
EBTC - Lang Zhu Qian Qiu Feng

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Winek wrote:

Hello, from my modding queue :|

I'm so sorry, but i didn't find anything wrong in your beatmap, in each difficulty. Like i said, i'm just a noob. Terribely sorry, to make you loose your time. :cry:
there is no need to say sorry,i believe that you've tried,so,thank you all the same~ :)
Mod from my queue

after a first glance, this map looks really nicely done. Let's see if I can actually find anything. Note that mostly anything I mod here is just ideas or suggestions. You really don't have any noticeable errors.

Is the source really "Pili Series" or is it just "Pili" | | just labels it as "Pili" but I'm not sure if this is the same thing or not. If you wanted, you could use 霹靂 as the source and have Pili in the tags.

Romanised Artist:
Shouldn't this be "Everything But The Culture" (Apparently they write "But" and "The" in capitals on their website. | You have it in your description, but not the tags or anything. I'm not very good with chinese but do they prefer EBTC or Everything But The Culture? I looked on the website and the logo at the top says it in full. | If you look at an artist profile, they're listed under "Everything But The Culture" | If you plan on using just EBTC, at least add Everything But The Culture to the tags

Remove: Pili or 霹靂 | whatever one you use as the source.
Everything But The Culture or EBTC | Depends what you choose to use.

I'm not sure who, but on the site, it looks like there is a bunch of different composers. Do they compose their own music or are they one whole band? Maybe add the name of the person who actually composed this. (I can't find who did this song)

Blank .wav file for the silder slide? | | Your song would sound much better without the scratchy noises from the soft sampleset. | Add one for both SC:2 and SC:1

Sorry I can't be much more help. I'm not good at all with Chinese.. Hopefully something can help though.

HP:2? | Why not? It'll lower the difficulty a bit for new players | From fail, it takes a 42 combo of all 300s on HP3 to fill the gague back up to full. It takes a 34 combo on HP2.

  1. 00:00:931 (1,1) - How about moving these to x256 y216 so you'll have the correct distance snap between the (1) circle and the upcoming (2) slider
  2. 00:06:927 (1) - whistle instead of finish? It works nicely with 00:03:089 (1) - It's kind of a bit early to be using this finish here as this is a measure before the correct upcoming section that you've been using finishes on.
  3. 00:07:887 (2) - Maybe start this 1/2 earlier? This slider actually doesn't hit anything audible in the song on the head.
  4. 00:13:164 (1) - Have you considered ending this 1/2 later on the first clap and where the shamisen(?) ends?
  5. 00:26:117 (1,2) - Give a bit more curve to the (1) so you can move the (2) a bit further down. | | The reason is because the look of (2) and (3) doesn't really have any flow to it. This gives a bit more direction and generally feels/looks nicer.
  6. 00:27:076 (2) - any reason why you don't have claps on all three points to this? I feel the head could at least use one.
  7. 00:52:981 (1) - I feel like there is a bit too many spinners in this map. something like this could easily be changed to something like this if you wanted | | or you could use the upcoming pattern at 00:54:900 (1,2,3) - as well.
  8. 00:56:819 - to 01:00:177 - Any reason why you skipped mapping this section? Actually after looking at all of your diffs, you have your break here. I would suggest being consistent if possible and have this as a break, and map back at 00:33:792 - | This means removing the notes up until 01:04:495 (1) -
  9. 01:01:617 (2) - Clap on the reverse. | Double clap hit here, and really should be mapped.
  10. 01:05:455 (3,2) - shouldn't these two be switched to catch the claps? (reverse slider where (3) is and 1/1 slider where (2) is)
  11. 01:09:292 (3) - You can also convert this into a 1/2 reverse as well if you want and add another clap. Just adds a bit of variety and follows the music better.
  12. 01:16:968 (2,1) - Move either the (2) up or the (1) down. The (1) feels like it should be a bit lower than the (2) but you have it almost horizontal from each other.
  13. 01:22:485 (2) - x408 y112 for better looks/flow
  14. 01:28:482 (3) - 01:36:157 (2) - Claps on the reverse?
  15. 01:33:279 (1,2) - Just a small suggestion. | | Doing something like this will make it look quite a bit nicer. right now you kind of have a poor angle on the (2) and the (1) could probably work fine perfectly horizontal. Again, just an idea.
  16. 01:39:995 (2,1,2,3) - Drag all of these, with DS on to around x356 y356. | Then reposition the second (2) so it goes off the top left end better of the (1)'s tail. | | After that, reposition the (3) wherever you feel it fits best.
  17. 01:47:671 (3) - If you've been using the clap suggestions I've said, then this is a good spot to use a reverse slider as well. and maybe remove the reverse on 01:49:110 (2) - if you wanted.
Nice difficulty :3

This normal is nicely designed for the most part.

AIBat v3.1 wrote:

Spinner New Combo | You'll get asked to do this eventually, so might as well.
01:48:390 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.
  1. 00:00:931 (1,2) - since this is still a normal, How about using a slider here instead? Hitting the first note (as a circle) of a song without any music playing before is really frustrating sometimes. Especially since the first circle is a lead-in.
  2. 00:04:529 (4) - to catch both the horn thing, and the shamisen, maybe end this 1/2 earlier and add a circle where the tail used to be at 00:05:008 - or just turn this into a 1/2 reverse slider.
  3. 00:07:647 (2) - I'm wondering about this tail. It doesn't really land on anything. if you extend it 1/2 further it hits those drums. Just an idea but maybe try this? |
  4. 00:12:444 (4,1) - Maybe stack the (4) on the (1) and then move them into Distance Snap range? | This is mostly just because of the sharp angle you have going from (3) -> (4) -> (1)
  5. 00:21:319 (2,3) - (2) x124 y52 | (3) x104 y124 | This does ruin the x136 you've been following, but it does create a little better flow. Either way is fine, just wanted to give an alternative option if you don't like how straight it looks.
  6. 00:26:117 (1,2) - how about having these the same angle? Control+G the (2) and stack it on the (1). Adjust the tail to end of either (1) or (2) and then control+g and place (2) back to where it used to be | | Not sure if you want them to be similar, but the idea is there if you want to use it.
  7. 00:32:833 (3,1) - 0.88 distance gap?
  8. 00:49:144 (1,2,3) - How about turning the (3) into a reverse slider to help catch the double clap? You could also reposition the (1,2,3) to look a bit better as well. | is something I came up with while still trying to be similar to what you had before.
  9. 00:51:063 (1,3) - I'm actually worried this might not pass for a normal. The reason being is that the first slider doesn't even have time to fade before the next one appears which can make it really hard to read for some people. Don't change it just yet, but maybe ask a BAT what they think. Me myself, I'm pretty sure this won't pass in a Normal.
  10. 00:55:860 (3) - nazi. Drag the middle node out a hair so the ends don't overlap
  11. 01:06:414 (1) - nazi. Drag to x232 y200 to make a better triangle.
  12. 01:16:728 (2,3,4) - Move the (2) down a bit | Move the (3) to up a bit | and then adjust the (4) to Distance Snap... or just make it something similar to this. | The reason being is that the angle from (3,4) is way to sharp, and it doesn't flow nice at all. Having the gradual increase here between each note makes it a bit less awkward.
  13. 01:20:566 (2,3) - Swap the slider and the circle placements on the timeline. fits the music much better. | | You can add a clap on (2)'s end as well if you want.
  14. 01:29:441 (1,2) - I was really hoping you'd follow the music a bit better here. 3/4 reverse slider would suit the song so much better. |
  15. 01:37:117 (1,2,3) - ^
  16. 01:48:630 (1,3) - One last thing. I'm not really a big fan of how the angles coming off these notes are. I feel the (1) should be a bit lower (coordinate with 01:47:671 (3,4) - a bit) and possibly the (3) would be better if approached from below instead of above?
This normal is really nice as well :)

Really nice map. The only thing that really bugs me is the one 1/4 slider that doesn't really fit.

