ^, 遮挡有点严重我想换梗
  6. 01:01:930 (2) - 这个尾音不建议消掉 背景没音比较明显 不消感觉怪怪的
  7. 01:06:430 (6) - 反向 改了
  8. 01:07:716 (4,5,6,7,8) - 4567和8不要overlap,和之前一样分开 也行
  9. 01:11:787 (5) - 反向 啥?
  10. 01:22:287 (1) - 反向 反了后面就跪了
  11. 唔,柑橘复制粘贴太多,要学2ha的话还是得多积累点梗,光会五边形可不行
    咦 还以为看了01:06:430 (6,7) - 你会发现我是在抄你呢 学tuhaha的话就直接抄牙疼了
    下一堆五边形只是因为五边形看着好看 会有复制粘贴感?我再看看


  1. 00:44:144 (9) - 这个箭头还是挡住太多,建议换掉,01:11:573 (9) - ,02:13:287 (9) - 也是 保留 不知道换啥


  1. 02:28:752 (3,4) - normal还是不要玩overlap了即使是这种 那就改吧
  2. 这变速噗 真是后患无穷

good luck
游戏刚关就看到了 想想球完就扔着不管太不礼貌 还是又打开了(谢谢mod
Yo, from my modding queue here.


  1. BG的size不對,1366*768才是正確的;用PS裁一下吧
  2. 你這雙自定義難度名肯定不能過,如果你堅持不改就不用rank了
  3. 把你的GDer ID加進tag;"eroge", "visual novel"這些也可以加


  1. 01:11:037跟02:08:252 都是多餘綠線
  2. 00:01:533 (7) - 這兒特別高音,可以加個whistle;同樣地,00:20:144 (11)的vocal跟背景音也適合加
  3. 00:51:430 (1) - 這finish可以大聲一點,現在不太能聽到,整個難度的finish也是比較小聲
  4. 01:10:930 (6) - 這1.5x的間距是不是故意的?
  5. 01:33:430 (5) - 這也是故意不stack?有點突兀,綜觀整個diff我看也是整齊地stack
  6. 02:43:740 (3) - NC吧,timing change而不NC有點poet
  7. 02:30:883 (3) - whistle/finish!
  8. 每一個排列都能看出用意,佩服


  1. 00:54:001 (4,5,6,7,8) - 這排列有點醜,在DS的層面上來看;那個藍色的(2)跟(3)移開一點不就好了
  2. 01:07:716 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這個也是,雖然我知道是故意的,但真的必須吐槽;其他就不再說了
  3. 排列也好用心,喜歡!

Hard跟Normal也沒什麼,只是timing change的時候能加個NC;音效suppose跟EX一樣,不書了233
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

IamKwaN wrote:

Yo, from my modding queue here.


  1. BG的size不對,1366*768才是正確的;用PS裁一下吧 [/color]
  2. 你這雙自定義難度名肯定不能過,如果你堅持不改就不用rank了 嗯 我現在找到別的梗了(笑
  3. 把你的GDer ID加進tag;"eroge", "visual novel"這些也可以加


  1. 01:11:037跟02:08:252 都是多餘綠線 哦哦哦 謝謝檢查
  2. 00:01:533 (7) - 這兒特別高音,可以加個whistle;同樣地,00:20:144 (11)的vocal跟背景音也適合加 謝謝指導 音效我真是一點都不會orz
  3. 00:51:430 (1) - 這finish可以大聲一點,現在不太能聽到,整個難度的finish也是比較小聲
  4. 01:10:930 (6) - 這1.5x的間距是不是故意的? 只是沒地方放了/.\
  5. 01:33:430 (5) - 這也是故意不stack?有點突兀,綜觀整個diff我看也是整齊地stack 唔 失誤
  6. 02:43:740 (3) - NC吧,timing change而不NC有點poet
  7. 02:30:883 (3) - whistle/finish!
  8. 每一個排列都能看出用意,佩服

Hard跟Normal也沒什麼,只是timing change的時候能加個NC;音效suppose跟EX一樣,不書了233

tm1209 wrote:

00:30:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 这地方可以8个note就换NC 吧 因为背景音完全没有变化所以只在转角放了个NC
00:54:001 (4,5,6,7,8) - 01:07:716 (3,4,5,6,7) - 01:46:608 (2,3,4,5) - 间距? 都改了
01:28:073 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这地方看上去像3个滑条 这是怎么看的..

