Hello and welcome to this Forum Game called the Gamblers' Club!
What's this Game about?
This Game, as the name says, it's about gambling. Basically, It goes like this:A poster starts a wager in which you can gamble for one out of all the options. (they can be up to 4) To gamble, you use your Gambling Points or GP, which will go to the wagers' pool, which is all the GP collected from the gambles of users.
After the wager ends and the winning option is announced, the winning side will take most of the points in the pool , the losers a compensation price and the person who made the wager will take another part of it.
The leaderboards of this game are based on how many GP you have, so if you want to be in the first places, try your best and think a bit before gambling or starting a wager yourself.
Exact Percentages
Winner side: 65% of the pool
Loser side: 15% of the pool
Wager owner: 25% of the pool
Loser side: 15% of the pool
Wager owner: 25% of the pool
Commands to play:
- /gamble/gamble (quantity)(option) or /g : Gamble a certain quantity of your points to one of the available options from the current wager.
Example: /gamble (34) (1)Here, you're gambling 34 points for the Option number 1 of the wager (You can put the name of the option or the number of the option)
You cannot gamble in your own wager
Each wager has a gambling cap, which is the maximum number of GP that you can gamble on it. So if the gambling cap is 35, you can't gamble more than 35 GP. - /queue/queue(date)(lenght)(cap) or /q: Get in the queue to start a wager. Check the date when the qeue is free so you can get in in said date.
When starting a wager, it will have a prize that's equal to 75% of the gambling cap multiplied by the days that it will last.
The cap is the maximum quantity of points that a person can gamble on your wager.
Example: /q (23/03/22)(3 days)(40)In this case, you're qeueing for March 23, the lenght of the qeue is 3 days and the maximum that people can gamble is 40. This gamble has a price for the owner of 90 GP*. Don't worry, if your wager gets popular, you will win more than losing.
You also need to have a Minimum of 5 gambles to start a wager, so take it into account.
* 40*0.75=30 (75% of the cap)
3*30=90 (The previous number multiplied by the lenght of the wager) - /edit/edit (action) (edition) or /e: Edit your wager or your gamble, as long as you're still in the qeue or the wager in which you gambled is still ongoing.
When editing your gamble, you can only add more points, not substracting.
When editing your qeue, you can edit only the cap, positively or negatively.
Example: /e (queue) (-25)
In this case, you're editing your wager so it lasts one more day and the cap is 25 points less. - /close/close or /c: Only i, Rigbyuis, can use this command.
It serves for stopping the game for an undefined period of time. It can be because i don't have time to edit it, or because i haven't been tracking enough this and i need to put things in order so the game can continue in a good way after the /c stops.
Basically, it serves for announcing manteinance.
1. This game is very green, so the balance and rules can change. Other commands can come in with time.2. Don't treat this game like a bot, since it isn't, at least for now.
3. Have fun and be civil with others in this gambling club!
Leaderboards and history
All time leaderboard
- Flareling22 (1)
- Kobold784 (80)
- Rigbyuis (40)
Monthly leaderboard
- Flareling22 (1)
- Kobold784 (80)
- Rigbyuis (40)
Wager history
Mrekk 1k PP(Rigbyuis)
Give it a try and have fun!
Current wager
Gamble now! If you want to, you have 100 GP to spend, but in this wager, you can only spend up to 20 Gambling Points!
You can gamble for 2 options:
1- Yeah, mrekk will set a 1k now
2- No, mrekk will not do it
(Up until 11/03/23)
New wager!
Is mrekk setting a 1k on 4 days since now?
Gamble now! If you want to, you have 100 GP to spend, but in this wager, you can only spend up to 20 Gambling Points!
You can gamble for 2 options:
1- Yeah, mrekk will set a 1k now
2- No, mrekk will not do it
(Up until 11/03/23)