  1. 00:04:289 (3,4,5) - how about following the shamisen here? turn the (3) into a reverse 1/4 slider ending at (4)? and then moving the (5) to where the (4) used to be?
  2. 00:08:846 (1,2) - Take a slider and do this on an open spot on the timeline: | Basically draw a line from (1) past (2) and then adjust (2) so it gets the correct angle. | Don't forget to delete the slider afterwards XD | This just basically creates a proper angle so the (2) reverse slider can compliment (1,3) better. Basically right now it looks like this |
  3. 00:09:806 (4,5,6,7,8) - Place a slider on (4) and draw a slider similar to the shape you currently have, ending at the same spot (8) is| | Delete (5,6,7,8) | Click the slider and go to Compose -> Convert Slider to Stream | This basically creates 1.00 distance snapped circles between each note. You currently have a few notes placed with 0.91 1.09 apart etc... Try using this technique on all the streams you make so they can be properly spaced.
  4. 00:14:603 (1,2) - You only use this once through your whole map and it seems really uncalled for. I honestly think this would play better as two circles or just one 1/2 circle. Also, this jump seems a bit too excessive for a hard, and maybe because the music right now really doesn't suit it. Maybe you can move the previous (7) a bit closer?
  5. 00:26:476 (3) - honestly this 1/4 part would sound better placed at 00:25:997 - to follow the music, but you'd have to do a lot of rearranging.
  6. 00:40:508 (3,5) - how about making the (5) symmetrical with the (3)'s tail? This would also make (6) symmetrical with the head of (3) if done right.
  7. 00:46:025 (2,3) - blanket could be much better on this. | While it won't be perfect, try putting the Red node at x408 y216 | the 2nd white node at x464 y240 and readjust as you see fit.
  8. 00:47:465 (2) - nazi. Drag the tail to x148 y336 for a bit more balance. (Try drawing a slider from the tail end and see how much you cover on each side of the circles.. Not 100% accurate but it gives a good estimate) | This is what you currently have |
  9. 00:50:583 (5) - nazi. with both Grid Snap and Distance Snap on. Shift+Click the note and drag. so you get 1.02 DS instead of 1.07 in these 1/4 notes.
  10. 00:52:502 (6,7,1) - Since you have a gap between (7,1) why not try moving the (6) a bit lower, and the (7) a bit further up? | to emphasize on the jump a little more.
  11. 00:54:421 (4,5,6,7,8) - again, try to make a converted slider stream here so all of the notes are evenly spaced. These range from 0.96 to 1.07 in spacing so it's quite a bit.
  12. 00:56:340 (3) - clap on tail?
  13. 01:22:725 (3,4,5,6,7) - ranges from 0.96 to 1.08 | again, convert a slider to stream here.
  14. 01:31:360 (1,5) - how about making (5)'s head a vertical flip of (1)? It will end up being 1.01 DS so you won't have to adjust anything :)
  15. 01:34:958 (5) - even distance spacing? | Try x160 y176 for 1.71 DS
  16. 01:37:117 (1,2) - Not sure on this rhythm choice here. You've been doing lots of 3/4 sliders with a circle or slider after it for parts of the song similar to this... so why not here as well?
  17. 01:42:874 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - | Self explanatory. Try to use this technique to improve on a pattern like this | Tips: Draw one slider, and then copy + paste and horizontally flip it so it'll be even. Place them on the blue ticks so you don't have to delete any circles.. Delete them afterwards of course :p
That's it. Really nicely designed Hard. Hopefully something in here can be useful.. Only use what you like as they are mostly just ideas/suggestions.

Take a
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

Mod from my queue

after a first glance, this map looks really nicely done. Let's see if I can actually find anything. Note that mostly anything I mod here is just ideas or suggestions. You really don't have any noticeable errors. thx,your mod is very helpful for me~

Is the source really "Pili Series" or is it just "Pili" | | just labels it as "Pili" but I'm not sure if this is the same thing or not. If you wanted, you could use 霹靂 as the source and have Pili in the tags. yes,it's a TV puppet show from Taiwan,not so famous but also has many fans in Chinese i changed source to specific TV season's name in Chinese,and keep "pili" in tags,thx for your suggestion

Romanised Artist:
Shouldn't this be "Everything But The Culture" (Apparently they write "But" and "The" in capitals on their website. | You have it in your description, but not the tags or anything. I'm not very good with chinese but do they prefer EBTC or Everything But The Culture? I looked on the website and the logo at the top says it in full. | If you look at an artist profile, they're listed under "Everything But The Culture" | If you plan on using just EBTC, at least add Everything But The Culture to the tags ok,added "Everything But The Culture" to tags,also the composer's English name(孫敬凡=Eric Sun)

Remove: Pili or 霹靂 | whatever one you use as the source.
Everything But The Culture or EBTC | Depends what you choose to use.

I'm not sure who, but on the site, it looks like there is a bunch of different composers. Do they compose their own music or are they one whole band? Maybe add the name of the person who actually composed this. (I can't find who did this song)

Blank .wav file for the silder slide? | | Your song would sound much better without the scratchy noises from the soft sampleset. | Add one for both SC:2 and SC:1 ok,added

Sorry I can't be much more help. I'm not good at all with Chinese.. Hopefully something can help though.

HP:2? | Why not? It'll lower the difficulty a bit for new players | From fail, it takes a 42 combo of all 300s on HP3 to fill the gague back up to full. It takes a 34 combo on HP2. ok,fixed

  1. 00:00:931 (1,1) - How about moving these to x256 y216 so you'll have the correct distance snap between the (1) circle and the upcoming (2) slider fixed
  2. 00:06:927 (1) - whistle instead of finish? It works nicely with 00:03:089 (1) - It's kind of a bit early to be using this finish here as this is a measure before the correct upcoming section that you've been using finishes on. fixed
  3. 00:07:887 (2) - Maybe start this 1/2 earlier? This slider actually doesn't hit anything audible in the song on the head. ok,made it start at 00:07:647
  4. 00:13:164 (1) - Have you considered ending this 1/2 later on the first clap and where the shamisen(?) ends? ok……hope it's not too difficult to new players
  5. 00:26:117 (1,2) - Give a bit more curve to the (1) so you can move the (2) a bit further down. | | The reason is because the look of (2) and (3) doesn't really have any flow to it. This gives a bit more direction and generally feels/looks nicer. ok,fixed
  6. 00:27:076 (2) - any reason why you don't have claps on all three points to this? I feel the head could at least use one. added finish at head instead
  7. 00:52:981 (1) - I feel like there is a bit too many spinners in this map. something like this could easily be changed to something like this if you wanted | | or you could use the upcoming pattern at 00:54:900 (1,2,3) - as well. added another pattern here
  8. 00:56:819 - to 01:00:177 - Any reason why you skipped mapping this section? Actually after looking at all of your diffs, you have your break here. I would suggest being consistent if possible and have this as a break, and map back at 00:33:792 - | This means removing the notes up until 01:04:495 (1) - umm……since it's an easy diff so i think making more break times may be better,i will consider to fill the blank
  9. 01:01:617 (2) - Clap on the reverse. | Double clap hit here, and really should be mapped. you're right,added
  10. 01:05:455 (3,2) - shouldn't these two be switched to catch the claps? (reverse slider where (3) is and 1/1 slider where (2) is) prefer the original
  11. 01:09:292 (3) - You can also convert this into a 1/2 reverse as well if you want and add another clap. Just adds a bit of variety and follows the music better. ok,fixed
  12. 01:16:968 (2,1) - Move either the (2) up or the (1) down. The (1) feels like it should be a bit lower than the (2) but you have it almost horizontal from each other. fixed
  13. 01:22:485 (2) - x408 y112 for better looks/flow fixed
  14. 01:28:482 (3) - 01:36:157 (2) - Claps on the reverse? added
  15. 01:33:279 (1,2) - Just a small suggestion. | | Doing something like this will make it look quite a bit nicer. right now you kind of have a poor angle on the (2) and the (1) could probably work fine perfectly horizontal. Again, just an idea. umm……prefer the original
  16. 01:39:995 (2,1,2,3) - Drag all of these, with DS on to around x356 y356. | Then reposition the second (2) so it goes off the top left end better of the (1)'s tail. | | After that, reposition the (3) wherever you feel it fits best. seems fine,fixed
  17. 01:47:671 (3) - If you've been using the clap suggestions I've said, then this is a good spot to use a reverse slider as well. and maybe remove the reverse on 01:49:110 (2) - if you wanted. prefer the original
Nice difficulty :3 thx~

This normal is nicely designed for the most part.

