
EM2's Mapping Request Queue [CLOSED]

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epic man 2

Disclaimer: This is not my modding queue lol

Greetings and welcome to my mapping queue! This is a queue where players will have the ability to suggest me a song to chart in Osu!Mania 4K under whichever style they want, be it simple or complicated!
This queue's primary objective is to motivate myself in mapping again so that I can make and upload maps with more activity, and to create more maps for people to enjoy.

There isn't many rules as to what is allowed and what isn't song-wise, but generally i'm free to chart whatever song people may request in this queue unless..

The artist of the song does not permit their music to be used on Osu (Check this page for reference) or the artist is an inexplicably "disgusting" person (Geoxor, Aero Chord, Datsik, and so on). (Check -NoName-'s modding queue under the "Banned Artists" box for a rough idea as to what I am referring to here)
The song doesn't abide by the Song Content Rules.
I've already charted the song before. (There can be exceptions to this, but its best to be aware of this first)

Aside from all of this, here is the format we'll be using for these suggestions:

Artist - Song Title:
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language:
Song Length:
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc):
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here):

It is important that you fill all of these boxes (Minus "Additional info"), otherwise I will ask you for some more clarification as a reminder.


1. Be patient about your request. After suggesting on the queue, it may take some time for me to get around to the request or to process it (Depending on what it is), so you would have to wait for a bit for me to finish the map -- only exceptions is if you have been waiting a month or so for anything to be done or if i'm slow at mapping it.
2. Please watch your behaviour. If I am processing a suggestion of yours, you should be mindful and respectful of the effort I may put when creating your map -- that being said, attacking me or anyone else that suggests something in the queue will put you on a blacklist that will not be listed here for obvious reasons.

As for usage of the map, you can do whatever you want with it as long as it is not for anything negative and you don't steal/claim it as your own -- refer to my "About Me" page under the "Mapping Info" box for more information.

Anyway, this should be it for now. Thanks for reading and suggest away!
Artist - Song Title: The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language: Alternative Rock / English
Song Length: 3:33
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): Vocal dump/tech
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here): just started mapping dump/tech, feedback would be appreciated ^^
Edit: beatmapsets/1908892 (forgot the map link lol)
Noch Einen
Artist - Song Title: Noah - Deadly Force
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc): uhhhhhhhhh i got this from osu, only found the long ver (which i believe its just cut ver?? idk either)
Genre / Language: Electronic metal
Song Length: 1:51
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): idk style, whenever i map, i just slap notes with concept, style is for nerd. so, judge anything you sees fit (as for top diff, i need to reply it first, please pm / ping me if you're going for top diff)
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here): beatmapsets/1800930#mania/3692471 (map basically "trying to copy style of riu's") and ofc want to explore new zone
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epic man 2

Noch Einen wrote:

Artist - Song Title: Noah - Deadly Force
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc): uhhhhhhhhh i got this from osu, only found the long ver (which i believe its just cut ver?? idk either)
Genre / Language: Electronic metal
Song Length: 1:51
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): idk style, whenever i map, i just slap notes with concept, style is for nerd. so, judge anything you sees fit (as for top diff, i need to reply it first, please pm / ping me if you're going for top diff)
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here): beatmapsets/1800930#mania/3692471 (map basically "trying to copy style of riu's") and ofc want to explore new zone
Artist - Song Title: Key After Key - OVERTIME?!
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language: Breakcore/Electronic - Instrumental
Song Length: 1:21
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): i have no idea but this is looking to be on the LN map side
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here):
this song does not work with my mapping style very well, been a little difficult to chart, so i’ll take like any help, thanks :>

u can ignore mania insane and standard diffs
Artist - Song Title: kmlkmljkl - Party Without Me
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language: novelty/english
Song Length: 2:15
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): chordjack
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here): song is a mashup of without me and we like to party but besides that, I don't have an extra info
Topic Starter
epic man 2
"This topic bas been inactive for quite a while. If you don't have a specific reason to post here" BUMP
Artist - Song Title: Shoji Meguro - Forced Battle
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language: rock| video game / English
Song Length: 2:04
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): funny dump or stream
Additional info: i am the bug inside you.
Artist - Song Title: 7_7 - Shine

Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc): beatmaps/artists/356

Genre / Language: Electronic / Instrumental

Song Length: 2:01

What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): Mostly dense jumpstreams, tho at higher pitch it becomes handstreams

Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here): doing it for mappers guild so that's cool ig
Artist - Song Title: Zara Larsson - Invisible
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language: Pop (?) / English
Song Length: 2:55
What type of map do you want: A 4K/6K LN map
Additional info: Reminds me of (the only 4K LN map I can actually play) beatmapsets/882820#mania/1845621 so I'm imagining some relaxed LN gameplay that flows with the song. No pp farming, no hardcore stuff, just relaxing with the music. This song is also the OST for Klaus (2019) movie, so that's another similarity with the beatmap I linked. If I can add my own diff to the spread, that'd be amazing as well.
XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX - Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis:
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language: Death Metal, English
Song Length: 3:25
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): STREAMS
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here):
Artist - Song Title: Snail's House & Moe Shop - Fashionista
Song link:
Genre / Language: Electro House/Instrumental
Song Length: 3:24
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): Hybrid/dump
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here): Not sure about specifics, feel like there's a bunch of creative room with this song and I think you'd be able to make a super cool map out of it hehe
I originally imagined the 1:04 bit kind of like the flamenco house drop if that helps for a starting point

thx smmmmmm
Artist - Song Title:YUKIYANAGI/Sokudo
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language:corpuscle/Instrumental music
Song Length:4:16
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc):
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here):
I'm a rookie mapper, I don't know what kind of beatmaps I actually want to make, there are a lot of related terminology I don't know very well, I just make a beatmaps according to my own ideas. I hope you like my beatmaps.
Here's my beatmaps link: beatmapsets/2119077#mania/4451266
Artist - Song Title: Marasy - Re:Unknown X
Song link (Youtube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, etc):
Genre / Language: instrumental
Song Length: 2:28
What type of map do you want (Tech, hybrid, chordjack, stream, etc): mix of chordjack and stream patterns
Additional info (Can be like a link to a map you want inspiration from, or just anything you wanna put here): it would be nice if the map was around 3 stars difficulty
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