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Natteke desu

No Dap wrote:

Hi~ mod fro modding Q

Maybe use slidertick hitsound for claps? It felt empty
TBH, I think you have a pretty bad diff spread. But I could be completely wrong about this

I really highly suggest CS 3 nope
00:02:175 (3,4,5,1) - this beat felt awkward when I played maybe this?and this 00:38:483 (2,3,4,5) - This kind of stack + beat is hard for normal diff, I suggest changing themred here
00:44:791 (6,7) - completely stack them
00:50:791 (1,2) - doesn't look very nice, try blanket
01:00:791 (2,3) - I wouldn't do this, just use DS and it iis actually easier for beginners because they can actually see the note 01:03:252 (2,3) - ^
01:07:714 (1,2) - ^
01:18:175 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest using 1/4 sliders D:
01:21:560 (3,4) - I believe you can do a better blanket here
01:28:329 (1,2) - DS
01:40:637 (2,3,1) - I suggest changing pattern red here 01:46:483 (3,4) - Slider? umm...nope
01:47:252 (6,1) - DS
All other done

Hope my mod helped >~<Yep, thank tou
I can't mod this map '3'

Good map & song, but i think the difficulty gap from Standard to Hyper is somehow too big.
Good luck at ranking this map!

No Dap wrote:

[Kloyd's Hyper]
한국분 이신걸로 아는데 맞기를 빌면서 한글로 모딩을.... 아니면 리모딩
00:00:329 (1,2,3,4) - 1과 3연타 자리 바꾸시는걸 정말 추천드립니다
00:05:406 (4) - 이렇게 숨겨서 난이도를 높힐 필요는 없다고 생각돼네요.
00:14:791 (2,3,4,5) - 리딩이 힘듭니다. 아예 완전 스택을 해주시거나 배치를 바꿔주세요
00:19:560 (1) - 여기 뉴콤 삭제해주셔도 충분히 어렵습니다. 그리고 뉴콤없는게 훨씬더 보기 좋네요.
00:19:868 (1,2) - 이런게 컨셉이신건 잘 알겠지만 이미 bpm이 높아서 충분히 어렵기때문에 그냥 완전히 겹치는게 좋을거같아요.
00:23:714 (3,4,5) - 뭔가 흐름이어색한거 같은데 잘 모르겠네요.
00:29:868 (3,4,1) - 약간 벌려주세요 리딩힘듭니다
00:30:791 (2) - 음 x 88 y 128 로 있는게 전 슬라랑 안겹치고 더 깔끔해보이네요
00:38:175 (2,3,1,2,3,1) - 이부분 약간 어려워 보입니다.
00:38:945 (1,1) - 완전 스택해주세요
00:40:329 (1,1) - ^
00:43:098 (2,3,4,1) - ^
00:45:252 (1,1) - ^
00:47:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 이런건 정말 하드난이도에서 리딩어려운거에요 바꿔주시는걸 추천드립니다 슬라이더로 메꾸시는게 좋을거같네요.
01:04:483 (6) - 7노트위에 스택해주세요
01:09:252 (2,3,1,1,1) - 이부분도 리딩 약간 힘들거 같습니다
01:39:714 (2,3,4,5,6) - 이부분은 정말 바꾸셔야 할거같습니다. 너무 어렵네요

Hope my mod helped >~<

영어로 부탁드려요..
gonna reply on this thread since no dap doesn't translate Kor -> Eng.
Im gonna out in March 17th. Just wait.

Natteke wrote:

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
Topic Starter
Natteke desu

Muya wrote:

Natteke wrote:

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
thank you !
[Vass' Beginner]

00:13:868 (2) - slider end 00:14:329 - here and 00:15:098 - add note
00:53:252 - clap?
01:16:329 - ^


00:29:868 (7) - hmm 00:29:560 (6) - which in the same manner'm good Consider

00:36:329 (1,2) - Swap New combo

[Kloyd's Hyper]

00:06:175 - 클랩?
00:13:560 (2) - 거리가 좀 많이 차이나네요..