IamKwaN wrote:


  1. 00:54:001 (4,5,6,7,8) - 這排列有點醜,在DS的層面上來看;那個藍色的(2)跟(3)移開一點不就好了
  2. 01:07:716 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這個也是,雖然我知道是故意的,但真的必須吐槽;其他就不再說了
Gloria Guard
Hello From Fang Team's Modding Queue




■ 00:16:716 ~ 00:30:001 I think this part sound a little simple and boring, I understand this part ambience but I want your make this part whistle sound here I think sound good imo.
■ 00:30:430 (7) You make space for beginners remove this note.
■ 00:47:573 (4) ^ The same point here
■ 00:48:001 (1) Can you move this spinner end 00:51:001 ? because, The beginner this point spinner after notes so difficult.
■ 01:00:858 (4) Slider head point remove finish, I don't heard this finish sound.
■ 01:03:430 (1) This is slider a little short. The beginner players think this spinnder is difficult by too short length
■ 01:45:430 (1) The same spinner end point 00:48:001 (1)


AR-1 I think, Normal and hard setting unbalance.

■ 00:16:716 ~ 00:30:001 The same comment by Normal diff.
■ 00:29:144 (1) Hmm, I don't understand this sldier repeat. I played this slider a little confuse, you remove one repeat and add note 00:30:430 this point.
■ 00:30:858 (1,1) I don't think this point add two spinner, I hear this point lyrics sound but, I don't think this is necessary so It can be a little confusing.
■ 00:42:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) I don't understand this streams. this diff is not insane.. You must change this stream part and I recommend this point add slider.
■ 00:54:001 (5,6) I think this part don't need this jump
■ 00:57:858 (6,7) The patterns spacing is wrong and I suggestion the improve pattern.
■ 01:01:716 (1,2) This is pattern spacing is wrong
■ 01:10:716 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) The same comment 00:42:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) this.
■ 02:05:251 (1) This is spinner is unrankable. Why you this spinner end 02:06:751 ?, If this spinner is slider 3/4 rhythm I think fine but it's spinner..
If you play this point you don't miss here? anyways this spinner move by 02:06:644

The stream is don't use hard diff. ex) 00:42:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) You think this stream is correct? I don't think that because it's unsuitable and many players this stream part so difficult imo. also I don't think this hard diff, it is a little insane diff imo.


■ 00:54:001 (4,5,6,7,8) You must fix this stream spacing.
■01:07:716 (3,4,5,6,7) ^ You don't use this intended stream spacing.
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

Gloria Guard wrote:

Hello From Fang Team's Modding Queue




■ 00:16:716 ~ 00:30:001 I think this part sound a little simple and boring, I understand this part ambience but I want your make this part whistle sound here I think sound good imo. Fixed since many people pointed this out.
■ 00:30:430 (7) You make space for beginners remove this note. It's enough ._. Even many Easy put notes and spinners at nearby white lines.
■ 00:48:001 (1) Can you move this spinner end 00:51:001 ? because, The beginner this point spinner after notes so difficult. ^
■ 01:00:858 (4) Slider head point remove finish, I don't heard this finish sound. fixed
■ 01:03:430 (1) This is slider a little short. The beginner players think this spinnder is difficult by too short length Since auto can spin 8000 points I think it's ok for begginers. Anyway it's a normal diff.


