
[Proposal] Clarify Muzukashii 1/4 pattern guideline

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Current guideline:

1/4 patterns which are longer than three notes should consist of one colour change at most which should take place at the start or the end of the pattern. Patterns more complex than that would be too demanding for intermediate players. These patterns should be followed by a rest moment.

The main issue I have with this is the statement "should consist of one colour change at most which should take place at the start or the end of the pattern".

This is rather unclear about what kind of patterns it's suggesting. Does it mean only changing on the first or last object, or is it fine to change on the second/fourth one? Or does it actually mean changing at the start compared to the object before the 1/4? If it does mean patterns like "kdddd" or "dkkkk", those are pretty unusual/rare and would likely be uncomfortable for Muzukashii players. (Though, 5 object 1/4 is rare in general in Muzukashiis).

My current suggestion would just be to remove the "at the start" part.

1/4 patterns which are longer than three notes should have at most one colour change which should take place on the last note of the pattern. Patterns more complex than that would be too demanding for intermediate players. These patterns should be followed by a rest moment.

I'm not completely satisfied with this, as this still excludes some "simple" patterns like ddkkd, which if followed by a rest moment would likely be acceptable, but for a guideline I think it's better for it to just be as clear as possible.
I don't see the need for this change personally. The wording isn't unclear, should isn't a must, it's a suggestion as to what is most comfortable, the guideline isn't at all suggesting that the 2nd/4th is acceptable, and when referring to patterns it means the 1/4 pattern as a whole, I don't see how this is implying anything to do with the objects before it. Whilst things like kdddd and dkkkk are uncommon, they aren't uncomfortable, and even if they were they could easily be filtered out by BNs. What's more is this is more about changing the guideline rather than a clarification, so I think it's okay as is.
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