00:30:791 (2) - Ctrl + g? 제안이긴한데 이렇게 하면 재밌을듯..
00:33:252 (2) - ^

good Luck
Topic Starter
Natteke desu
fixed some things, thanks guys

Jehyeon wrote:

[Vass' Beginner]

00:13:868 (2) - slider end 00:14:329 - here and 00:15:098 - add note
00:53:252 - clap?
01:16:329 - ^


00:29:868 (7) - hmm 00:29:560 (6) - which in the same manner'm good Consider

00:36:329 (1,2) - Swap New combo

[Kloyd's Hyper]

00:06:175 - 클랩?
00:13:560 (2) - 거리가 좀 많이 차이나네요..

00:30:791 (2) - Ctrl + g? 제안이긴한데 이렇게 하면 재밌을듯..
00:33:252 (2) - ^

good Luck

Kloyd's Hyper (Trans)

00:06:175 - Clap?
00:13:560 (2) - Too far away imo
collapsed text

00:30:791 (2) - Ctrl + g? <- It'll make that more fun imo
00:33:252 (2) - ^
Topic Starter
Natteke desu
Thanks Kloyd. Clap added
Hi hi hi ~

  1. Clean
  1. 00:03:406 (1) - I don't feel this combo is necesary, since this part can be readed without it
  2. 00:21:252 (3,4,5) - use an equal distance between them? will play more comfortable IMO like you did in 00:23:098 (3,4,1) -
  3. 00:25:252 (4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) - <3
  4. 00:29:560 (6) - not really important but I feel this will play better if you make this slider curved like 00:29:868 (7) - , also maybe add NC? this one is going really long compared to the others
  5. 00:38:945 (5,6) - I'm not really a fan, since ending sliders on strong beats is not ok IMO, what about to try this:
  6. 01:43:483 (10) - maybe use the same spacing as the stream, is really hard to notice it imo
  7. 01:46:175 (7) - NC to make this consistent with the one at 01:48:944 (1) -
[Kiiwa's Another]
  1. 00:00:329 (1,2,3) - nazi, stack this properly
  2. 00:09:406 (2,3,4,5,1) - well, since I always complain about upbeat sliders what about to change the rhythm? following the strong beats (since they need a click action) some like:
  3. 00:18:945 (1,1,1,1,1) - you don't need to spam combos like that, they just mess up the overall HP drain of the whole diff
  4. 00:20:406 Up volume to 15 or 10%? 5 is really inaudible
  5. 00:23:714 (2,1) - since I don't like this, is really hard to play properly in first play imo
  6. 00:28:021 (11) - add NC? this one is going really long
  7. 00:38:943 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
  8. 00:41:868 (2,3) - stack this properly
  9. 00:51:098 (3,1) - ^
  10. 01:02:175 (2,1) - ^
  11. 01:09:637 I don't think this is rankable. With the 5% you are making slider slide, slider tick and slider end inaudible up the volume at least to 15%
  12. 01:28:329 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end).
  13. 01:47:713 (4) - ^
  14. 01:29:945 same as 00:20:406
  15. 01:44:021 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - again you don't need to spam combos to make your diff readable. try to remove the unnecessary ones
  16. 01:46:175 (7) - this is offscreen

[Kloyd's Hyper]
  1. 00:19:560 (1,1) - ah you don't need to spam combos here they are not even necessarys
  2. 00:23:714 (3,4) - use more distance between them? actually they are too close, compared to 00:23:098 (1,2,3) -
  3. 01:06:483 (2,1) - nazi, stack this properly
  4. 01:29:868 (1,1) - <3
  5. Unsnapped inherited sections at: 00:20:024 - snap to 00:20:021
  6. consider to raise the volume in the 5% sections to 10% or 15%
  1. HP+1 (4) for better spread
  2. 00:31:714 (3,4) - sorry for nazi, but this blanket can be alot better imo
  3. 01:50:175 (5) - use a slider or some, but for consistency is better to end this in 01:50:791 like the others diffs
[Vass' Beginner]
  1. 00:53:868 (2,3) - there is a small distance error
GL awesome song and mapset!
Topic Starter
Natteke desu