AR-1 I think, Normal and hard setting unbalance. Tried AR 6.5

■ 00:16:716 ~ 00:30:001 The same comment by Normal diff.
■ 00:29:144 (1) Hmm, I don't understand this sldier repeat. I played this slider a little confuse, you remove one repeat and add note 00:30:430 this point. Hmm. Maybe I'd better fix it.
■ 00:30:858 (1,1) I don't think this point add two spinner, I hear this point lyrics sound but, I don't think this is necessary so It can be a little confusing. Yes. Fixed.
■ 00:42:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) I don't understand this streams. this diff is not insane.. You must change this stream part and I recommend this point add slider. It's not such hard imo. I'll consider how to change it easier.
■ 00:54:001 (5,6) I think this part don't need this jump fixed
■ 00:57:858 (6,7) The patterns spacing is wrong and I suggestion the improve pattern. Sorry but I think now is better
■ 01:01:716 (1,2) This is pattern spacing is wrong fixed
■ 02:05:251 (1) This is spinner is unrankable. Why you this spinner end 02:06:751 ?, If this spinner is slider 3/4 rhythm I think fine but it's spinner.. Yes. Fixed.
If you play this point you don't miss here? anyways this spinner move by 02:06:644

The stream is don't use hard diff. ex) 00:42:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) You think this stream is correct? I don't think that because it's unsuitable and many players this stream part so difficult imo. also I don't think this hard diff, it is a little insane diff imo.
Idk. Personally I think the stream isn't as hard as it looks lilke. I'll ask more people's ideas about it.
Testplay + IRC mod o/

15:55 imoutosan: Hi hi~ may I ask for a testplay?
15:55 Kodora: hello, sure!
15:55 imoutosan: thx> <
15:55 *imoutosan is listening to [ Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata]
15:56 Kodora: 3.5 min to download
15:56 Kodora: ;w;
15:56 imoutosan: ;w; vedio is too big
15:57 imoutosan: I'm going to find someone help me with it
15:58 Kodora: i can reduse filesize for you if you want
15:58 Kodora: :3
16:00 imoutosan: thx :) I think I'd ask some friends first
16:06 Kodora: awesome song! <3
16:06 imoutosan: but bad map ._.
16:07 Kodora: It's not bad actually, just need some work
16:08 Kodora: CS is kinda huge and doesn't fit overral slow pace of map. I'd reduse to 4
16:08 imoutosan: ._. cs4 too hard imo
16:09 Kodora: it isn't too hard
16:10 Kodora: actually smaller circle size works very well with calm & relaxing songs
16:10 imoutosan: calm? ....
16:11 Kodora: Yeah, it should fit overral slow tempo
16:13 imoutosan: lol
16:13 imoutosan: actually I don't think the song is calm, I'll ask more prople about this
16:14 Kodora: 00:06:890 (1) - it's more aestetical thing, but better don't use "cornered" sliders at calm and relaxing parts
16:14 Kodora: it simple doesn't fit as for me
16:15 Kodora: try to use something like simple wave slider :3
16:15 imoutosan: ...ok
16:16 imoutosan: and the followings?
16:17 Kodora: Yeah
16:18 imoutosan: all fixed
16:22 Kodora: you should be more careful with 1/4 jumps
16:22 Kodora: 140 BPM 1/4 is really pretty harsh
16:22 Kodora: Map isn't bad; some parts are just not balanced well
16:23 Kodora: 00:38:573 (1,2,3) - as example
16:23 imoutosan: I asked some mapper ._. They said the jumps are ok now
16:24 Kodora: 1/4 is very hard to hit here, and such stacking unser slidertail is very tricky even with nomod
16:24 Kodora: try to stack 00:38:894 (2) - at the top of 00:39:001 (3) -
16:24 imoutosan: well this is quite easy for mouse player like me > <
16:24 Kodora: that would be much easier to hit
16:24 Kodora: it is easy, but tricky to see
16:24 imoutosan: stacking at the head breaks the flow imo
16:26 Kodora: 00:47:358 (3,1) - сovering reversearrows by hitbursts is unrankable :<
16:28 imoutosan: I'm planning to remap this part :< it looks bad
16:28 Kodora: 00:57:216 (6,7,1) - This part is really flow-breaking
16:29 Kodora: The problem is: last note (1) looks like 1/2 instead of 1/4 and people will misread it at the first try
16:29 imoutosan: I got no idea :( It's hard to follow the rhythm here
16:30 Kodora: I even know where you got that idea, bur please consider that HW's map had lower bpm; it's incredible hard to hit it in this case
16:31 imoutosan: lol which map of HW? I didn't know he has parts like this
16:32 Kodora: Selisi's recent ranked map with HW's Extra XD
16:32 Kodora: anyway
16:32 Kodora: i think you can do cool replacement with sliders for example
16:32 Kodora: i can give code if you want :3
16:33 imoutosan: maybe, I'll consider
16:33 imoutosan: nono I can do it myself > <
16:34 Kodora: 01:01:930 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - linear part here doesn't fit your previous mapping and looks flow-breaking for me :<
16:34 Kodora: i think you can slighty curve this stream - more smooth stream would looks more natural at this part
16:35 Kodora: 01:02:358 (5,9) - unrankable hidden repeat again :<
16:35 imoutosan: I just copied one part of AHO :< It seems fine with normal skin
16:36 imoutosan: and there is already no flow in the former > <
16:38 Kodora: Well, AHO's maps may be old and get ranked before this rule got amendment
16:40 imoutosan: The rule isn't very reasonable :< I want to keep it unless the worst situation
16:40 Kodora: you know there is so many unreasonable rules but we need to follow them x.x
16:42 imoutosan: Taken notes. I'll just ensure these issues to some bat
16:43 imoutosan: (if I could find one
16:44 Kodora: 01:32:573 (1,2,3) - due to stack leniency this part looks quite messy while playing :<
16:45 Kodora: try to stack it like this, so it will looks better
16:45 imoutosan: yeah quite silly :< thx
16:47 Kodora: 01:39:430 (1,2,3) - Same
16:47 Kodora: well, i guess you can fix rest by yourself XD
16:47 imoutosan: lol yes
16:48 Kodora: that's all probably XD map seems quite good, i'm just afraid of some 1/4 jumps and spacing like 02:15:430 (1,2,3,4,5) -
16:49 Kodora: damn this song so amazing ;w; would ask for gd but mapset seems full ;w;
16:49 imoutosan: I wish ._.
16:49 imoutosan: lol I have to have dinner > < my mom is going to be mad
16:51 Kodora: 02:34:311 - green line is unsnapped and this one should be fixed
16:51 Kodora: since it should appear at this note
16:51 Kodora: 02:44:765 (1) - wrongly snapped note
16:52 Kodora: 02:45:971 (4) - ^
16:53 Kodora: 02:47:226 (8) - ^
17:14 imoutosan: all fixed > < sry for absence
17:16 Kodora: did you cut this mp3?
17:17 imoutosan: nope
17:17 imoutosan: short ver is already 3min
17:17 Kodora: ah i see
17:18 Kodora: well, good luck :3
17:18 imoutosan: thx :3
17:18 imoutosan: may you post to the thread as irc mod?
17:19 Kodora: sure :3
[Error 80 - 32]

