
sienna sleep - navi 98 [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, November 18, 2024 at 7:37:05 AM

Artist: sienna sleep
Title: navi 98
Tags: electronic instrumental experimental hardcore li$024 lis024 low income $quad squad trance stamina challenge neopanga-
BPM: 264.09
Filesize: 10253kb
Play Time: 01:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. stamina 98 | 1.1x - 4Key (5.32 stars, 2588 notes)
  2. stamina 98 | 1.2x - 4Key (5.75 stars, 2588 notes)
  3. stamina 98 | 1.3x - 4Key (6.18 stars, 2588 notes)
  4. stamina 98 - 4Key (4.89 stars, 2588 notes)
Download: sienna sleep - navi 98
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
nice simple 240bpm jumpstream/light handstream stamina map
9th - 10th stamina ffs

Fun fact: NPS is 20.22 and this map released in 2022 :D

RE-DOWNLOAD ON NOVEMBER 18TH, 2024! tag edits and removed 0.8x and 0.9x

bg edit by NeoPanga-

part of NeoPanga's AI Toke Collaboration Pack 2 in etterna!
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