Natsu wrote:

Hi hi hi ~

  1. Clean
  1. 00:03:406 (1) - I don't feel this combo is necesary, since this part can be readed without itRed here. I used green cc for sv changes
  2. 00:21:252 (3,4,5) - use an equal distance between them? will play more comfortable IMO like you did in 00:23:098 (3,4,1) - done
  3. 00:25:252 (4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) - <3
  4. 00:29:560 (6) - not really important but I feel this will play better if you make this slider curved like 00:29:868 (7) - , also maybe add NC? this one is going really long compared to the othersand this
  5. 00:38:945 (5,6) - I'm not really a fan, since ending sliders on strong beats is not ok IMO, what about to try this:
    and this
  6. 01:43:483 (10) - maybe use the same spacing as the stream, is really hard to notice it imodunno plays fine for me
  7. 01:46:175 (7) - NC to make this consistent with the one at 01:48:944 (1) - and this
[Kloyd's Hyper]
  1. 00:19:560 (1,1) - ah you don't need to spam combos here they are not even necessarys left it to Kloyd
  2. 00:23:714 (3,4) - use more distance between them? actually they are too close, compared to 00:23:098 (1,2,3) - done
  3. 01:06:483 (2,1) - nazi, stack this properlysame
  4. 01:29:868 (1,1) - <3
  5. Unsnapped inherited sections at: 00:20:024 - snap to 00:20:021done
  6. consider to raise the volume in the 5% sections to 10% or 15%yup
  1. HP+1 (4) for better spread
  2. 00:31:714 (3,4) - sorry for nazi, but this blanket can be alot better imo
  3. 01:50:175 (5) - use a slider or some, but for consistency is better to end this in 01:50:791 like the others diffs
all fixed here

GL awesome song and mapset! <3
Thank you!
На настройки не смотрел, если что.

