
How much is different in the lazer editor, and is it worth learning it over stable?

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koi d
Ive been interested in getting into mapping, but idk whether to start with lazer or stable, which one would be easier to learn?
Lazer editor isnt ready to map with yet

WitherMite wrote:

Lazer editor isnt ready to map with yet

Not sure what you are talking about. The editor is for sure different and it does take a reasonable amount of time to get used to where everything is in comparison to stable; however, it is definitely able to map songs, there is just a learning curve.
hmm mustve changed since I last looked at it or seen people talk about it then.
unless a lot of work has been put into it in the past month, the lazer editor is not an equal alternative to the stable one

sure, you can technically make maps with it, but a lot of the quality of life features are just not there, and you can't upload your maps either
Jason X

WitherMite wrote:

hmm mustve changed since I last looked at it or seen people talk about it then.
It sure got its share of issues, but none of them are big enough of a hassle not to use the lazer editor.
While osu mode seems to be working correctly, the editor does have problems with any other mode or hybrid sets (multi-mode).
I literally just went into the editor to check for some issues, and this is what I found. No idea if these are known issues or not.
  1. Uploading maps is not possible. (Known and not an issue, just hasn't been enabled yet)
    lazer does not support the uploading of maps yet,
    step by step on how to upload a map made in lazer
    - Export the beatmap (File -> Export package)
    - Import the osz into stable
    - Use the stable editor to upload the map.
  2. You can not create a new difficulty for any other mode, if your currently selected difficulty is Taiko, Catch, or Mania.
  3. Saving maps takes quite some time in comparison to the stable editor.
    Very likely due to how maps are stored in lazer
  4. No Design mode (Not yet implemented)
    So no option to make a storyboard.
  5. No option to input BPM directly
    Instead, you get to hold the +1 button until you reach the BPM you need, starting from 60 as default.
  6. The metronome thingy sometimes skips beats, so checking the offset is harder than it should be.

koi d wrote:

Ive been interested in getting into mapping, but idk whether to start with lazer or stable, which one would be easier to learn?
You can start with either, just keep in mind that the lazer editor still has some issues + that uploading isn't possible from lazer.

The design/how stuff works is not that much different in the two, (unless you plan on mapping Taiko or Catch the Beat), and getting used to the other also doesn't take too long.

Just try them both and stick with what you like better, no matter the flaws present.

My personal opinion
Personally I use stable, the reasons why I don't use lazer are:
  1. The timing panel in lazer is too complicated and I can't make any offset work correctly (due to the metronome skipping beats...).
  2. No default skin available for the editor.
  3. I like to save myself the extra steps it takes to upload a map.
  4. I dislike the Taiko editor in lazer.
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