
Aura Kingdom online osu guild

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Yeah Jinxy I guess you're correct, but still, this game is gonna die really FAST anyway because the content will -end- somewhere, and it's probably going to be soon.Only the Sky Tower seems interesting to me, I hope it's going to be really hard with those 40 people, and not just because they're uncoordinated...
Ran a semi-coordinated IA run with 2 Sorc/Bard (me), a Bard/Wiz, a Guard/Bard, and a Gren/Gun. 26 floors. Man, that was fun. We coordinated the tactical masteries and group buffs, but it would have been pretty awesome if the Ambient Drones were coordinated too, 4-5 stuns in a row in a normal floor would have been insane. Well, that, or me running a different DPS class instead of Sorc.

First 3 Zaahirs were easy, 4th Zaahir OHKO'd me, and by 5th Zaahir I was hopping and jump-casting around like a bunny on crack
Bard's Ambient Drones on speedcap (50%, easy to get on Bard, seriously) have 5 or 6 seconds cooldown, that's already a lot of stun time. Too bad you can't really coordinate without voice comms.
Ambient Drone's sound effect is quite audible, so I don't think it's too difficult without voice comms, not that it doesn't help. We did get chain stuns of 2-3, just by listening and watching the monsters, the problem was mostly when 2 people used their stun at the same time
Professor Prinny
So I jump in to the Guild Hall, expecting Elgios and instead I find this...
So they stay for at least 2-3 hours wow
Professor Prinny
Yeah and it seems like the battle can go for as long as you need to
UH that looks pretty... lonely over there. Though I'm not sure about my guild anymore, but we'll see tomorrow, after long awaited update!
Wait what Prinny did you not kill them or something? They're still there.

Well, were. They're gone for real this time I think
Professor Prinny
Those two in the screenshot were the 12:00 EST Vayu and the 14:00 EST Elgios

I at least deserve a key for beating both of them together but got the usual crests and LP >_>

The ones you saw were probably the ones I was asleep for.
Professor Prinny
Here's Quel and Aelius together. Aelius key + 2 Quel frags :)
Also Aelius' fireballs hurt.

Well, time to wait for the content update to finish in some hours.

Ciunek wrote:

The game is horribly boring, especially when you reach around lvl50-55, the fact you can reach it in 2-3 days if you play enough doesn't help either. After that it's grindy, in general it poses no challenge whatsoever as long as you or/and your party (especially bard) are not idiots, and every quest feels like a chore, it's just kill and gather, which turns into kill more and gather more later on. Not to mention high level monsters are just recolored low level models. I even stopped doing dailies because I just can't force myself through all the boredom. I'll play again when new content is released, just to quit soon after it, again.

If you still want to dl this game, go ahead though.

well you are right played till lvl 25 and i just dont like it the q ect i feel like i just do everything over and over again and its just to easy like u dont even have to walk ore find something u just click the q and it will do it automaticly for u .
Played new content yesterday. Aside from boring areas again (same quest types so yeah, you know what to expect), level60 dungeons are DAMN HARD. Monsters are 2shotting me most of time... (55k HP).
Professor Prinny
Ozymand Temple hell and Ghostweep Cave hell can easily 1 shot lots of people too.

Both make Wrathborne Temple hell look like a joke.
What's this? Do you have a link to the game?
who needs an ia tank when you have me jumping around in circles avoiding every red aoe while zaahirs aggro is superglued on me

no one

thats who

Honestly though, I'm starting to think my character has a hidden malice bonus or something, like maybe a very punchable face. I'm a Sorc and I took aggro from a Duelist 3 levels higher than me
Wow as I expected there's forum for Aura Kingdom here.
New-fag player here. Just reached lvl 55, planning to enter Infernal Abyss. Any tips?