AIBat v3.1 wrote:

Spinner New Combo | You'll get asked to do this eventually, so might as well.
01:48:390 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner. actually i can't understand what is this mean……:/ 01:48:390 here is a slider end,and combo number is 4
  1. 00:00:931 (1,2) - since this is still a normal, How about using a slider here instead? Hitting the first note (as a circle) of a song without any music playing before is really frustrating sometimes. Especially since the first circle is a lead-in. prefer the original,but added audio lead-in in .osu file
  2. 00:04:529 (4) - to catch both the horn thing, and the shamisen, maybe end this 1/2 earlier and add a circle where the tail used to be at 00:05:008 - or just turn this into a 1/2 reverse slider. prefer the original
  3. 00:07:647 (2) - I'm wondering about this tail. It doesn't really land on anything. if you extend it 1/2 further it hits those drums. Just an idea but maybe try this? | ok,fixed
  4. 00:12:444 (4,1) - Maybe stack the (4) on the (1) and then move them into Distance Snap range? | This is mostly just because of the sharp angle you have going from (3) -> (4) -> (1) prefer the original
  5. 00:21:319 (2,3) - (2) x124 y52 | (3) x104 y124 | This does ruin the x136 you've been following, but it does create a little better flow. Either way is fine, just wanted to give an alternative option if you don't like how straight it looks. ok……fixed
  6. 00:26:117 (1,2) - how about having these the same angle? Control+G the (2) and stack it on the (1). Adjust the tail to end of either (1) or (2) and then control+g and place (2) back to where it used to be | | Not sure if you want them to be similar, but the idea is there if you want to use it. such slider-stack pattern seems unrankable :o prefer the original
  7. 00:32:833 (3,1) - 0.88 distance gap? fixed
  8. 00:49:144 (1,2,3) - How about turning the (3) into a reverse slider to help catch the double clap? You could also reposition the (1,2,3) to look a bit better as well. | is something I came up with while still trying to be similar to what you had before. fixed
  9. 00:51:063 (1,3) - I'm actually worried this might not pass for a normal. The reason being is that the first slider doesn't even have time to fade before the next one appears which can make it really hard to read for some people. Don't change it just yet, but maybe ask a BAT what they think. Me myself, I'm pretty sure this won't pass in a Normal. i may consider about that……
  10. 00:55:860 (3) - nazi. Drag the middle node out a hair so the ends don't overlap fixed
  11. 01:06:414 (1) - nazi. Drag to x232 y200 to make a better triangle. fixed
  12. 01:16:728 (2,3,4) - Move the (2) down a bit | Move the (3) to up a bit | and then adjust the (4) to Distance Snap... or just make it something similar to this. | The reason being is that the angle from (3,4) is way to sharp, and it doesn't flow nice at all. Having the gradual increase here between each note makes it a bit less awkward. ok,fixed
  13. 01:20:566 (2,3) - Swap the slider and the circle placements on the timeline. fits the music much better. | | You can add a clap on (2)'s end as well if you want. fixed
  14. 01:29:441 (1,2) - I was really hoping you'd follow the music a bit better here. 3/4 reverse slider would suit the song so much better. | fixed
  15. 01:37:117 (1,2,3) - ^ prefer the original
  16. 01:48:630 (1,3) - One last thing. I'm not really a big fan of how the angles coming off these notes are. I feel the (1) should be a bit lower (coordinate with 01:47:671 (3,4) - a bit) and possibly the (3) would be better if approached from below instead of above? fixed
This normal is really nice as well :) thx~

Really nice map. The only thing that really bugs me is the one 1/4 slider that doesn't really fit.

  1. 00:04:289 (3,4,5) - how about following the shamisen here? turn the (3) into a reverse 1/4 slider ending at (4)? and then moving the (5) to where the (4) used to be? prefer the original
  2. 00:08:846 (1,2) - Take a slider and do this on an open spot on the timeline: | Basically draw a line from (1) past (2) and then adjust (2) so it gets the correct angle. | Don't forget to delete the slider afterwards XD | This just basically creates a proper angle so the (2) reverse slider can compliment (1,3) better. Basically right now it looks like this | fixed
  3. 00:09:806 (4,5,6,7,8) - Place a slider on (4) and draw a slider similar to the shape you currently have, ending at the same spot (8) is| | Delete (5,6,7,8) | Click the slider and go to Compose -> Convert Slider to Stream | This basically creates 1.00 distance snapped circles between each note. You currently have a few notes placed with 0.91 1.09 apart etc... Try using this technique on all the streams you make so they can be properly spaced. got new skill lol. thx a lot~
  4. 00:14:603 (1,2) - You only use this once through your whole map and it seems really uncalled for. I honestly think this would play better as two circles or just one 1/2 circle. Also, this jump seems a bit too excessive for a hard, and maybe because the music right now really doesn't suit it. Maybe you can move the previous (7) a bit closer? fixed
  5. 00:26:476 (3) - honestly this 1/4 part would sound better placed at 00:25:997 - to follow the music, but you'd have to do a lot of rearranging. i may consider that
  6. 00:40:508 (3,5) - how about making the (5) symmetrical with the (3)'s tail? This would also make (6) symmetrical with the head of (3) if done right. ok,fixed
  7. 00:46:025 (2,3) - blanket could be much better on this. | While it won't be perfect, try putting the Red node at x408 y216 | the 2nd white node at x464 y240 and readjust as you see fit. fixed
  8. 00:47:465 (2) - nazi. Drag the tail to x148 y336 for a bit more balance. (Try drawing a slider from the tail end and see how much you cover on each side of the circles.. Not 100% accurate but it gives a good estimate) | This is what you currently have | fixed
  9. 00:50:583 (5) - nazi. with both Grid Snap and Distance Snap on. Shift+Click the note and drag. so you get 1.02 DS instead of 1.07 in these 1/4 notes. wow another new skill,fixed
  10. 00:52:502 (6,7,1) - Since you have a gap between (7,1) why not try moving the (6) a bit lower, and the (7) a bit further up? | to emphasize on the jump a little more. prefer the original
  11. 00:54:421 (4,5,6,7,8) - again, try to make a converted slider stream here so all of the notes are evenly spaced. These range from 0.96 to 1.07 in spacing so it's quite a bit. fixed
  12. 00:56:340 (3) - clap on tail? kind of weird to me……no change
  13. 01:22:725 (3,4,5,6,7) - ranges from 0.96 to 1.08 | again, convert a slider to stream here. fixed
  14. 01:31:360 (1,5) - how about making (5)'s head a vertical flip of (1)? It will end up being 1.01 DS so you won't have to adjust anything :) prefer the original
  15. 01:34:958 (5) - even distance spacing? | Try x160 y176 for 1.71 DS fixed
  16. 01:37:117 (1,2) - Not sure on this rhythm choice here. You've been doing lots of 3/4 sliders with a circle or slider after it for parts of the song similar to this... so why not here as well? umm……no change
  17. 01:42:874 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - | Self explanatory. Try to use this technique to improve on a pattern like this | Tips: Draw one slider, and then copy + paste and horizontally flip it so it'll be even. Place them on the blue ticks so you don't have to delete any circles.. Delete them afterwards of course :p ok,fixed
That's it. Really nicely designed Hard. Hopefully something in here can be useful.. Only use what you like as they are mostly just ideas/suggestions. i must say that your mod is so helpful to me,i learned many things.if it's possible i really want to give you 10 or more kudosu ;_;

