
BAT rankings [Added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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hey itd be really cool if we had something that ranked the BAT against each other for a little friendly competition, maybe have like a post count of the beatmap forums for the past week and another for all time...yeah

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I think peppy's official answer to this was "whenever somebody codes it for me"

But if implemented, I would still think that the best thing to do would be to have the BAT leaderboard give more points based on the priority level of maps being modded. That way there would be some incentive to modding the high-prio maps, which is where BATs are supposed to be directing their focus.

I do remember the BAT ranking having a more inspirational effect than the current kudosu system
Well, for the most part, we can't differentiate between 'modding' and 'posting' using a computer.

However, I do like the idea of pairing priority with score.

Thus, higher-priority maps give you more points if you bubble, pop, or rank it? Maybe just bubble? Bubble/pop? (Of course if you bubble/pop the same map more than once you'll get less points than you would the first time (or no points at all) to help prevent gaming the system...)

LuigiHann wrote:

I do remember the BAT ranking having a more inspirational effect than the current kudosu system

Why can't we have a little competitive fun amongst ourselves, to make things more interesting?
Obvious support <3
I want this again, for all the wrong reasons.

Those who know of my general mapping habits should be able to guess why.
support +1
+1 Support.

And strager's opinion sounds good for me.
We're back at where we used to be again with BAT rankings. I'll consider any changes in the future, but will mark this as added for the time being.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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