Anyway, IGN : Dungeon. I'm playing on Siren.
Get armor with Fire element, it cuts damage done to you. If you're DPS, get as many 6-7% damage to Fire enemies secret stones as you can. Also, avoid red fields and flames on boss.
When Oblitus and Star Sand came out, I immediately ran a run in Ozymand Hell and found myself dying so easily. (I die like a few seconds after arriving to the boss) These were my stats during the run: (+3 Elemental Set)
27k HP, 52% def

Seeing as I had a really hard time I took all the HP SS I could get, bought the whole Leo set and got the Moon Shadow set as well. Now my stats are:
35k HP, 58% def (but my damage decreased by 5k and crit decreased by 14% from 53%)

Is it worth the change or should I go back to being full DPS again? I'm a Sorc btw.
What's your subclass? If it's more offensively oriented (e.g. Wiz) then honestly it's probably better to run DPS gear. I believe the first boss of Ozymand has an AoE that affects everyone if even 1 person/Eidolon touches it, so you need to have good teamwork and people who know wtf they're doing. Other than that, you shouldn't be holding aggro long enough to be killed.

If it's defensive like Bard or something, then MAYBE Def gear might be better. In which case your job becomes more a debuffer and subhealer so be sure to stack Big Game Hunter and all the other debuffs, spam Nightmare Totem, and possibly sacrifice Corrosive Seal for Entangling Seal too.

Sorcs are in the weird limbo where we can't DPS as well as a Duel/GS, and can't support as well as a Bard, imo, which is kinda annoying. Big Game Hunter and Nightmare Totem are the only major things going for us.

I've actually seen a guide for an EVA Sorc that replaces tank on the Aeria forums, but personally EVA is a huge mess so meh
Well, I suppose DPS classes depend on gear to be able to dps properly a lot. Also as Jinxy said, EVA is garbage. Most of time you find yourself fighting mobs above your level, which cuts the efectiveness. Recently I respecced to full HP with my bard, I feel much safer with 57k hp, while still having 33% eva and 47% def buffed, without investing any points there.
My sub is grenadier, for the machine gun summon and the healing crystal. But with the full DPS set, I would be lucky to survive one hit (26k damage, but if it's critical it becomes around 34k). Oh and if it helps, I invested around 67 to my def. I thought that since my heal is pretty weak, I'd need enough def for my low heal to catch up.
I'd definitely consider Gren a more offensive class, it doesn't seem to have enough support skills to justify going defensive imo.

Healing Crystal isn't as good in party situations imo, since a Bard would easily outheal it. Best to run Turret more often I think.

Ozymand seems to be a bitch to all DPS classes. Always avoid all red AoEs and try to practice jump-casting so you don't get rooted when casting skills. If normal enemy hits are dropping you, then best I can suggest is to always pay attention to when the tank drops aggro, and stun/freeze the enemy with Gren skills or Totem and pray the tank takes aggro back.
I'll try to do my best and coordinate well (I usually go with random parties). I haven't tried jump casting yet, so that's something I could try.

Ciunek wrote:

Well, I suppose DPS classes depend on gear to be able to dps properly a lot. Also as Jinxy said, EVA is garbage. Most of time you find yourself fighting mobs above your level, which cuts the efectiveness. Recently I respecced to full HP with my bard, I feel much safer with 57k hp, while still having 33% eva and 47% def buffed, without investing any points there.
IMHO EVA's Garbage 'for now' , since we're still in the middle of lots of PVE which is useless to them. I'm sure it will be a vital stats for the End game though when it was PVP oriented, not like right now. Kinda hate it too when there is a Due**st with CRIT/EVA focused and he/she have a small hp (ie: ~23k HP), but complains if he/she died because of the mobs (inb4 Toto). meh.

Btw my IGN is Dariel, playing on Siren server. Nice to meet you all :)

Fafeluke wrote:

IMHO EVA's Garbage 'for now' , since we're still in the middle of lots of PVE which is useless to them. I'm sure it will be a vital stats for the End game though when it was PVP oriented, not like right now.
On the contrary, EVA's golden age in PVP is already now I believe. In later content, there will be more ACC gear making it even worse.