Take a
thank you very much for your mod and star!~
from my modding queues~
00:03:809 (1) - ( 00:04:049 (2,3,4,5,6) - 是古爭音組 而這個有點不同 可以試試放另外一處或者和00:04:049 (2) - 重疊)
00:07:887 (4) - x:60 y:107 流順性問題
00:11:245 (2) - X:81 Y:120
00:40:508 (3) - 不應該用SLIDER 突顯不了後面的木笛長音 可以00:40:269 (2,3) - ctrl+g
01:08:333 (1) - 這個是古爭的兩震音 可以試試短的反彈slider
01:16:488 (2) - X:126 Y:121
01:22:245 (2) - X:401 Y:77
01:23:684 - 可以放個圈/ slider 2/4在這裡 後面的spinner壓後但在現在同樣的地方完結
01:30:401 - 這個位是重音 應在這位放個圈 如果放了圈的話應刪01:30:640 (3) - *
01:32:319 (4) - 這個節奏有點奇怪

試試這個節奏- 01:37:357 - ^

試試這個節奏- 01:32:679 - ^ (與你風格不同 試試用你的風格改一改)
01:38:316 (1) - 可刪除 前面重音

*節奏重音 建議加一點(圈/開始slider): (可無視)
00:11:605 -
00:15:323 -
00:27:796 -
00:39:909 -
00:51:782 -
01:18:287 -
01:21:526 -
01:31:720 -
01:32:080 -
01:39:395 -

但節奏覺得有時與音不協調 需要注意
中樂只有5個音? 不同樂器放的slider和圈的方式有點分別 可以突顯歌的節奏喔~
加油喔~ 好小中樂map
Topic Starter

tellertheworld wrote:

from my modding queues~ hi~
00:03:809 (1) - ( 00:04:049 (2,3,4,5,6) - 是古爭音組 而這個有點不同 可以試試放另外一處或者和00:04:049 (2) - 重疊) 暫時保留
00:07:887 (4) - x:60 y:107 流順性問題 ok,fixed
00:11:245 (2) - X:81 Y:120 fixed
00:40:508 (3) - 不應該用SLIDER 突顯不了後面的木笛長音 可以00:40:269 (2,3) - ctrl+g ok,fixed
01:08:333 (1) - 這個是古爭的兩震音 可以試試短的反彈slider 暫時保留
01:16:488 (2) - X:126 Y:121 fixed
01:22:245 (2) - X:401 Y:77 fixed
01:23:684 - 可以放個圈/ slider 2/4在這裡 後面的spinner壓後但在現在同樣的地方完結 ok,fixed
01:30:401 - 這個位是重音 應在這位放個圈 如果放了圈的話應刪01:30:640 (3) - * 保留
01:32:319 (4) - 這個節奏有點奇怪 節奏上是可以這樣改,就是排列難辦,等我想想……

試試這個節奏- 01:37:357 - ^ 唔,保留

試試這個節奏- 01:32:679 - ^ (與你風格不同 試試用你的風格改一改) ^
01:38:316 (1) - 可刪除 前面重音 高潮段還是希望節奏滿一些,雖然感覺刪了也還不錯但是……未刪 QvQ

*節奏重音 建議加一點(圈/開始slider): (可無視)
00:11:605 - 這裡加上了
00:15:323 -
00:27:796 -
00:39:909 -
00:51:782 -
01:18:287 -
01:21:526 -
01:31:720 -
01:32:080 -
01:39:395 -

但節奏覺得有時與音不協調 需要注意
中樂只有5個音? 不同樂器放的slider和圈的方式有點分別 可以突顯歌的節奏喔~
加油喔~ 好小中樂map
謝謝mod!~ :)
They're mainly suggestions, feel free to ignore them but tell me the reason so I'll do better next time.


00:05:008 (1) - 转盘的音感觉有点空,考虑soft whistle.
00:27:076 (2) - 不太好读 Easy可能不适合放
01:07:373 (2) - reverse漏了一个clap
01:18:887 (2) - ^

00:06:927 (1,2) - 我建议从右边开始,因为前面那段是左边.
00:23:958 (4) - 往右移一点 好看
00:36:671 (2,3,4) - 做成reverse滑条吧 感觉有点难
00:38:590 (2,3,4) - ^
01:44:792 (1) - 加个note然后把spinner移到01:44:792 - 开始,结束时间不变

00:16:522 (1) - Ctrl+G
00:37:150 (5,6,7) - Spacing
00:52:981 (1,2) - 我还是建议用00:37:630 (1,2) - 这种节奏
01:38:076 (3,1) - 2.48x的跳... Hard里柑橘不用这么大把
01:43:113 (1) - NC

Hard的难度有点尴尬,比一般的hard难,节奏密度又够不上Insane.建议多做一个Insane.感觉还有不少节奏可以挖掘,01:23:924 (1) - 比如这个转盘.考虑overmap来做。


Good luck!
看看看看……又是一个insane难度的建议 :)

Topic Starter

Oracle wrote:

Hi~ hi~
They're mainly suggestions, feel free to ignore them but tell me the reason so I'll do better next time.

古风点赞!! 谢谢~

00:05:008 (1) - 转盘的音感觉有点空,考虑soft whistle. 那里本来就没有音的说……
00:27:076 (2) - 不太好读 Easy可能不适合放 这里如果要是换别种节奏那就照顾不到曲子本身了……会考虑一下
01:07:373 (2) - reverse漏了一个clap 其实是每隔一节在第三红线上出clap,应该是在01:05:694那里,会考虑把两个滑条换掉
01:18:887 (2) - ^ 道理同上

00:06:927 (1,2) - 我建议从右边开始,因为前面那段是左边. 这个要改后边一长串可就难了,于是索性把前面那点扔右边了。不错的建议
00:23:958 (4) - 往右移一点 好看 fixed
00:36:671 (2,3,4) - 做成reverse滑条吧 感觉有点难 原地好像也不太难吧……前面已经是折返滑条了这里就想有点变化,不过会考虑改掉
00:38:590 (2,3,4) - ^
01:44:792 (1) - 加个note然后把spinner移到01:44:792 - 开始,结束时间不变 ok,fixed

00:16:522 (1) - Ctrl+G fixed
00:37:150 (5,6,7) - Spacing lol这里还真是,fixed
00:52:981 (1,2) - 我还是建议用00:37:630 (1,2) - 这种节奏 这里换跟轨了的说,跟的管弦乐(?),因为这里笛音是个长尾音,4/3已经不太合适了
01:38:076 (3,1) - 2.48x的跳... Hard里柑橘不用这么大把 ok,fixed
01:43:113 (1) - NC 暂时保留

Hard的难度有点尴尬,比一般的hard难,节奏密度又够不上Insane.建议多做一个Insane.感觉还有不少节奏可以挖掘,01:23:924 (1) - 比如这个转盘.考虑overmap来做。

总体感觉Normal和Hard偏难,跟Easy的gap比较大。要不把Normal和Hard稍微弄简单点再加个Insane? 个人经验还不太够,想再多练练再去尝试overmap :3

