
A bit of a late introduction...But, Hiya!

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Hiya! I'm Wolf Whitenova, and I'm mostly a Taiko player. Currently about #80 or around the 70's in America, and I hope to build up from that. I'm 13 years old, about to turn 14. I've been told I'm a bit mature for my age, but sometimes I'm just the weirdest person ever! :oops: I'm also a furry and proud of it! Music I like to listen to is electronic music, like Breakcore, Speedcore, and Dubstep. I also listen to Metal, which is a rarity (apparently) in Osu!. When I'm not playing Osu!, I usually just sit around and talk to people on Skype, listen to music, or watch TV. I'd like to be less of a loner in Osu! and find some friends, cause that's just not healthy X3 I practice all the time, and I just hope to get better!

Welcome to osu!forum
Enjoy your stay
welcome :D
the sivart
Bro its cool! you can find friends here no problem! I would just recommend not telling people your age or maturity level, they can judge for themselves, and if they think you are older than you really are than 8-)
Such high rank for so little playcount o.o that's awesome! And welcome! ^^ Don't worry, we are all weird lol XD
Welcome Wolfy c;
Welcome to osu! White Wolfnova! Happy to see you've joined us on the forums, hope you enjoy your stay!
Refer to my signature to read the rules/welcome message!
Welcome to Osu! and the forums :)
If you would like to verse or make a new friend, feel free to message me and/or add me as a friend on here (It's cool to make new friends :) )

Happy gaming!

Welcome to the forum, Wolfy-kun. Feel free to chat anything with us here.
Enjoy your stay! Rawr.
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