I feel like the very start of the map is kinda basic. It'd be nice to add more sliders and increase the spacing a little because compared to the rest of the map it's rather boring in my opinion.

I really dislike 1/8 slider streams. I feel like they completely destroy the rhythm of a map and this is no exception. To me they're just an area to mash as fast as I can on.

The map is pretty much all alternating which I am not only bad at, but dislike too. My mods are usually based on just what feels good and bad to me, not technical issues with the map. With that in mind please be aware that I will pick apart at a lot of stuff and it's completely fine to disagree with everything because I'll admit I have personal issues with this style of mapping. I'm not calling your map bad at all, it's just not my cup of tea. With that in mind, here goes!

00:46:609 (4,5) - I think the pattern this jump sits on plays fine UNTIL this jump. I think it'd play batter if the spacing was reduced here so that it wasn't such a jump.
01:30:859 (1,1,1) - The SV here gets waaaay too high for me. Start lower and increase up to 1.5 SV maximum.
01:40:395 (2,3) - ctrl G. This pattern goes in the opposite direction to the direction my hand wants to go.
01:55:502 (5,6) - I really dislike how you go into this 1/4 star using the large slider jump. I would make this jump smaller. I also personally think you should change this star into a less spaced stream because the star pattern itself feels weird.
02:45:371 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - For sure use more sliders here, the bpm changes so you need to make it REALLY clear to the player what's happening with the rhythm. Also it'll annoy people getting 100's here after managing the rest of the map and I think it'll just cause frustration.
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

jesus1412 wrote:

[Error 80 - 32]

I feel like the very start of the map is kinda basic. It'd be nice to add more sliders and increase the spacing a little because compared to the rest of the map it's rather boring in my opinion. I think for the peace parts it's better to make basic maps.