Good luck!
回复得晚了点,抱歉哈,谢谢你的mod!~ :)
Topic Starter

zengdaen wrote:

看看看看……又是一个insane难度的建议 :)

你以为我道友都那么触啊,上手就DTHD咧…… →_→
Hi :),

Here is the promised mod:

  1. 00:06:927 (1,2) - The 3/2 gap are not really liked by beginner player since it's a little bit more difficult to play by them. That's why i would suggest to use this rythm:

    I also think this rhythm is better since each slider follow it's on instrument. (Where, in your case, 00:07:647 (2) follow a particuliar instrument at the start and another one at the end)
  2. 00:24:198 (1) - Maybe turn this into a 1/2 beat slider starting from 00:23:958. Not only because of the 3/2 gap this time but also because the note at 00:23:958 is quite powerful and also simillar to those you follow with 00:22:279 (1,2) so skipping it feels weird while playing.
  3. 01:16:728 - I don't really understood while you skipped this note and 01:18:67. They are reall powerful and again it feel weird not playing them. Especially because 01:16:968 (2,2) follows a way more quiet instrument.
  4. 01:29:441 (1,2) - Maybe change it like this? I think the notes at 01:29:801 and 01:30:161 are worth being played.
  5. 01:37:117 (1,2) - ^ (Besides the music is the same than at 01:29:441 but the rhythm you follow is different here oddly)
  1. 00:05:488 (1) - Since it's a normal and not an easy i think you can start the spinner 1/2 beat earlier.
  2. 00:31:633 - Add a note. The note in the music is one of those you followed at 00:26:117 (1,2,1) so why not here too?
  3. 01:23:444 (3) - I think you should remove this note or add one at 01:21:526. Because when i hear the song i hear 01:19:846 to 01:21:526 and 01:21:765 to 01:23:444 i hear the same rhythm si imo the notes 01:21:526 and 01:23:444 should be either both played ot not played.
  4. 01:28:242 - Add a note? Look at 01:35:198 (1,2,3,4). Same thing musically and you put one here! So by consistancy there should be one at 01:28:242 too.
  5. 01:32:319 (3) - I think you should modify the rhythm here because there is a note right at the middle of the slider that you skipped.
  1. 00:31:873 (1) - Maybe cruve it a little bit more in order to have a smoother flow from 1 to 2.
  2. 01:50:070 (3) - (nazi) Move the 2nd slider point 1 grid left for a better blanket.
  3. 01:50:549 (1) - Same as 00:31:873 (1).
  1. 00:03:809 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Even if most of the 1/4 in your map follow the drum i still think that you should add a note at 00:04:409. Besides, i also think you can avoid the back and forth 00:04:529 (5,6,7) which doesn't have a really good flow imo. Maybe you could finish your pattern like this:
    (and move 00:03:809 (1) where you prefer)
  2. 00:39:309 (6,1) - the jump should be made differently imo. Jump x2 in a map with a ds of x1 is quite hard for usual hard players so when you are in a situation like this with the flow of the jump really weird it's really difficult to play. I think you can keep your x2 jump but improve the flow here making the jump more pleasant to play but still just as difficult. Maybe something like this?
    (and move 00:39:549 (1) further away from 00:39:309 (6) in that case)
  3. 00:50:823 (6,1) - Why no jump x2 like at 00:46:985 (4,1)? It's the same powerful notes!
  4. 01:06:414 (1,2) - Usually you put jump x2 in your map wich match powerful notes in the music but oddly you have one here but nothing strong in the music.
  5. 01:21:286 (4,1) - x2.87.... This jump is a little bit exagerated compared to the others. It's just a hard. You use nearly all the time jump x2 so having suddenly a jump x2.87 is really strange and hard to play!
  6. 01:35:678 (2,3) - ^
  7. 01:36:637 (4,1) - No jump here? Come on! These note are quite powerful!
  8. 01:40:955 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ok those jump are more understandable. Even if still think they are a little bit too exagerated they are quite justified by the song. But still think 01:21:286 (4,1) and 01:35:678 (2,3) are not.
Pretty cool and interesting mapset! Here, take my star ^^
And Good luck!
Topic Starter

rezoons wrote:

Hi :), hi!~

Here is the promised mod:

  1. 00:06:927 (1,2) - The 3/2 gap are not really liked by beginner player since it's a little bit more difficult to play by them. That's why i would suggest to use this rythm: seems fine,fixed

    I also think this rhythm is better since each slider follow it's on instrument. (Where, in your case, 00:07:647 (2) follow a particuliar instrument at the start and another one at the end)
  2. 00:24:198 (1) - Maybe turn this into a 1/2 beat slider starting from 00:23:958. Not only because of the 3/2 gap this time but also because the note at 00:23:958 is quite powerful and also simillar to those you follow with 00:22:279 (1,2) so skipping it feels weird while playing. you're right,fixed
  3. 01:16:728 - I don't really understood while you skipped this note and 01:18:67. They are reall powerful and again it feel weird not playing them. Especially because 01:16:968 (2,2) follows a way more quiet instrument. adding these two notes at red lines may be a bit hard for an easy diff, i will consider that
  4. 01:29:441 (1,2) - Maybe change it like this? I think the notes at 01:29:801 and 01:30:161 are worth being played. ok,fixed
  5. 01:37:117 (1,2) - ^ (Besides the music is the same than at 01:29:441 but the rhythm you follow is different here oddly) here prefer the original, cause i want to make the mapset with more different rhythm patterns
  1. 00:05:488 (1) - Since it's a normal and not an easy i think you can start the spinner 1/2 beat earlier. ok,fixed
  2. 00:31:633 - Add a note. The note in the music is one of those you followed at 00:26:117 (1,2,1) so why not here too? changed it to a 1/2 slider
  3. 01:23:444 (3) - I think you should remove this note or add one at 01:21:526. Because when i hear the song i hear 01:19:846 to 01:21:526 and 01:21:765 to 01:23:444 i hear the same rhythm si imo the notes 01:21:526 and 01:23:444 should be either both played ot not played. umm……keep the original
  4. 01:28:242 - Add a note? Look at 01:35:198 (1,2,3,4). Same thing musically and you put one here! So by consistancy there should be one at 01:28:242 too. not add here, that will be a bit dense rhythm
  5. 01:32:319 (3) - I think you should modify the rhythm here because there is a note right at the middle of the slider that you skipped. will consider that
  1. 00:31:873 (1) - Maybe cruve it a little bit more in order to have a smoother flow from 1 to 2. fixed
  2. 01:50:070 (3) - (nazi) Move the 2nd slider point 1 grid left for a better blanket. fixed
  3. 01:50:549 (1) - Same as 00:31:873 (1). fixed

  1. 00:03:809 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Even if most of the 1/4 in your map follow the drum i still think that you should add a note at 00:04:409. Besides, i also think you can avoid the back and forth 00:04:529 (5,6,7) which doesn't have a really good flow imo. Maybe you could finish your pattern like this: added note, but keep the pattern
    (and move 00:03:809 (1) where you prefer)
  2. 00:39:309 (6,1) - the jump should be made differently imo. Jump x2 in a map with a ds of x1 is quite hard for usual hard players so when you are in a situation like this with the flow of the jump really weird it's really difficult to play. I think you can keep your x2 jump but improve the flow here making the jump more pleasant to play but still just as difficult. Maybe something like this? ok,fixed
    (and move 00:39:549 (1) further away from 00:39:309 (6) in that case)
  3. 00:50:823 (6,1) - Why no jump x2 like at 00:46:985 (4,1)? It's the same powerful notes! adding too many jump patterns is not so good i think……prefer the original
  4. 01:06:414 (1,2) - Usually you put jump x2 in your map wich match powerful notes in the music but oddly you have one here but nothing strong in the music. no change here
  5. 01:21:286 (4,1) - x2.87.... This jump is a little bit exagerated compared to the others. It's just a hard. You use nearly all the time jump x2 so having suddenly a jump x2.87 is really strange and hard to play! ok,fixed
  6. 01:35:678 (2,3) - ^ fixed
  7. 01:36:637 (4,1) - No jump here? Come on! These note are quite powerful! prefer the original
  8. 01:40:955 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ok those jump are more understandable. Even if still think they are a little bit too exagerated they are quite justified by the song. But still think 01:21:286 (4,1) and 01:35:678 (2,3) are not. i will consider that
Pretty cool and interesting mapset! Here, take my star ^^
And Good luck!
thx a lot for your helpful mod and star!~ :)
from my queue
不好意思來晚了,這幾天稍稍有點懶 =v=