Any stat that affects all or nothing is almost always terrible and impossible to balance. Either it doesn't work and you die to everything or it works and you're nigh invincible. The only "balance" it'll ever reach is working only in 50% of all game scenarios, in which case you're dead weight for the other 50%
Professor Prinny

Jinxy wrote:

Fafeluke wrote:

IMHO EVA's Garbage 'for now' , since we're still in the middle of lots of PVE which is useless to them. I'm sure it will be a vital stats for the End game though when it was PVP oriented, not like right now.
On the contrary, EVA's golden age in PVP is already now I believe. In later content, there will be more ACC gear making it even worse.

Any stat that affects all or nothing is almost always terrible and impossible to balance. Either it doesn't work and you die to everything or it works and you're nigh invincible. The only "balance" it'll ever reach is working only in 50% of all game scenarios, in which case you're dead weight for the other 50%
Yeah currently in pvp, Eva is not that bad but with the +15% acc for lv 60+ cores it's somewhat bad if it's not over 60% at least for now. So for now if you're planning to run eva then it'll be better to run it with a hybrid with def or hp to help with survivability since for now it's helped me survive a lot of what used to be 1 hit ko's for me in pvp and pve to get healed by a bard or even use Ballisong as a Duelist to escape.
Holy shit Fish Kings do not fuck around if you don't have full Orange gear, went in with 2/5 Orange, and:

1. King Sand Crab's Blue bar is so ridiculously tiny you'd need to be able to read AR12 or something to react in time
2. You don't catch the Copper Shark King, the Copper Shark King decides if it wants to be caught by you. It can easily choose not release tension at all and cause me to drop to Yellow due to its insane SPD, or choose to just flat out drop all tension and send me flying straight into Red. Oh, and assuming it doesn't regen stamina because it hit Yellow, it's still probably going to take a good 10min or so to reel up
Yeah, the fishes troll a LOT. I've given up on Kings until I collect sets and orange rods.

This class is currently not available in any version of Aura Kingdom at the moment. This class was found through data mining. The name of this class could very well change in the future since nothing is set in stone. However, the odds of that happening is next to none. Then again, I do not make the names, Aeriagames does.
So meanwhile, I'm sitting here on a private server (didn't even have to redownload the game) with x5 exp and x2 droprate, laughing at everyone playing official with Aeria being jews and downtime all the time :')
If you had posted that a week ago, I would have argued that the downtimes weren't bad enough to justify playing on a PS which might close down any time without warning since they don't have to pay for publisher rights and don't lose anything

Now? Very tempting. The official servers are plagued with a glitched .dll file that makes sorc skills freeze the game, which should be easily fixed by just not making the patcher download it, considering we can manually hotfix it by changing the .dll. It has not been fixed for half a week now.

And Sky Tower 1-10F weapon and mastery loots have been completely removed.

Questions for the PS:

Are there enough people to do Sky Tower, and have the weapon loots been removed from Sky Tower on the PS? Do Serena and Tsubaki spawn in dungeons?

I've heard from guildmates that dungeon parties were really hard to find due to the smaller community, so I just wanna know if it has any large effect. And obviously, I want to know if the things Aeria removed were readded.
I started playing PS on the evening 3 days ago, almost hit lvl58 now, I don't know about the high level stuff yet. I'm not sure about Serena and Tsubaki, I just asked about it in shoutbox, the devs are working on that, but not yet done. I haven't seen any ST complaints yet and afaik there's not really many people doing it (server is still small, so yeah).
As for some other things, you get 12AP per day for being online 3 hours in game, you get FOUR(!) spawns in Eido Temple per entry and ALL the entries have reduced waiting time by half. And I think someone mentioned that IA is available everyday too, as just opposed to few days. I only wish there server was more populated, you can't really do pt dungeons unless you find a guild... and I haven't yet - still, that only displays how easy is to grind xp.

Also yeah, the latest patch and ninja changes ruined the official server, I wanted to try Bow so tried this one... and I think I'm staying for a while.

