
Auto-translate standard diff names in multiple languages

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Current Priority: +2
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A recent ranking rules change (t/169960) states diff names must be understandable by an average human player. However, osu is a language-neutral app and not all player understand English. If things like "easy", "normal", "hard", "insane" or even "hyper", "another", "extra" is translated according to user's preference, it would be good.
(Also, mappers should be able to use non-English custom diff names, provided that an English/romanized version is present, like song name)
You see, the thing is... these English written difficulty names are actually present in the Japanese rhythm games they appear in.

beatmaniaIIDX functions with difficulties labelled as; Beginner, Normal, Hyper and Another.
Reflec Beat utilises this range of difficulty labels; BASIC, MEDIUM and HARD.
jubeat has a different category of labelling yet again; Basic, Advanced, and Extreme.

Time to take a break from just rhythm game labels.

東方Project (Touhou) has even more English labelled difficulties; Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic, and Extra.

It really isn't that hard for non-English speaking individuals to clearly figure out what the words themselves adhere to during their initial, short-term and long-term play time with osu!
There are no standard diff names. Anyone can name a difficulty with whatever words he wants as long as anybody can understand them without having special knowledge required. (see peppy's example: [walking] [running] [sprinting]). Only translating Easy, Normal, Hard, etc. would make diff naming inconsistent.

Plus, how would you deal with diffs named like "[mapperName's Hard]"? Would you only translate "Hard" and leave "mapperName's"? I don't know in Chinese but it would certainly sound terrible in some languages, like my native one. It would require to translate the entire name to sound good... Every name in every language. Not possible. (don't even bother to talk about Google Translate please)
Some mappers have their names on some diffs. Like val0108's guest difficulties.

Fr33z3R wrote:

Some mappers have their names on some diffs. Like val0108's guest difficulties.
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