  1. Due to metronome changes, your beatmap requires two more timing points that only reset the metronome. Place them here:
    1. 01:10:483
    2. 01:30:791
[Kiiwa's Another]
  1. 00:05:714 (1) - new combo should be on the next note and not here, according to the music
  2. 00:09:406 (2) - please change it to note + slider; you skipped here a downbeat, placing slider's tail on it
  3. 00:15:714 (1) - add a soft finish on the head
  4. 00:16:637 (3,1) - isn't the spacing too low here?
  5. 00:20:329 (1) - add clap maybe
  6. 00:23:714 (2,1) - please tell me why do you put the second slider right under the first one? I am sure it could be done in a better way:
  7. 00:24:329 (2,1) - I'd space these out for a better movement
  8. 00:28:021 (11) - a new combo marker fits here, since the music's tone is changing
  9. 00:35:252 (2) - I see no reason to skip the downbeat at 00:35:406. Again, you should map more to the music and not only put patterns on the grid
  10. 00:39:714 (3,1) - a more correct beat placement would be: slider + 1/4th note + slider. I really, really advise you to follow it, since the beat at 00:40:021 is stronger than the one at 00:39:945 where you start the slider
  11. 00:42:483 (1,2,3) - sorry, it has no flow and gives me awful feeling of discomfort when I try to play it. My movement seems to be, uh, "narrow"? Please move 2 and/or 3 somewhere else. Example:
  12. 00:55:560 (2) - why would you want to use a self-overlapping slider?
  13. 01:04:175 (1,3) - I don't like how it looks, change maybe?
  14. 01:08:714 (1) - this is incorrect. The sound appears at 01:08:791 and not before
  15. 01:19:868 (2) - looks broken; please fix and change it to something more beautiful and good-looking:
  16. 01:29:868 (1) - add clap maybe
  17. 01:35:406 asks for a slider; you better remake 01:35:406 (7) - into one
  1. 00:05:868 (1) - мне кажется, в такие моменты лучше использовать звонкий финиш, чем обычный
  2. 00:25:560 (6) - нк сюда, чтобы следовать музыке, так, думаю, будет лучше
  3. 00:30:098 - можно попробовать вставить сюда ноту и обкатать, посмотреть, как играется. Правда, понадобится переделать слайдер перед ней
  4. 00:50:175 (6) - финиш поставил, а нк — нет. Почему? Логики нет
  5. 01:11:175 - мне кажется, тут должна быть нота. Прислушайся, можно даже без замедления, заодно отсмотри следующие похожие моменты, если подойдёт, например, весь слайдер на 01:19:714 (2)
  6. 01:43:406 (9,10,1) - это что со спейсингом случилось?
[Kloyd's Hyper]
Apparently Elvis has taken control over this difficulty, so modding it in Russian as well
  1. 00:00:637 (4,5) - мне кажется, этот джамп бессмысленно сложен для начала
  2. 00:20:637 (1) - может, финиш вместо того, что там натыкано?
  3. 00:35:406 - лучше не пропускать даунбит, а замапать его. Нотой, например
  4. 00:58:021 (1,2,3) - какая-то каша и топтание на одном месте. Это точно удобно читать? Впрочем, я думаю, да, и эту строчку можно проигнорировать
  5. 01:09:560 (1,1,1) - спейсинг не совсем верен. Можно ожидать, что они находятся на равном расстоянии в музыке, в то время как сюрприз зеленая сотня или красный крестик в зависимости от терпеныравподывлапрвы рестарт
  6. 01:19:791 - хоть это и не совсем корректно (похоже на 1/6), я бы сюда поставил ноту, чтобы был трипл
  7. 01:39:714 (2) - свисток на конец
  8. 01:40:637 (1) - а отсюда убрать с начала, он слишком громко для музыки звучит
  1. 00:40:329 - именно здесь, на даунбите, где по какой-то странной причине, хотя начинается вокальная партия, кончается слайдер, должно быть новое комбо
  2. 01:17:406 (6) - бланкет вместо унылой дуги так и просится: Почему унылой? Да потому, что под ней стек из нот
  3. 01:32:021 (3) - да и здесь можно за компанию
  4. 01:35:714 (3) - нк бы хорошо
  5. 01:40:637 (2) - ну а на начало киая так вообще требуется
  6. 01:41:868 (1) - странно выглядит с предыдущим слайдером. Выгни вниз?
  7. 01:50:791 - лишний оффсет
Vass' Beginner
  1. Всё чисто!
Whoever mods this next, please take a more detailed look at Kiiwa's difficulty.
Topic Starter
Natteke desu

TicClick wrote:

На настройки не смотрел, если что.

  1. Due to metronome changes, your beatmap requires two more timing points that only reset the metronome. Place them here:
    1. 01:10:483
    2. 01:30:791
  1. 00:05:868 (1) - мне кажется, в такие моменты лучше использовать звонкий финиш, чем обычный
  2. 00:25:560 (6) - нк сюда, чтобы следовать музыке, так, думаю, будет лучше
  3. 00:30:098 - можно попробовать вставить сюда ноту и обкатать, посмотреть, как играется. Правда, понадобится переделать слайдер перед ней
  4. 00:50:175 (6) - финиш поставил, а нк — нет. Почему? Логики нет
  5. 01:11:175 - мне кажется, тут должна быть нота. Прислушайся, можно даже без замедления, заодно отсмотри следующие похожие моменты, если подойдёт, например, весь слайдер на 01:19:714 (2) не нравится как звучит
  6. 01:43:406 (9,10,1) - это что со спейсингом случилось?
так и хотел сделать, играется для меня хорошо и нравится как выглядит

