
Taiko map generator

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If there already was a topic about this project, please give me a link and close this thread.
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I came up with an idea yesterday about an auto Taiko map generator after reading the thread about Square Map Generator project.
I just wonder if someone could try to make this project (I know it's possible).

(I know almost nothing about map editor)
The program should work like:
- open a timed *.osu file selected by user
- set the pointer on [HitObjects] option
- chose a random number of notes in the pattern
- randomize pattern colors
- write all the stuff in the file, repeat
As far as I know
256(x),192(y),81(offset?/time?),1(I have no idea what is this one. Always like 1 or 5),0(don),0:0:0:0:
256,192,354,5,2(kat(or 8)),0:0:0:0(and the rest I have no idea about):
256,192,490,1,4(big don),0:0:0:0:
256,192,627,5,12(big kat),0:0:0:0:
So, col-5: 0 don, 2 or 8 kat, 4 big don, 12 big kat

I guess it would take around few days or a week for me to figure out how to insert timed objects into the .osu file every 1/2, 1/4 tick, etc.
I only know that patterns will be placed every 1/4 tick and the next pattern 1/2 tick later.

Tried to read the Renard Taiko Collab (the example above is from this one) and I see the first note is placed on 81ms, ok.
Next tick is 1/1, so it's placed 273ms later. Then there goes 1/2 every 134-136ms and 1/4 every 68-69ms.
Is there any difference if a note is misplaced by 1-2ms?

So, what's the point?
I could start this project myself, but it seems to be a bit hard for me.
The only thing I don't know is:
How should I know the times between next notes that I want to write in the .osu file?
  • Lol, I forgot it's
    [list:1337]60/(220BPM*1) = for 1/1 ~237ms(
  • 60/(220*2) = for 1/2 ~136ms
  • 60/(220*4) = for 1/4 ~69ms
OK then, but I've seen that the difference on an example map is around 1ms between the notes.
What if I keep inserting my patterns with the const value, like always 69ms or 136ms. I think it will just feel horrible after 3 minutes with all the misplaced notes.

So, my question is:
Is anyone willing to try starting this project or I should try this myself as I started this thread?
I know that the generator without a specific algorithm will just look TOTALY RANDOM, but it's okay. It's just an experimental project, so people can expand the functionality and pattern calculating by themselves.
[edit]I forgot to add. This will totaly fail with different BPM in the map...[]
Hehe, of course I will try, but I don't have much time a bit at the moment.
It's just a scratch of this idea and I hope you experienced guys out there will flame me or say "lol, shitty idea", so I won't do weird threads again.
Lol, I actualy made it and it is so damn hilarious xDD
I will upload it tomorrow (well, today o.0) Too tired right now.
Known issues:
  • It will also randomly map the breaks (even if there is no music, lol. I have no idea how to skip it)
    You have to manualy set the starting and ending points in miliseconds
  • -add a textbox to set the starting and ending point for the script
And no, I did not use the search function, please don't kill me. :?
I think I didn't forget about anything. It's just an idea for you guys, to have some fun.
WHO KNOWS, maybe in the future we won't need modded Taiko diffs and generate rankable difficulties in a minute 8-) (lawl, dreams)
Hello there!
I'm editing this post and leaving the old one as scrapped in the Box above.

So I just managed to start this project and here it is.
Taiko Map Generator

How does it work?
Simply, it loads an .osu file, randomly generates patterns, writes into file to the end point:
- load an .osu file
- user have to set the Starting Point in miliseconds in the textbox (it's the offset of your map)
- same with the Ending point (just go to your last tick, place a Hit Object, save -> edit -> read the time from 3rd column on the last Hit Object)

246485 in this example

- pick the pattern difficulty (this will generate patterns up to X notes)
- GO! (button available after filling all the data - starting/ending point, BPM, file)
- there goes the loop with Starting Point <= Ending Point:
  • Generating a random pattern count (it's an odd number, because it looks cool (1,3,5,7, etc.))
    If the Count is even, ++ or --
    There goes another loop (as many times as the Count):
    [list:1337]randomly pick a Don or Kat
    Write down the HitObject in .osu file
    Add time equals to the 1/4 tick
Another pattern is 1/2 tick later- and it's done. Showing a MessageBox with info about the progress (done)
- file is saved as: FILENAME.osu2
- I'm not into C#, so it may CRASH anytime or whatever you do wrong, dunno.
Known issues
- IT WILL MAP THE BREAKS if you have any, so you have to delete notes manualy
- Map Generator reqiures a TOTALY CONSTANT BPM and a perfect timing or else your notes will just be misplaced
- Timing points can also misplace your notes. As an example, I give you a generated diff to BD's map:
Lapfox Trax feat. guilhox - Lapfoxed Forever -----> HERE (RAR'd it :/ )
The entire map is 220BPM, but there is a timing point that changes it to 219,250
DUNNO, I JUST HIT THE SNAP and misplaced notes were fixed

So it's strongly recommended to use const BPM.

- Also there is a map like The Big Black that has 360,300 BPM, so you have to divide the BPM by 2 with the checkbox
- I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DEAL WITH TIMING POINTS :( you have to manually SNAP the hit objects if you have timing points that change your BPM, but I guess it will just destroy your map, but you can try :D
- ALSO no idea how it will behave with non-unicode file names or directories.

Change the extension from .osu2 to .osu and you are done.

Taiko Map Generator [.exe] (updated)
I didn't even make an icon and it looks ugly xDD

And I know that shit may happen :D
Don't worry, online virus scanner found nothing D:
Sorry, but I have never been exporting .exe files through Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and I DON'T KNOW if it will work for the others.
If it doesn't, please immediately post in here the error or a TIP for me how to properly make an .exe file.

Taiko Map Generator Solution
I forgot to mention one thing. It's HIGHLY recommended to not use this generator for a maps that you want to get ranked.
If you are a Taiko player, it's a cool thing for pattern training.
Big Black no work :(
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RatedNC17 wrote:

Big Black no work :(
"(difficulty only)"
Paste it in The Big Black directory (I didn't upload the whole map)
So do you add the offset on where you want the first note to hit and add an endpoint for the last note?
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Offset - first note
Endpoint - the last note

If I make a map by this generator, I only place the last note on the map just to read the time for the program.
(and removing notes, because it will insert two notes in the same place)
I usualy use existing maps just to copy/paste the BPM and the offset to make it work perfectly.
I know I can rewrite it to read manually, but maybe later o3o
Alright i'll try it :)
- Marco -
doesn't work for me :c
- Marco -
it doesn't do the spacing, and osu don't read it as taiko :c
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Forgot to add that you have to set your map as a Taiko map:
Song setup -> Advanced -> Mod specific: Taiko

And what do you mean by the spacing?
That the notes are in one place? (it doesn't matter on Taiko maps)

Just in case, I will write a Step by Step tip in my main post later.
Source code?
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Marcin wrote:

Source code?
I was thinking about sharing the whole project, but maybe later.
When I rewrite it to the functioning web service, because it will be easier to handle for me, I will upload this project.

Here. Take this project Taiko Map Generator Solution
Also, there are more comments than the actual code xD, but I think it's OK to do this.

And also fixed the Wtf difficulty, because of skipping patterns.
Editing the Main post and ENJOY.
That feeling when you think you have made a mistake.
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