
TD nerf is useless

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Touchscreen is type of playing osu where you click screen.

In december 2017 freedomdiver set 900pp on Yuima-ru*World TVver [Ultimate] + HDHRDT
Then osu! developers decided to add touchscreen nerf , known as TD mod.
In 2017 freedomdiver 900pp was nerfed to 300pp , now its 240pp because of accuracy and nerf.

Now TD nerf is totally useless and it makes TD plays low pp.
For example yeahbennou HDDTTD FC on ChuChu Lovely 629pp

Without TD mod it would be 1,548PP

Now after mrekk 1,3k plays & a lot of 1.1k plays from top 50 players TD shouldn't be nerfed.
It's actually useless when 70% of TD plays is set as low accuracy plays , so TD players should play high star beatmaps to get a lot of pp.
dung eater
it is useful because td is much easier in many maps and it's nerfed for that reason

the whole aim difficulty is based on moving a cursor from point a to point b. in td you do not move anything (at all or all the way, because many fingers) and many patterns become trivial, even if it is 20 star rating map.

they would have to re-design the whole star rating aim system and nerf any pattern that is easy for td - which would suck for anyone not using td. patterns like that are back and forth jumps and jumps going in repetitive spots of map - you can have a finger ready in the spot and alternate hands/fingers for jumps, without much skill required for aiming.

an option would be td only leaderboard, no td scores at all on main leaderboard/pp system. it would be pretty broken (very unbalanced pp from maps, lots of farm maps for td), too, because star rating is not made for td.
as someone who plays touchscreen, i would normally write out some thoughts on this but i already explained them in a video i made recently so i'll just link that:
this explains like basically all my thoughts on this subject

the only clarification i'd like to add on top of this is that i don't think we should just remove td nerf entirely (i'm not sure if i made that clear in the video). however, td pp shouldn't stay in its current state either - the system is absurd and nonfunctional. the only calculation involved that differentiates td pp from regular pp is raising the aim pp value to the 0.8th power - it doesn't take anything else into consideration. it is very much a band-aid fix. this isn't to say that people haven't put time into trying to design a better solution, because some people definitely have, but those efforts likely won't go anywhere any time soon.

i don't personally have any ideas in mind that i'd like to formally put forward as solutions to this problem (although i think the best idea out of all of them is making touchscreen a different gamemode). my conclusion at the end of that video is that even if there is a great solution out there, a change is inherently unlikely because at the end of the day, very few people really care about touchscreen. to give a prime example of that, we had to beg osu support for over 3 years to add the TD icon to a list of our undetected scores - something that ended up being trivial to implement and something that improved the integrity of the game. i could be misunderstanding the situation, but it seems to me that if osu! staff of all people didn't care enough about touchscreen to fix an objective issue, no one cares about touchscreen enough to make any sort of change. i will say though, that might not be the case in the near future. the recent td support update for lazer was awesome.

in summary, this is why i've personally given up hope that something's going to change with the touchscreen system. but yes, something definitely needs to.
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you don't understand me guys , the td nerf is too strong and to get 1000pp for example you need to FC 14 star map , even with touchscreen its unable

and td nerf is totally useless when 80% plays with TD is low accuracy so its unable to get 2k pp or something
dung eater
The first ever 900 pp score was actually done on touchscreen, and all tag4 maps were _unranked_ because they were thought overweight with td.

The td nerf is strong, because there is no good way to nerf it currently, so it has to be a strong nerf. It's just a differend way to aim and pretty much impossible to balance with mouse and tablet.

There would need to be another game mode for td, that has it's own leaderboards and own star-rating, because aim star-rating does not work for td.

i'm a bit salty as a non-td player because some maps were unranked and i probably just imagine some patterns might never be ranked if they seem to be super broken for td.
it's a neverending debate
Touchscreen scores can not be compared to mouse scores because on touchscreen, you can effectively use 10 different cursors. TD being nerfed to the ground makes sense as pp is supposed to be a way to compare scores to each other, and TD scores are incomparable to mouse scores. If it got removed TD would dominate the meta, and if the nerf got reduced literally 0 people would care
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