I really dislike 1/8 slider streams. I feel like they completely destroy the rhythm of a map and this is no exception. To me they're just an area to mash as fast as I can on. Maybe. Anyone want 280 streams?

The map is pretty much all alternating which I am not only bad at, but dislike too. My mods are usually based on just what feels good and bad to me, not technical issues with the map. With that in mind please be aware that I will pick apart at a lot of stuff and it's completely fine to disagree with everything because I'll admit I have personal issues with this style of mapping. I'm not calling your map bad at all, it's just not my cup of tea. With that in mind, here goes!

00:46:609 (4,5) - I think the pattern this jump sits on plays fine UNTIL this jump. I think it'd play batter if the spacing was reduced here so that it wasn't such a jump. The DS are nearly same in this part. I want to keep it.
01:30:859 (1,1,1) - The SV here gets waaaay too high for me. Start lower and increase up to 1.5 SV maximum. I got no idea. This pattern will become a mess on cs3.5 if I recuce the SV.
01:40:395 (2,3) - ctrl G. This pattern goes in the opposite direction to the direction my hand wants to go. Fixed
01:55:502 (5,6) - I really dislike how you go into this 1/4 star using the large slider jump. I would make this jump smaller. I also personally think you should change this star into a less spaced stream because the star pattern itself feels weird. This is just my personal understanding of the rhythm. For me I feel it's ok since I'm a mouse only player.
02:45:371 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - For sure use more sliders here, the bpm changes so you need to make it REALLY clear to the player what's happening with the rhythm. Also it'll annoy people getting 100's here after managing the rest of the map and I think it'll just cause frustration. Sliders can't make the same feeling as clicking circles. Of course it's frustrating, butchanging to sliders won't make it better imo.
Thanks for modding.
from my queue

  1. since your current BG size is 1365x768, you'd better fix them to 1366x768. i've heard that some tiny pixel differences are still rankable but pls fix them for sure
  2. if i remember correctly, kiai should be the same throughout mapset unless it's GD. edit : it's a guideline not a rule
  1. 00:13:747 (3) - add NC for consistency
  2. 00:27:431 (4) - ^
  3. 01:15:859 (1) - try moving this spinner to previous red tick 01:15:645 - . current rhytem feels a bit awkward imo. also consider adding NC 01:15:431 (6) - here. not only here, but also other spinners as well
  4. 01:15:431 (6) - same opinion as 00:13:747 (3) -
  5. 02:38:597 (3) - add NC for the same reason
  1. 00:12:033 (5) - it would be great if you add NC to indicate the sudden distance change
  2. 00:22:288 (4) - i have no idea if you have some special NC patterns because some of NCs are placed inconsistently. for example 00:25:716 (4) - , 00:27:431 (6) - etc.
  3. 00:30:859 (1,1) - this gap seems a bit narrow even it has low bpm. try to snap the spinner's end at 00:33:859 - for sure
  4. 01:03:431 (1,1) - ^
  5. 01:17:145 (1,1) - ^ it seems that you really prefer using such pattern, but it's not really good idea as player's point of view
  6. 01:27:002 (6) - missed clap?
  7. 01:44:573 (1,1) - same opinion as 00:30:859 (1,1) - , it is also not a good idea that cut the kiai time while spinning.
  8. 01:58:288 (1,1) - ^
  9. 02:05:145 (1,1) - ^
  10. 02:18:859 (1,1) - ^ according to the vocal, it'd be much better if you snap its end on previous white tick

