
New Player Beginnings

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Hi everyone, I've just started osu! the other day, and so far I'm having a good time.
Was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to improve beyond just practicing as a beginner.

Also, I'm looking for map suggestions as a beginner that'll help me start to develop my skills, and practice the fundamentals necessary for harder maps later on.
I really like osu! and the community behind it, and I can see this becoming a big hobby for me. Hope to one day be putting up big scores!
Hello and welcome to osu! I hope that you'll met a lot of people here because we are a very friendly community =D

The only tip that I can give you is to ENJOY GAME. As long as you are having fun playing this game, everything will be fine! Don't worry about Full Combo, Accuracy and Performance Points :)
Welcome to the game!
As the person above me said, it's really best to enjoy the game and improvement will just come naturally with that.

Apart from enjoying the game though, I would advise to start learning to tap with both fingers at the very beginning of your journey (if you don't do it already ofc).

I would also advise you to try to stay away from the typical pp farm maps as much as possible. At least while you learn the basics of the game.

Play somewhat long maps to work on your consistency, and don't retry a map too much, if you fail in the middle of a map it's okay! Just keep playing it until the end. That's what builds consistency.

I hope this answers some of your questions! :)
- Marco -
Hello and welcome!

I would like to add that if you have any gameplay-related question feel free to ask it in community/forums/13 :3
Nice name Gorilla ballz
heyy gorilla ballz, welcome to the osu! community. i hope you're getting comfortable there and generally enjoying game as a whole. as always

"plz enjoy game"
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