
First time user experience of lazer version osu editor

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Here's my experience as a first time osu editor user, I'm not entirely sure if questions below are already solved, I did try to google some of them but couldn't find clear answers.

1.I couldn't find where to change mode (osu or taiko or mania) and I'm defaulted to osu mania editor. I expect you should be able to find it in the setup page but nope...
I found a few tutorial videos on Youtube but never saw where to change this mode. Did i miss something?
2.I was unable to find where to change key count either, I'm now editing in 5K.
3.I couldn't drag hold notes' start note or end note to extend or shrink their lengths. I could drag them on the top window but there's no indication when I drag the mouse cursor will I be adjusting their lengths, or just moving these notes. Mouse cursor icon should be changed to an bidirectional arrow when it's resizable, just like when you resize any regular window in the Windows OS.
4.How do I invert scroll direction? I couldn't get used to it, at least in the first hour.
I quit editing once to check out if I can change scroll direction in editor so that Mouse wheel down -> Time forward will be changed to Mouse wheel down -> Time backward, but looks like this isn't a thing.
5.I went into edit again and found that I'm now in a new map. Where's that map I was editing just now? I clicked File menu button and it's just Save, Export package, Create new difficulty, Change Difficulty, Delete Difficulty and Exit. Where's the Open button?! I panicked for a minute but then found out you need to go to Play, select that beatmap, click options and then, click Edit beatmap. Not that hard to find out but it would be nice to add an Open button in File menu in editor.
6.After about an hour I was so annoyed that my screen is only able to display few notes in 4 beats. Somehow, through some blind trials I found a shortcut that controls UI scaling but it's still not enough. My guess was that notes in editor fall just as fast as ingame and this was confirmed after I adjusted Scroll Speed in settings. Again, not hard to find out but would be nice to have an option in the editor.
7.Same thing as 7 for audio offset, but it gets worse while editing. Audio and waveform didn't match and I had to repeatedly quit editing to adjust it.
8.Can I disable smoothing animation for the bottom timeline? I prefer immediate response.
9.How do I quantize, or snap all notes? I thought this feature was already there so I looked up in the Edit menu but, no it's not there.
I hate dragging notes after adjusting offset.
10.A zoom slider for top window, please?
11.Every time I scroll to the end of currently existing notes and release my mouse it'll scroll back at least 30s, often to the beginning of my map. Why does this mechanic exist?
Turned out it's because my mouse is near the edges of the screen. If I put my mouse cursor on the right side it'll scroll forward in time. But then why would you place a menu on left side when this causes your map to move backward? I wasn't even able to click a button before it scrolls back to the beginning, not to mention my mouse cursor was actually at least 200 pixels away from the edges.
About 2~3 hours in I developed a habit of not mouse pressing anything on edges but using only 123QWER keys. Still I wish I don't have to worry about those nuances in UI interactions.
12.How do I flip notes? I think there's an update video where the dev says you can already do this in the osu editor... Forget about it, guess I'll just copy and paste notes and flip them one by one.

After roughly 4 hours of trying I forgot some of those problems, sorta got used to this editor and finished 2 difficulties of my first set of osu mania beatmaps. I still occasionally feel there are inconveniences though.
so ummmmm peppy doesn't read this subforum alot so i think it's better if you link this thread on twitter or reddit or sth
The Lazer editor is nowhere near finished. Try again in a year or two, something may have improved by then. If you want to map right now, you're genuinely much better off just using the Stable editor, as flawed as it is.
tbh you should really just wait until lazer is finished so most of the problems you have would be solved.
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