You can say whatever you want, but it won't matter. The concept of improving is simple, you do something that's difficult, your body adapts, and with this in mind will you still tell me "oh yeah play within or below your comfort zone to work on your blah blah blah" look man if you say this no Offense you're a pussy. You can work on whatever you want but you won't be improving efficiently. you can play within the comfort zone all you want for consistency but that's in most cases a waste. Playing 5* maps won't get you used to 6* or 7*. additionally, rn pp record potential could be 1500 and still people claim that they've reached their limits at 500. you're not working hard enough, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. Go download a shit ton of beatmaps and play the maps that actually challenge you. the only thing keeping top players from pushing further is the lack of high star maps, so dt is obviously gonna be the best option to get more difficult maps. you can become a 4/3 digit, just work harder than everybody.