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No_Gu wrote:
G cup prpr
That's G cup[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:
wake up, that is not oppai
No_Gu wrote:
G cup prpr
这张不加Flask wrote:
No_Gu wrote:
G cup prpr怎麼又想湊I
moonlightleaf wrote:
00:20:006 - 不起作用绿线有点多k
00:44:006 (5) - 折返类会不会难了些改
00:47:435 (1) - 似乎不适合转盘感觉还可以
01:06:635 (1,1) - 有点急,转盘结束在01:08:692吧,刚好那个yi~音拉完放到后面了
01:09:377 (1,2) - blanket懒。。
貌似diff break要一致?( 前段时间被人告知这个确定吗。。
00:04:749 (3) - 减速NC这个有tick,没问题的
00:06:806 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - 这好无聊啊,换换节奏?但是音乐也是这样啊
00:12:635 (4,1) - bug引起的差1px 好烦啊k
01:06:120 (3) - 删了反而好听了一下我节奏下错了
01:09:206 加note这边BGM比较强 不跟vocal了
01:14:692 (1,2,3,4) - 把2折返4删了 然后123都往后移动1/4感觉音乐挺平均的 暂时不动
00:04:063 (2) - 变速nc
00:09:377 (2) - ^
01:17:949 (2) - ^挺明显的我感觉应该不用
00:07:149 (3) - ctrl+g这边要的就是这个感觉 改了的话后面4,1就怪怪的
00:32:863 (3) - 1px 误差试着改了下好像也就这样了
01:14:692 (1,2,3,4) - 同hard同
xxdeathx wrote:
Hi Gu, M4M from your queue (because I am a great fan of this song and show)
- Why do you have negative offset? First note in all diffs is at 00:00:806k
- I haven't found official title with (TV Size) in it, be prepared to present proofk
- 00:03:549 (1,2) - Distance seems too bigehh,this is already smaller than the normal ones
- 00:06:292 (1,1) - This post spinner gap is too short, Easy needs 1 measure around this bpmyes,forgot it
- 00:47:435 (1) - You should be able to end the spinner at 00:50:177 to follow the music better. QAT won't be nazi about 1/2 beat short of their guidelineyes
- 00:54:292 (3) - It's better to not have this circle since there is almost no sound so it would be more confusing to play.k
- 00:57:035 (3) - ^k
- 01:06:635 (1,1) - This gap also too smallyes
This diff definitely looks too hard to fit the spread as a normal. The BPM is too fast to allow 1/2 beat objects to be completely separate and the rhythm is too complicated with lots of 1/2 gaps between objects.yes,had a remap
- 01:13:663 (3,4) - Blanket?k
Surprised to see someone ranking map from 2013, do your best to adapt to new 2015 ranking criteria rules~
- 00:05:435 (3,4) - This should be 1/6 snapped (UNRANKABLE MACHINE DOLL)yes my fault
- 00:09:892 (3,1,2) - There should be a bigger jump between 00:10:406 (1,2) - to emphasize the strong note at 00:10:577 (2) - ehh,here,the ring sound on 1 gives me a strongly jumpy feeling,which is more than 2
- 00:18:120 (4,5,1) - The spacing is really tricky here because of different timing, consider distance snapping?well,I know this so I made 1 opposite to 4,5...but not sure if it works well
- 00:25:835 (3,4,5) - You should start these sliders on red ticks following vocals to be consistent with 00:20:349 (2,4,5) - 00:23:263 (3,4,5) - yes
- 00:30:635 (1) - I recommend a different slider shape to better telegraph the SV change, and also you want a clickable object at 00:30:977 since it's a downbeatehh changed a shape,and in fact this downbeat is not so strong as the sliderhead sounds,so this is better imo
- 00:54:977 (3,4) - This big jump doesn't really fit the music imomade it smaller
- 00:57:720 (6,7) - Having clickable objects on white ticks that follow vocals feels more naturalfollows the drums here,better like the present
- 01:04:406 (3) - 01:04:920 (5) - Same idea here, you want clickable object on strong notes such as 01:04:577 and 01:05:092^
- 01:05:949 (3,4,5,1) - This huge spacing is really surprising to the players especially since you didn't have high SV here or anythingas I did sth at 00:08:520 (3,4,5,6,1) - ,and the drums here gives me a sense of striking so I did it like that
- 01:23:949 (4,5) - Slider feels better starting at 01:23:949ehh,the slider and circle setting is to stress the drums this part,so no need to stress the inst imo
[ Shark ] wrote:
Hello, from your M4M queue
Song Setup>Design>Disable Widescreen support if you won't have a SBk
Kiai Time's aren't snapped if you check AiMod (Ctrl + Shift + A)k
00:40:577 (2,1) - Overlap not too good for dem beginnersyes..but this is hard to fix,anyway,did sth
01:09:377 (1,2) - Ctrl + G and place in proper position, it feels way better imodoesn't make sense imo
00:08:863 (4,5,1) - Why not like did a little change
00:10:577 (2) - NC here not 00:10:406 (1) - hereno
00:16:920 - Why'd you leave this blank? The music obviously calls for a note hereplease hear carefully,that's not a real sound,that's the continue of last tune
00:17:777 - ^^
00:32:177 (5) - I suggest adding a note on the downbeat here instead rather than a sliderendfine for me
00:50:006 (4) - Delete and start spinner from here 00:50:006 and try for yourself, feels better tbhstill.a strong drum
00:54:977 (3) - Ctrl + H + J and replace where it was so that it's the same as 00:53:435 (2,3) - but symmetricon purpose,don't want to do that
00:08:777 (4,5,6) - Okay well you rarely see this in Extra diff's and here I see it in an Insane diff.. idk man, just use 1.0 DS there's no point for them to be spaced like that tbh :/just the music here gives me this feeling..
00:19:320 (1) - Space this away from the previous 2 sliders to indicate that it wont be as slow as themused NC and opposite direction,fine for me
00:28:406 and 00:28:748 could have notes there as well imhobetter not add for me
00:29:435 (6,7) - Not really necessary hereyou'll hear sth if you delete them
00:32:520 (2,3) - ?? No reason for this here since both sliders start on a Red Tick unless you Ctrl + G the second onejust the vocal here gives me a stacky sense
00:44:349 (4) - Delete?the drum here is so strong..why?
00:50:006 (5) - Same as before, delete and start spinner from here[color=0000FF]same[/color]
01:00:034 (2) - place this more between the sliders instead of stacking itehh I just like this kind
01:01:491 (2) - x:144 y:176^
01:06:206 (4,5) - Bring these closer..this is hard to execute...but anyway,did a little change
01:08:692 (1,2) - These are too far from each other for that time between them imho.. bring them closer ?a jump is need here imo
that's all hope Ive helped, good luck!