
[osu!catch] onoken - K8107 by Terano Minami

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Should onoken - K8107 be Loved?

Total votes: 48
Polling ended
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Main thread: [osu!catch] Project Loved: November 2022

onoken - K8107 by Terano Minami
180 BPM, 1:56 | 6.11★, 6.75★

Captain's description (by Tenshichan):
Not to be confused with P8107, K8107 is another song by onoken in a very similar style which sort of fell under the radar due to P8107 being the more popular one in the community. However, that did not stop people, such as Terano Minami, to make maps for K8107 instead.

If you know how the song sounds like you probably know what to expect: streams. Lots of them. The general style are streams with hyperdashes scattered throughout them and the occasional wiggle pattern here and there. If you misread a pattern or lose your rhythm you might die because the HP drain isn't very forgiving, thus it does not allow many mistakes to be made at once. The streams can be quite tricky at times, so be prepared.

The map set also comes with a second Overdose difficulty which is very similar in style but significantly easier. If you have a lot of trouble playing the top diff, maybe give that one a shot!

Please use this thread to discuss why you believe this map should or should not enter the Loved category!
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This map passed the voting! It will be moved to Loved soon.
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