[Kloyd's Hyper]
Apparently Elvis has taken control over this difficulty, so modding it in Russian as well
  1. 00:00:637 (4,5) - мне кажется, этот джамп бессмысленно сложен для начала
  2. 00:20:637 (1) - может, финиш вместо того, что там натыкано?
  3. 00:35:406 - лучше не пропускать даунбит, а замапать его. Нотой, например
  4. 00:58:021 (1,2,3) - какая-то каша и топтание на одном месте. Это точно удобно читать? Впрочем, я думаю, да, и эту строчку можно проигнорировать
  5. 01:09:560 (1,1,1) - спейсинг не совсем верен. Можно ожидать, что они находятся на равном расстоянии в музыке, в то время как сюрприз зеленая сотня или красный крестик в зависимости от терпеныравподывлапрвы рестарт
  6. 01:19:791 - хоть это и не совсем корректно (похоже на 1/6), я бы сюда поставил ноту, чтобы был трипл не нравится как звучит
  7. 01:39:714 (2) - свисток на конец
  8. 01:40:637 (1) - а отсюда убрать с начала, он слишком громко для музыки звучит
  1. 00:40:329 - именно здесь, на даунбите, где по какой-то странной причине, хотя начинается вокальная партия, кончается слайдер, должно быть новое комбо
  2. 01:17:406 (6) - бланкет вместо унылой дуги так и просится: Почему унылой? Да потому, что под ней стек из нот
  3. 01:32:021 (3) - да и здесь можно за компанию
  4. 01:35:714 (3) - нк бы хорошо
  5. 01:40:637 (2) - ну а на начало киая так вообще требуется
  6. 01:41:868 (1) - странно выглядит с предыдущим слайдером. Выгни вниз?
  7. 01:50:791 - лишний оффсет
Все остальное поправил, спасибо большое
most changed, thanks ppls~

Natteke wrote:

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
Am I late?

have my freezers
Hi, from modding queue

[Vass' Beginner]

00:50:483 (6,1) - new combo on (6) instead of (1)
00:40:329 - 00:59:714 - how about breaking up the combos one every two downbeats? times for new combo are - 00:40:329 (7) - 00:42:791 (2) - 00:45:560 (1) - 00:47:714 (1) - 00:50:483 (6) - 00:52:637 (1) - I like the new combo here at 00:53:868 (1) - too so maybe keep that one - 00:55:098 (1) - 00:57:560 (1) -
01:33:252 (1,2,1,2) - make this one combo

[Kloyd's Hyper]
I think this should be a little easier because it shows up as so theres no
OD = 5 try because some of these timings might be hard
00:20:021 (2,1) - this looks really cool but maybe make these two closer since its only 1/4 between them
00:35:406 (5,1) - new combo on (5) instead of (1)

[Kiiwa's Another]
00:58:791 (1,2,3,4,1) - how about make (1,2) a combo and (3,4,1) second combo
01:33:098 (4,1) - it would be nice if you filled this space with something

00:03:406 (1,2,1,2) - make this one combo to be consistent with 00:13:252 - 00:13:714
00:09:868 (1,2) - this is a random combo.. maybe try 00:09:560 (6,7,1,2) as one combo?
00:20:637 - 00:25:406 - how about breaking this section up with one combo every downbeat? times would be - 00:20:637 (1) - 00:21:868 (5) - 00:23:098 (3) - 00:24:329 (1) -
00:28:021 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - try a new combo on either (6) or (8)

That's all! Mapping is awesome! mostly just combo fixes. Best of luck :)
mod with light blue just is a suggestion or silly mod which made me uncomfortable personally
mod with purple is what I strongly suggest to do
mod with red is advise that I think should be changed
meanwhile, I was not a pro modder, so all of above is basing my individual opinion :) Ignore them if you think they are helpless :)

I have hardly difficulty in catching rhythm for pops song as mentioned.. so my mod may helpless and seems ridiculous(hope you never mind it...)