00:05:608 (1) - 從00:05:728 開始
00:06:927 (1,2) - 我建議用滑條,因為很像1/2節奏,容易誤讀。
00:39:549 (1) - 弄成3/4slider再加一個note,因為覺得00:39:909 有音
01:07:373 (3,4,5,6) - 不如弄成一個正方形
01:37:117 (1,2) - 節奏不太對很好的圖

cs-1? 還有sv略快
01:37:117 (1) - 3/4音
01:44:553 (5) - 最好不要疊在下面,這對nm來說比較難

00:41:468 (1,2) - blanket好一點吧,現在這樣不上不下的不好看
01:12:171 (1,2) - 1/2銜接最好不要在最低難度出現
01:14:090 (1,2) - ^
01:19:846 (1,2) - ^
01:21:765 (1,2) - ^

Topic Starter

615915887 wrote:

from my queue
不好意思來晚了,這幾天稍稍有點懶 =v= 没关系,来了就好


00:05:608 (1) - 從00:05:728 開始 这里本来是这样的,但被AIBAT挑出时间过短,没办法就提前了点
00:06:927 (1,2) - 我建議用滑條,因為很像1/2節奏,容易誤讀。 啊?感觉这二连还挺好认的,不过既然这么说了那就改成滑条好了
00:39:549 (1) - 弄成3/4slider再加一個note,因為覺得00:39:909 有音 唔,这里先保留,试着改了改觉得不是很顺手……
01:07:373 (3,4,5,6) - 不如弄成一個正方形 斜向的平行flow感觉好一些,就先不改啦
01:37:117 (1,2) - 節奏不太對 这里节奏确实不太对,换成3/4折返滑条了
很好的圖 谢谢~

cs-1? 還有sv略快 感觉还行
01:37:117 (1) - 3/4音 这里不是很好改,后面的排列啥的,我再想想
01:44:553 (5) - 最好不要疊在下面,這對nm來說比較難 fixed

00:41:468 (1,2) - blanket好一點吧,現在這樣不上不下的不好看 这里本意就不是要包的说,挪了下试试要包的话离很近更不好看,我再想想
01:12:171 (1,2) - 1/2銜接最好不要在最低難度出現 这些地方要不这样真不知该咋整了,古筝音和笛音那么明显,别的节奏会显得很odd,俩滑条接大概也不算很难,吧……orz
01:14:090 (1,2) - ^
01:19:846 (1,2) - ^
01:21:765 (1,2) - ^

谢谢你的mod!~ :)



顺便一提……NC略喜感…… :)
Topic Starter

zengdaen wrote:



顺便一提……NC略喜感…… :)
how old are you 为何要开DT,不谙风情之人……【大雾
这么低的BPM,连打那样还好啦……KIAI TIME我记得我用的是1.4间距啊orz 那个加间距跳,不开DT的话很简单的啦,就说你不要自虐嘛 /.\

  1. 你好啊,这图还行啊,有潜力!


No Problem
  • Rhythm

  • Sound Effect


  • Rhythm
  1. 00:28:035 (1,2) - 2有些难看,和1组合起来的话。
  2. 00:51:782 (2,3) - 3的最适flow位置是184|220左右,原先这样有些不好看呐而且flow也不太好。
  3. 01:21:765 (1) - 这样试试看,既美观打起来又舒服。

  • Sound Effect
  1. ~


  1. ~
  • Rhythm
  1. 00:22:998 (3) - 有点丑
  2. 00:52:022 (3,4,5) - 这个overmap有些不好,音乐本身一点声音都没,如果一定要加,建议添加个音效会好听些,不然打起来只会觉得突然一座山压过来的感觉。

  • Sound Effect
  1. 00:06:927 - whistle去掉


Topic Starter

Rotte wrote:


  1. 你好啊,这图还行啊,有潜力!
谢谢^ ^



No Problem
  • Rhythm

  • Sound Effect


  • Rhythm
  1. 00:28:035 (1,2) - 2有些难看,和1组合起来的话。 嗯,把2的弧度整小点了
  2. 00:51:782 (2,3) - 3的最适flow位置是184|220左右,原先这样有些不好看呐而且flow也不太好。 这里原先3是叠在那个折返滑条上的,但怀疑unrankable,所以就改成这样了……试了试放在那不太好改后面的排列啥的,我再想想吧
  3. 01:21:765 (1) - 这样试试看,既美观打起来又舒服。 嗯,确实,fixed

  • Sound Effect
  1. ~


  1. ~
  • Rhythm
  1. 00:22:998 (3) - 有点丑 改成别的形状了
  2. 00:52:022 (3,4,5) - 这个overmap有些不好,音乐本身一点声音都没,如果一定要加,建议添加个音效会好听些,不然打起来只会觉得突然一座山压过来的感觉。 ok, 把4删掉了

  • Sound Effect
  1. 00:06:927 - whistle去掉 这里突出一下高音,另两个难度也是这样,就先保留


谢谢你的mod和星!~ :)
Fushimi Rio
早安 From queue

图好 没啥可说的了 以下都是我的个人意见 有破坏整体感的请尽管无视没关系


01:23:684 (1) - 拉到01:27:042 - 结束


00:00:931 (1,2) - 做成一个在上面一个在下面是不是更好
00:53:941 (2) - 这个我感觉应该下在前面的红线上……
00:54:900 (1,2,3) - 总觉得现在的下法有点浪费2/3


00:00:931 (1,2) - 同normal 拆开放
00:11:605 (3,4) - 换成1/4滑条之后只用点蓝线那一下 我感觉更合曲
00:44:106 (3,4,5,6) - 往下挪一点
01:23:444 (8) - nc?

确实没啥好提的啊 完成度很高了 找个人泡一泡吧
Topic Starter

Eggache0 wrote:

早安 From queue hi~

图好 没啥可说的了 以下都是我的个人意见 有破坏整体感的请尽管无视没关系


01:23:684 (1) - 拉到01:27:042 - 结束 ok, fixed


00:00:931 (1,2) - 做成一个在上面一个在下面是不是更好 嗯,也行,fixed
00:53:941 (2) - 这个我感觉应该下在前面的红线上…… 这里先保留
00:54:900 (1,2,3) - 总觉得现在的下法有点浪费2/3 好建议,把前面那三个改成折返滑条了


00:00:931 (1,2) - 同normal 拆开放 hard就不拆啦,ar8也比较好读
00:11:605 (3,4) - 换成1/4滑条之后只用点蓝线那一下 我感觉更合曲 嗯,可以,fixed
00:44:106 (3,4,5,6) - 往下挪一点 fixed
01:23:444 (8) - nc? 感觉好像没必要的样子……

确实没啥好提的啊 完成度很高了 找个人泡一泡吧 嗯,再等等吧,还可以完善一下~^ ^
谢谢你的mod!~ :)
offset -747 别两条线了……
00:31:873 (1) - Start at 00:31:633 - end at 00:34:752 -
00:22:327 (3) - 提前到00:05:008 -
01:42:874 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 过难
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

这是野生的mod君吗 lol,还是从Narcissu的queue里做M4M来的……总之,能来看这么冷门的曲子的图很感谢
offset -747 别两条线了…… 试了一下貌似unsnap的绿线会很多,就先这样吧,之后如果有BAT挑的话再改
00:31:873 (1) - Start at 00:31:633 - end at 00:34:752 - 提前了,结束时间没变
00:22:327 (3) - 提前到00:05:008 - 这一条……看不太懂啊 ;w; 是不是note复制错了……
01:42:874 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 过难 还好啦,我这种的都能轻松过,看着难实际上在这么低的BPM下并不算难……再不整点跳啊啥的这图真的会很无聊
谢谢mod~ :)
华语mapper 加油> <...
Topic Starter

Sweet Vanilla wrote:

华语mapper 加油> <...
谢谢支持~ *^_^*
Ello, mod from queue 8-)
*BG should be 1366x768 or 768 in dimension for best quality image during game play.