Also I'mma just post it here as well, some Item Mall screenies

Yep, permanent Date a Live costumes, offer till March 26th or so
Just so you can get some pricing comparision going.

Also, if you mean the things like Uzuriel being pickable from quests, no, that's not re-added. Just to tell you though, after 3 days, I'm halfway towards completing her key, with relatively bad luck. Same with Koto, Eligos and Bahadur.
Wait.. There is an osu! guild in Aura Kingdom... on SIREN???!?!?!?

I've been playing this long and haven't seen any osu! guild or anything :o

Currently 13/15 in ST... Hopefully clearing it tonight. Wish me luck ;)
Well there was. It's all but dead now and I'm playing with another guild with Prof Prinny. Probably giving PS a try though, I just can't find the incentive to play main server after the clusterfuck of problems and removed content.

...Funnily enough, I remembered seeing a Lantina a few times and wondered if that was you since that's your Pokemon name too, right?
Lantina has always been my alias for female characters, which I've been using in different MMOs for over 10 years >_<

But yeah, that's the name for my Y file in Pokemon X/Y

Right now the game is extremely bugged thanks to sorcerers. There is a temporary fix but having to apply it each time is just tedious. Gotten too far on the main server to even want to bother with PS's or anything.

And to be honest. I don't even play AK anymore really. I log on twice a week to raid and that's all it has been for the past 3 weeks now. Only have got like 10% since then lol.
PS sucks i overlevelled and missed out on the level rewards :(

nah just kidding, I can always use alts for it. The amount of loot gotten from chests and such is great though, never had a full lv15 yellow armor set before. Secret Stones can stack past 10, that's helpful.

EDIT: ok yeah I'm L40 and I haven't even touched Cactakara quests which means I'm not going to be able to get a subclass anytime soon, the exp rate is a little ridiculous early game, coupled with the fact that there are technically 8x temple eidolons means its a little too good for level grinding

EDIT2: Either you get friends to play with you on the PS or you find a guild, or else there is no way in hell you're going to do any party dungeons. Recruitment is deserted. I had to wait like half an hour before me and 2 other people called it quits and just 3-manned it, 2 Guard and 1 Ranger.

Apparently there will be a change in publisher in Apr, from Aeria to some german company. Maybe they won't suck as bad. I mean, it's a pretty low threshold
Pserv is actually getting bit populated now, both channels are Active. And yep, without guild you can't do any party dungeons, pretty much, though you can always try on Trade channel - some people post recruitments there.
Also, the cutest eido get

Siren Server (and North american) first Floor 15 clear! on March 22, 2014 at 20:57 server time!

Congrats on clearing ST, damn strong.
I haven't checked AK in a while and it seems like there are problems in it.
Are the problems that bad? I know of the sorc thing which was fixed, but what other problems are there?

I'm getting tempted to try PS
In my opinion:

Servers -
Main still has intermittent problems every week or so it seems, and when they go down, the entire thing just goes.
PS recently had some problems too, but for the past two problems I noticed, only one channel went down and the other was still functioning.

Economy -
If you're a casual player, there's nothing too problematic in Main. If you're the kind who wants medium-high end equipment though, you either need to sell AP or play the market really really well, buy really low and sell really high or something. Or get lucky in drops (ha). Prices for those things are rising insanely due to shitty drop rates (low supply) and a lot of rich people who are willing and able to pay a lot (high demand), be it market players or gold buyers.
PS, inflation for medium-high is still pretty well controlled thanks to 2x drop rate increasing demand and no extra gold rate, but I'm pretty sure high end stuff are still very expensive.

Community - Main server's still nicely populated after the sorc bug was fixed, but a guild in PS is nigh compulsory if you want party shit done without waiting half a day. Less people also mean there are less guilds that are very casual since everyone wants an active guild to play with.

