
Might aswell introduce myself now

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Helloooo everyone, I'm Tree.

I've been playing for a little while but haven't really decided to post here yet, since I'm a little shy :L

Anyways a little about me. I'm 16 from US, and this is pretty much the only game I'm playing for now. I'm in a advanced art class at my school and when I'm not playing this game, I like to draw landscapes and such sometimes. I love Hidden <3 and trying to get good at Double Time. Hard Rock is my mortal enemy. As a final note, I have fat fingers.

Bye bois
Hard rock is easy for me :P Now hidden + hardrock ehh... Anyways Welcome to the forums! Feel free to add me if you wanna chat!
Hidden+Hardrock=Fun times.
Nuff said and welcome.
Finally someone else who loves Hidden <3 *adds to friends* My enemy would have to be DT and FL. Welcome to the forums!
- O n i -
welcome to the osu! forums
I hope you enjoy it here!
Hi Tree xD

Welcome to forum :3
hi and welcome to the community xD added you,maybe we can play together sometime :D
Welcome to osu! Tree7! I can handle Hardrock, hidden is a whole other story, anyway enjoy your stay and feel free to message me if you need any help, good luck!
Refer to my signature to read the rules/welcome message!
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