00:27:076 (2,1) - slightly too close to each other. Shift 00:28:035 (1) - and you'll see it.
00:35:711 (1) - Feel free to add a note here to hit the loud strum of that stringed instrument heard in the music.
00:43:867 (2,1) - Why not create a blanket here? Blankets usually help create a smoother flow within the objects.
01:46:711 (3) - NC

00:14:603 (1,2) - Sliders are just slightly too far apart.
00:44:106 (2) - Move more to the left, and shift 00:44:346 (3) - up a bit so the flow isn't a dull straight line across the objects 00:43:387 (1,2,3) -

01:27:522 (3) - NC, since it's the first object to appear in Kai.
01:52:468 (5) - NC?

AR - 1?
01:14:809 (2,3) - Try swapping the notes, so that the slider starts after the hit circle instead. Sounds better imo. You can even turn 01:14:809 (2) - and 01:15:769 (4) - into a 1/2 slider after placing 01:14:809 (2) - on 01:15:529.
01:48:630 (2) - NC, since it's first object to appear at the end of Kai.
Damn. Now this is some fine music you don't often see every day on osu! I absolutely love your taste in music!
Take my star ~ Good luck!
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello, mod from queue 8-) hi~
*BG should be 1366x768 or 768 in dimension for best quality image during game play. can't find larger-sized one of this BG pic :o

00:27:076 (2,1) - slightly too close to each other. Shift 00:28:035 (1) - and you'll see it. ok, fixed
00:35:711 (1) - Feel free to add a note here to hit the loud strum of that stringed instrument heard in the music. prefer to keep this break time, no change
00:43:867 (2,1) - Why not create a blanket here? Blankets usually help create a smoother flow within the objects. fine idea, fixed
01:46:711 (3) - NC umm……here before a spinner, so no change

00:14:603 (1,2) - Sliders are just slightly too far apart. ok, fixed
00:44:106 (2) - Move more to the left, and shift 00:44:346 (3) - up a bit so the flow isn't a dull straight line across the objects 00:43:387 (1,2,3) - nice, fixed

01:27:522 (3) - NC, since it's the first object to appear in Kai. ok, added
01:52:468 (5) - NC? the last note, perhaps don't need NC, so no change

AR - 1? no, ar8 is easier to read
01:14:809 (2,3) - Try swapping the notes, so that the slider starts after the hit circle instead. Sounds better imo. You can even turn 01:14:809 (2) - and 01:15:769 (4) - into a 1/2 slider after placing 01:14:809 (2) - on 01:15:529. seems fine, fixed
01:48:630 (2) - NC, since it's first object to appear at the end of Kai. maybe a little weird, no change
Damn. Now this is some fine music you don't often see every day on osu! I absolutely love your taste in music! glad that you like this song~
Take my star ~ Good luck!
thx a lot for your mod and star!~ :)
There are many other cool BG's that you could also use for this song 8-) Here's some that I managed to find for this map. Try them out, and see if you like any of them:

But if you're really content on keeping your current BG, then by no means am I going to force you to use the ones above.

No kuds. Hope this map gets ranked soon! :D
Topic Starter
wow, i'm really surprised and curious how could you find these Pili pics!! :shock: this TV series isn't famous at all even in Chinese area. thx a lot for your BG help!~ but as you see, this song is a character's theme song, that character's name is Qing Haichao (擎海潮 in Chinese), the one on the current BG. these three pics you found are from Pili series indeed, but all of them aren't Qing Haichao himself, two of them are Jian Zi Xian Ji (剑子仙迹 in Chinese) and the other one is Wu Mengsheng (无梦生 in Chinese). i know maybe they are look like the same one in eyes of people who don't know much about this series. so as the reason, i may keep the current BG :? thank you all the same!~ through mapping such songs from Pili to make more people try to know about this cool series, i'm really glad.



00:11:125 - 这里可以拆一个圈出来
01:23:684 (9) - 可以做个跳
01:35:678 (2,3,4) - 不是很顺畅


01:18:647 (2,3) - 01:31:360 (1,2) - 没对齐


00:08:606 - 这里不爽,00:06:927 (1) - 折返,00:08:606 - 加个1/2滑条
01:31:360 (1) - 剪短1/4
01:37:117 (1,2) - 换成3/4折返,01:38:076 - 1/1
01:40:955 (1,2) - 两个3/4折返
Topic Starter

liangv587 wrote:


用sampleset和additions可以节约绿线 啊我煞笔了,下来研究研究……


00:11:125 - 这里可以拆一个圈出来 ?不是很明白
01:23:684 (9) - 可以做个跳 好,那就让它小跳了一下,并加了NC
01:35:678 (2,3,4) - 不是很顺畅 这里可能跳得稍大了点……把3叠到2的尾部上了,不知道会不会好点


01:18:647 (2,3) - 01:31:360 (1,2) - 没对齐 还真是,fixed


00:08:606 - 这里不爽,00:06:927 (1) - 折返,00:08:606 - 加个1/2滑条 嗯,好主意啊,fixed
01:31:360 (1) - 剪短1/4 嗯……还是不要了吧
01:37:117 (1,2) - 换成3/4折返,01:38:076 - 1/1 试了一下,虽然节奏会大有改观但排列会很难搞orz,暂时保留 :o
01:40:955 (1,2) - 两个3/4折返 那样在easy里可能偏难吧……先保留
音效方面可以利用slidertick,,跳至8分钟 嗯,就像irc里我说的,尽量避免tick音效吧
谢谢mod!~ :)
Hi Akabato.
I checked the map and found no unrankable issues. Thus, I'm giving this map a chance!
Have a bubble and good luck!
Topic Starter
wow, thx a lot Ike!
Finally this is bubbled <3

I really love the amazing job you did with this map. Really looking forward to seeing this ranked!
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

Finally this is bubbled <3

I really love the amazing job you did with this map. Really looking forward to seeing this ranked!
really thanks for your support Lanturn!~ :) without your helpful mod, this map won't be improved so much
瞎了你们都疯狂泡图 苦苦
Topic Starter

Oracle wrote:

瞎了你们都疯狂泡图 苦苦
撞大运要到了bat的M4M…… :D 要不真不知道还要等多久,老实说,这样的曲子找mod并不容易…… D:

Akabato wrote:

wow, i'm really surprised and curious how could you find these Pili pics!! :shock: this TV series isn't famous at all even in Chinese area. thx a lot for your BG help!~ but as you see, this song is a character's theme song, that character's name is Qing Haichao (擎海潮 in Chinese), the one on the current BG. these three pics you found are from Pili series indeed, but all of them aren't Qing Haichao himself, two of them are Jian Zi Xian Ji (剑子仙迹 in Chinese) and the other one is Wu Mengsheng (无梦生 in Chinese). i know maybe they are look like the same one in eyes of people who don't know much about this series. so as the reason, i may keep the current BG :? thank you all the same!~ through mapping such songs from Pili to make more people try to know about this cool series, i'm really glad.
Ahh, I see now. How interesting :)
Now I'm wondering if I can watch the show with English subs.

