
How many times have your maps been roasted?

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Hoshimegu Mio
Having maps be roasted is something every new mapper goes through, probably for years. Even experienced mappers sometimes get roasted.

So how often is that for you?
People always were nice and constructive whenever i asked for feedback.
I started with mapping in 2013 and back then the mapping community wasn't as elitist as it is nowdays.
My maps were total doo doo
Nonsense rhythms, no visual consistency at all, no DS, which was required back then.
People still always gave good input and were super nice.

And when I returned to mapping i prob got lucky with modders - sets were not fit to current mapping meta, normal people just gave input and BNs didn't bother explaining basic shit obv - so I just stumbled around till I got up to speed.

Seeing newer mappers getting shit thrown at them for not knowing things that aren't obvious for someone without insider knowledge pains my soul 24/7 tbh
Ryu Sei
More times than the amount of my graveyarded maps
heavily depends on how you define "roast"

when people shit on my maps with no substance it mostly just goes in through one ear and out the other so I can't really give any numbers on that

but I've gotten more instances of constructive feedback than I can count over the years
Jason X
Other than OnosakiHito roasting my timing in my early maps, just a few times.
(Only counting actual feedback (constructive or not), and not just "This map is bad")

If something seems bad I usually get feedback on how to change it and that's it.
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