
What is the BPM of this song? And is there a ranked beatmap out of this song?

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Comrade Daniel

I'm struggling to find out what bpm this song is because it shows different results when I'm tapping after the rhythm to find out the BPM of this song.

And also has this song been mapped yet in osu? If no, then I want to try to map this.
Jason X
BPM: 170
Offset: 1500

Offset might be incorrect.

It seems this song does not exist in osu yet.
(Could also be that I just romanized the title wrong >.<)
I don't think there's a ranked beatmap of it after a few minutes of searching.
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Comrade Daniel
Okay then, since there is no ranked beatmap out of this song, then I'm going to make my own map of this and try to get it ranked! Despite having few experience with mapping in general, I will try my best to make a rankable map out of this song! And I will also contact beatmap creators and hear their opinions! Wish me good luck!
Good luck buddy
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