Check results:
yukinaoto and Ryu Sei's maps: So so sorry, I don't like the songs at all..
chy030's request: Eh, not too fond with the mapping style, it still has many flaws in playability, minijacks are placed in a pretty uncomfortable way.
rynxelia__'s request: This map has compulsive minijacks, many places where they either play in an uncomfortable way or even where they could be absolutelky avoided.
Shinsekai-'s request: Alright, I'm pretty unsure if I want to accept or reject this. Reasons are that this map is completely underwhelming compared on the song but it plays amazingly well. I'm putting this on hold, because I love this song.
cherrychou's request: Not too fond with the mapping style too, plays pretty uncomfortable still. You can request it again once you fixed some playability flaws, because i like the concepts.
KoshiK-h's request: I have nothing to suggest here, amazing map.
Foxide's request: This is too easy, wouldn't know how to help here too..