Item Mall -
Main's loyalty shop is getting better imo, it just introduced 5-slot bags that can be fused, though they're obviously bound beforehand. Ruby coins can also be bought with LP. Eidolon packs are still a complete joke, though
PS, personally it's not the perfect thing some people make it out to be, no offense. While custom costumes can be more easily gotten and certain LP things are cheaper, there are also some stuff that's AP only. And the 12 AP you get from playing 3 hours a day? You're not going to be able to buy anything worthwhile with it at all without saving for many many months. It's just a trick to get people to donate because you can't do anything with that little bit of AP, which is a waste, but if you top-up juuuust a bit more... Eidolon packs have been rebalanced to be less of a scam, yes, but the ones that matter (Endora, Serena, Verm, etc) are AP only, though this week there's a LP-pack offer that has a chance to give Serena or Cleopawtra. Ruby Coins are also AP only as of now.

Generic Eidolons -
Main, possible Key Frags from elites, fame quests, Temple each 6 hours, GH, etc, etc.
PS, fucking Eidolon Heaven. You get 2x more things for Elite and Fame rewards so that's double the chance, and you have a whopping 16x chance from Temple! 2 summoning stones * 2 eids per stone * 2x drop rate * 2x more temple runs in a day. The Eidolons that spawn in the Temple is still the same, though.

Dungeon/Item Mall Eidolons -
As I've said, getting them is still a complete scam in Main. Though, there are reported sightings of Serena and Endora in Lament of the Thunder Dragon dungeon, and the game is being transferred to a new publisher in Apr so I have some hopes that they'll stop fucking the players over.
In PS, you have a much better chance to get them, but you definitely need to fork over AP for them, unless you wait for LP promotions or something. Dunno how often they are yet.
As for PS: lvl60 armor recipes are much, MUCH cheaper than on official, though Titan's and Revelation's upper body armor are going high now, due to high demand, Devourer is cheap as shit, I sold my Boots recipe for 170g yesterday, I saw people selling it for 150. As Jinxy said, joining a guild is a must if you want to do dungeons in party - there's almost noone going with pubs on recruitment board, sometimes people search on Trade channel though, mostly for tank/heal.
As much as it goes for AP/LP shop, sure, it is still lots of money spent if you want, but at least not $1k+ for an Eido, some people actually got full keys in the first pack, mostly it's 4 to 7. Also, I got Selena on first try from the LP box that's currently in shop, 4500 LP until March 26th.
As for Eido temple on pserv, I heard that GMs are trying to put summoning stones for unobtainable eidos as well, but they're having problems.
Also, my group got Endora spawn in OW:AT yesterday, everyone got a keyfrag, heh.

Oh and jfyi I didn't donate on official and I don't plan to donate on pserv either.
Thanks for the information! Seeing that, I think I should try PS and then see which one's better at April.
I don't use AP, so switching over is fine for me
Professor Prinny

Jinxy wrote:

Dungeon/Item Mall Eidolons -
As I've said, getting them is still a complete scam in Main. Though, there are reported sightings of Serena and Endora in Lament of the Thunder Dragon dungeon, and the game is being transferred to a new publisher in Apr so I have some hopes that they'll stop fucking the players over.
In PS, you have a much better chance to get them, but you definitely need to fork over AP for them, unless you wait for LP promotions or something. Dunno how often they are yet.
Serena, Endora, Tsubaki and Vermillion all spawn in Lament
My group got Endora spawn 3 times today, all the time running OW party mode without a tank. Kinda hard to handle Endora, but we did it.
Topic Starter
Lol i didn't know this forum was still active.
Everyone suddenly stopped being active on Aura Kingdom.
Even on skype everyone stopped talking about it,now its all about anime and random games XD
wait , i need reach my max cap in ragnarok before targeting in aura kingdom XD

- O n i -
they had a thread for this?
eh fk i'm pretty late anyway
I had my share of good laugh today reading official forums. Holy shit Aeria, way to ruin already dying game.

Meanwhile, my guild on pserv had mass summon after 5pm Uzu. 28 Eidos total were slain. RIP.

edit for greater good and I don't wanna bump dead thread with new post anyway:
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