I wonder if the wording is opposite on "normalized" and "unnormalised". Either the word "normalized" means the unify of scroll speed on a multi BPM map, or means doing something Hard diff RC said "Objects directly after short-term slider velocity changes appearing at the beatmap's normal scroll speed.", It means reading of the SV being easier. But we come across an opposite saying that "this should have a longer react time than 'unnormalized' SVs".Mania Specific -> Difficulty Specific -> Insane -> Guildlines wrote:
Slider Velocity gimmicks should be reactable within 1/4 of a beat or more when unnormalised and 1/2 of a beat or more when normalised.
If the word applies to either of those 2 explanations mentioned above, why we should have a longer react time on something easier? If not, does the word "normalize" provides potential misunderstandings towards those two explanations above?