    i found that there are some missed claps at 00:44:145 (9) - , 00:47:573 (5) - etc. but since i'm not sure if those are intended to be there without clap, i'm just mentioning about it
[cwR's Insane]
  1. 00:06:675 (2,3) - according to the song, i think adding jump distance between these would be better. keeping distance consistenty is also nice
  2. 00:08:390 (6,7) - ^
  3. 01:18:645 (5) - try different pattern for better flow, current pattern isn't that bad but it would be better if it has better flow because it's snapped on 1/4 beat
  4. 01:23:788 (5) - i thin this note needs drum finish rather than soft whistle
  5. 01:46:287 - snap this green line pls. 1ms unsnapped
[Error: 80 - 32]
  1. 00:04:747 (5) - i think it would be better if you move this whistle to 00:04:961 (6) - here
  2. 00:06:675 (4,1) - how about keep the distance consistently? current distance seems a bit awkward even it fits with the song. or trying different pattern is also nice
  3. 00:08:604 (1) - ^
  4. 00:38:145 (2) - is the note without clap intended?
  5. 00:46:288 (1,2,3,4,5) - even though it's the hardest diff on this mapset, it seems that this pattern looks really really hard to pass without miss. consider using better pattern to play, not only here but also other same patterns
  6. 01:03:002 (9) - current placement seems a bit dangerous because the repeat arrow is quite hidden by previous note from my standpoint. what about moving the slider for sure?
  7. 01:15:966 (1) - this NC seems unnecessary, try removing it
  8. 02:44:252 (2) - i'm pretty sure that this slider's tail should be snapped on 1/3 rather than 1/4
  9. 02:44:765 (1) - unsnapped slider (found as AIBat)
  10. 02:45:971 (4,8) - consider adding NC to indicate BPM changes
will finish this by tomorrow good luck

HelloSCV wrote:

[cwR's Insane]
  1. 00:06:675 (2,3) - according to the song, i think adding jump distance between these would be better. keeping distance consistenty is also nice ok
  2. 00:08:390 (6,7) - ^
  3. 01:18:645 (5) - try different pattern for better flow, current pattern isn't that bad but it would be better if it has better flow because it's snapped on 1/4 beat ok
  4. 01:23:788 (5) - i thin this note needs drum finish rather than soft whistle soft whistle is enough imo
  5. 01:46:287 - snap this green line pls. 1ms unsnapped fixed
Topic Starter
Fushimi Rio

HelloSCV wrote:

from my queue

  1. since your current BG size is 1365x768, you'd better fix them to 1366x768. i've heard that some tiny pixel differences are still rankable but pls fix them for sure
    Thx. I'll fix it some time.
  2. if i remember correctly, kiai should be the same throughout mapset unless it's GD. edit : it's a guideline not a rule

All fixed


  • All fixed.

    i found that there are some missed claps at 00:44:145 (9) - , 00:47:573 (5) - etc. but since i'm not sure if those are intended to be there without clap, i'm just mentioning about it I changed my idea and added claps.
[cwR's Insane]
  1. 00:06:675 (2,3) - according to the song, i think adding jump distance between these would be better. keeping distance consistenty is also nice
  2. 00:08:390 (6,7) - ^
  3. 01:18:645 (5) - try different pattern for better flow, current pattern isn't that bad but it would be better if it has better flow because it's snapped on 1/4 beat
  4. 01:23:788 (5) - i thin this note needs drum finish rather than soft whistle
  5. 01:46:287 - snap this green line pls. 1ms unsnapped
[Error: 80 - 32]
  1. 00:06:675 (4,1) - how about keep the distance consistently? current distance seems a bit awkward even it fits with the song. or trying different pattern is also nice
    ...I prefer keep it now.
  2. 00:38:145 (2) - is the note without clap intended? sorry, just a mistake. fixed.
  3. 00:46:288 (1,2,3,4,5) - even though it's the hardest diff on this mapset, it seems that this pattern looks really really hard to pass without miss. consider using better pattern to play, not only here but also other same patterns
    yeah, someone complained it too. but I still don't understand why because I can play this pattern easily while fail on other patterns.
  4. 01:03:002 (9) - current placement seems a bit dangerous because the repeat arrow is quite hidden by previous note from my standpoint. what about moving the slider for sure?
    um, it seems fine. I'll do it when it's necessary.
will finish this by tomorrow good luck
Sorry for late reply. No reply is fixed. Thanks a lot!
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