The high-speed sliders are really abrupt, it may fit the rhythm better.......such as
00:40:329 (1) - This one
01:10:483 (1) - could make it earlier to here 01:10:175 -
01:20:329 (1) - it's not suitable

00:32:637 (4) - may remove and change the slider?
00:58:791 (1) - cut into two shorter slider? may like
01:50:329 (3) - another rhythm

I prefer to fit the rhythm.....for the beginning of the songs....
01:43:714 (3) - I prefer this rhythm
And for the damn website crashed....I forget where this pic should be used....

Hope I could help you... :)
Topic Starter
Natteke desu
fixed some stuff, thanks guys
and i can't update this cuz of bss D:

Damnae wrote:

Natteke wrote:

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
Am I late?

have my freezers
thank you !
[Vass’ Beginner]
  1. 00:19:406 (1) - Starting this spinner from 00:19:252 - sounds more natural than the current idea since the drum stress goes there. Well there is no big difference, it’s your call.
  1. IRC modded
[Kloyd’s Hyper]
  1. This difficulty includes unnecessary green lines. Check by yourself and remove them.
  2. 00:02:483 - Missing a clap here. Same goes for 00:08:791 - 00:15:406 - .
  3. 00:20:021 (2,1) - It’d be better to make this pattern easier to read. Players who mainly play Hard-level or so probably mistake this 1/4 gap with a 1/2 one.
  4. 01:00:483 (2,3,1) - I don’t have any complaints with making a jump here, but it’s hard to play this pattern because of the flow. It’d be nice if you make this pattern more friendly like 01:05:406 (2,3,1) - . e.g.
  5. 01:41:560 (3,4,5,6) - Is it just me or does this stream not fit with the song well? 2 circles should be more fitting here.
  1. 00:03:714 (1,3) - Swap the new combo to make consistent with 00:13:252 (1,2,1) - .
  2. 01:42:945 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This stream should be started from 01:43:098 - since the guitar kinda gets toned up from there. e.g.

Call me back in forum pm.
Topic Starter
Natteke desu
and all done O:
'`ィ (゚д゚)/

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█

KSHR wrote:

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░ BATs Rank This ░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░█
Topic Starter
Natteke desu
рааанкед блять сука ёбаная карта нахуй
сука молодец элвис ебанул норм мапку

edit: well we did some minor changes so pls kudos
No Dap

grumd wrote:

рааанкед блять сука ёбаная карта нахуй
сука молодец элвис ебанул норм мапку

edit: well we did some minor changes so pls kudos
pr0 bat >w<
gratz all!
Topic Starter
Natteke desu

grumd wrote:

рааанкед блять сука ёбаная карта нахуй
сука молодец элвис ебанул норм мапку

edit: well we did some minor changes so pls kudos
бля спасибо сука нахуй люблю тебя ты самый охуенный ты у меня второй такой я тебя никогда не забуду

правда спасибо!
congratulations elvis!

you really deserve much more ranked map :)
congrats !!

EliteEvileElvis !!

epoch-making it !!
Topic Starter
Natteke desu
thank guys!
ранкнуто так сильно что мое осу отказывается работать
ово грац!
Topic Starter
Natteke desu

Vass_Bass wrote:

ово грац!
и тебя же грац!
i just checked this map hours ago and

i hope nobody googletranslates my rankpost

grumd wrote:

i hope nobody googletranslates my rankpost
Untranslatable lol.

grumd wrote:

i hope nobody googletranslates my rankpost
already happened.. xD

Irreversible wrote:

grumd wrote:

i hope nobody googletranslates my rankpost
already happened.. xD
Congratulations though! Really cool map :)
wow!? well.. Gratz, EvilElvis~

grumd, I also Your post made me wanna do that!
gratz!! elvis!!
And he should make JOMANDA for JOMANA(JOMANDA + MANA)
gratz :D
Congratz ! :)
u're all awesome.
gratz <3
Gratz !!
<3<3<3 Gratz~!!!
u did it !
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