BeatofIke wrote:

Hi Akabato.
I checked the map and found no unrankable issues. Thus, I'm giving this map a chance!
Have a bubble and good luck!
Yes, now someone grab another BAT to check this beatmap :oops:

Consider this a random bubble check, popping because timing is wrong.

:!: Timing is way off, set 1190 as offset, no need to put a negative one. You must fix this in order to rebubble.
Maybe make the combo colors a bit darker so they are easier to see.
Suggestion 1

Combo1 : 185,113,113
Combo2 : 255,165,43
Combo3 : 108,108,255
Suggestion 2 (a bit brighter than 1)

Combo1 : 179,98,98
Combo2 : 255,174,64
Combo3 : 108,108,255

00:00:931 (1,2) - I suggest to use a slider here, the speed hasn't been stablished so this may be a bit annoying for some players.
00:01:890 - Add two notes in 1/4 here? it feels a bit weird ignoring this one as you mapped similar streams in the rest of the song, not a must tho.
00:05:008 (7,1) - Remove (7) and begin the spinner in 00:05:008? It'd make more sense with the instrument you're following here.
00:10:765 (1) - I'm really sure you should use the 1/3 beat snap divisor for the end of this.
00:21:319 (3) - I think a 1/2 slider would fit better here.
00:56:340 (3,4) - Reverse (Ctrl+G) the slider so you keep an ↑ ↓ ↑ motion for this pattern, if you do, don't forget to move (4) so you keep spacing consistent.
01:11:211 (3) - How about using a 1/4 triple instead this slider, it'd match nicely the song, imo.
01:21:765 (1) - I think a 1/2 slider would fit better here.
01:23:684 (9) - Remove NC?
01:29:441 (1) - Use a 3/4 slider with a repeat like you did in 01:37:117 (1)? It'd play better imo.
01:31:360 (1) - I think a 1/2 slider would fit better here with that wind instrument.
01:32:319 (4) - ^

00:04:529 (4) - Use a 1/2 slider here and begin the spinner in 00:05:008, so it follows better the instrument you're mapping here.
01:10:252 (1) - You may want to use a slider here, the spinner is a bit short here in my opinion.

Your combos are too short here, you may want put a NC each 2 downbeats (large white ticks).
00:05:008 (1) - You may want to change this for a slider, the next object is a bit close so beginners may not be able to recover in time.
00:13:164 (1) - Same about this spinner, you remove 00:12:684 (4) and begin the spinner there, and end it in 00:15:562.
01:23:684 (1) - End this spinner in 01:26:563 so you give beginners the time to recover.
01:43:353 (1) - Maybe use a slider instead.

Simple but effective :) , poke me when you're done.
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:


Consider this a random bubble check, popping because timing is wrong.

:!: Timing is way off, set 1190 as offset, no need to put a negative one. You must fix this in order to rebubble. ok, fixed offset and all timing lines
Maybe make the combo colors a bit darker so they are easier to see. i choosed #2, thx for your advice~
Suggestion 1

Combo1 : 185,113,113
Combo2 : 255,165,43
Combo3 : 108,108,255
Suggestion 2 (a bit brighter than 1)

Combo1 : 179,98,98
Combo2 : 255,174,64
Combo3 : 108,108,255

00:00:931 (1,2) - I suggest to use a slider here, the speed hasn't been stablished so this may be a bit annoying for some players. ok, fixed
00:01:890 - Add two notes in 1/4 here? it feels a bit weird ignoring this one as you mapped similar streams in the rest of the song, not a must tho. since it's the beginning part of the song, so don't want to make the rhythm concentrated, keep the current notes
00:05:008 (7,1) - Remove (7) and begin the spinner in 00:05:008? It'd make more sense with the instrument you're following here. umm……prefer to keep the pattern here, no change
00:10:765 (1) - I'm really sure you should use the 1/3 beat snap divisor for the end of this. ok, fixed
00:21:319 (3) - I think a 1/2 slider would fit better here. ok, fixed
00:56:340 (3,4) - Reverse (Ctrl+G) the slider so you keep an ↑ ↓ ↑ motion for this pattern, if you do, don't forget to move (4) so you keep spacing consistent. actually the downward sliders here are want to follow the music, the sound of drum has a pitch-down trend here. so keep the current pattern
01:11:211 (3) - How about using a 1/4 triple instead this slider, it'd match nicely the song, imo. prefer the original
01:21:765 (1) - I think a 1/2 slider would fit better here. ok, fixed
01:23:684 (9) - Remove NC? ok, removed
01:29:441 (1) - Use a 3/4 slider with a repeat like you did in 01:37:117 (1)? It'd play better imo. want to make the rhythm more various, so keep the current notes
01:31:360 (1) - I think a 1/2 slider would fit better here with that wind instrument. ok, fixed
01:32:319 (4) - ^ here want to keep the current pattern :?

00:04:529 (4) - Use a 1/2 slider here and begin the spinner in 00:05:008, so it follows better the instrument you're mapping here. ok, fixed
01:10:252 (1) - You may want to use a slider here, the spinner is a bit short here in my opinion. ok, fixed

Your combos are too short here, you may want put a NC each 2 downbeats (large white ticks). ok, fixed
00:05:008 (1) - You may want to change this for a slider, the next object is a bit close so beginners may not be able to recover in time. ok, fixed
00:13:164 (1) - Same about this spinner, you remove 00:12:684 (4) and begin the spinner there, and end it in 00:15:562. ok, fixed
01:23:684 (1) - End this spinner in 01:26:563 so you give beginners the time to recover. ok, fixed
01:43:353 (1) - Maybe use a slider instead. here want to keep the spinner, but made it begin at 01:43:132 (1/2 beat early than before), and deleted the circle after it to make sure there has enough recover time

Simple but effective :) , poke me when you're done.
thx a lot for your mod!~ :) updated
Alright have your bubble back.

Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:

Alright have your bubble back.

thx!~ :3
A pity you didn't include the video. It's pretty neat.

Considering the wip rule at t/142383 you might want to change the Artist/title to a romanized version of the Chinese, unless this is the official English title. You can put the English title in the tags if you wish.

I'm thinking AR -1 works well for this map. If not, OD +1.
00:22:298 (1,2,3) - This part would be awesome with some jumps
01:15:788 (4,1) - This jump was kind of sudden and harsh compared to the rest of the map. Maybe reposition 3 and 4 so that it's moving towards the left
Topic Starter

UnderminE wrote:

Caesar so moe

Garven wrote:

A pity you didn't include the video. It's pretty neat.

Considering the wip rule at t/142383 you might want to change the Artist/title to a romanized version of the Chinese, unless this is the official English title. You can put the English title in the tags if you wish. since the artist has official english name (check the official site here: ), so i just changed the song's title

I'm thinking AR -1 works well for this map. If not, OD +1. OD+1, i think AR8 may be easier to read
00:22:298 (1,2,3) - This part would be awesome with some jumps ok, changed pattern
01:15:788 (4,1) - This jump was kind of sudden and harsh compared to the rest of the map. Maybe reposition 3 and 4 so that it's moving towards the left ok, fixed
thx for your mod!~ :) updated
I dig it.
wowowow finally. Congrats!!!!!
Congratulations! :D
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

I dig it.
thx a lot, Garven!~ :)

Lanturn wrote:

wowowow finally. Congrats!!!!!
thx, Lanturn!~ there is your effort indeed!

Streliteela wrote:


DakeDekaane wrote:

Congratulations! :D
thx!~ :)
哇哇 :D
Topic Starter

CET 6 wrote:

哇哇 :D
六级~~ :D
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