
i think i hit a wall

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ok so about a week ago i had a big ass skillboost and now im having the complete opposite, im getting bad acc on some scores
any help
Wimpy Cursed
I usually feel like this when I need a break (I play too much) or when I am just having a bad time.

So I would suggest to take a break maybe or just play maps that are just fun to you, not so challenging.
There is not much I can say other than that.
Be patient & chill, play less if u want.

Improvement ain't something you can rush just because u want it. Be patient, don't expect progress on a daily/weekly basis. You got a big ass skillboost recently, that good. You've made improvements & it's not going away.

Apart from that, do what Wimpy Cursed said.
Maybe your standards increased after your skillboost. Usually you do go back down, as all good days will. Hey maybe you're just having bad days too.
Just happens bro
You don't always get good sessions and that's just how it is, you have to be patient and just keep on playing and eventually you will get a good session again
Play new maps try new things get good sleep (so important!) and if nothing changes for a while then it's time to take a break for about a week

Maybe this is also worth mentioning but don't take the game too seriously, play it to have fun and don't stress yourself because you aren't improving at the moment, it takes time, a lot of it

you got this woo
Omg jkzu hi!!!! 😍
from my experience playing competitive rhythm game, I'd like to think it like New Game+
you grind clear to expand your skill, once you hit a wall, you go WAY back to practice your accuracy.
once you satisfied with your accuracy stability, you grind clear once again. rinse and repeat.

another trick that I learned is, the higher the difficulty, the higher scroll speed required, which often also includes either re-learning the hitbox or adjusting offset (VERY RISKY, but high reward).

other thing that I might add is skins. choosing a good skins affects your gameplay, but this affects more on outside of 4k. on 4k, just use whatever as long as it doesnt have long "hit animation" that trips you up on dense chart.
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