
osu! Mac live streaming settings?

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Does anyone who live streams on a Mac care to share their methods?

I've been wanting to do live streams on but the wiki page didn't list software for Mac live streaming. After some googling around, I got live streaming working through a combination of Camtwist, AdobeMediaLiveEncoder, Soundflower, and LineIn, but the video quality is nowhere near the quality that I see on other streams. On twitch the stream looks pixelated and laggy.

I put a screenshot of my settings below if that helps. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

It mostly depends on your upload speed, that's why it seems laggy.
Try dropping the Frame Rate to 30fps. Also could you show your Format settings?
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Dropping it to 30 fps doesn't seem to change much.

Format settings
Show me the dropdowns.
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Try dropping the level down a bit, as 5.1 equals 1080p or higher. (Set it to 3.1 or so)
Try both Baseline and Main profiles as I don't see too much difference.

Your streaming speed also depends on your upload, can you go over to and post a result?

Baseline Profile (BP)

Primarily for low-cost applications that require additional data loss robustness, this profile is used in some videoconferencing and mobile applications. This profile includes all features that are supported in the Constrained Baseline Profile, plus three additional features that can be used for loss robustness (or for other purposes such as low-delay multi-point video stream compositing). The importance of this profile has faded somewhat since the definition of the Constrained Baseline Profile in 2009. All Constrained Baseline Profile bitstreams are also considered to be Baseline Profile bitstreams, as these two profiles share the same profile identifier code value.

Main Profile (MP)

This profile is used for standard-definition digital TV broadcasts that use the MPEG-4 format as defined in the DVB standard. It is not, however, used for high-definition television broadcasts, as the importance of this profile faded when the High Profile was developed in 2004 for that application.

Much more info about it over on Wikipedia.
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How do you know what the quality 5.1, 5.0, 4.2, etc correspond to?
Coffee Hero
The only reason the video quality would look bad is if the processor on the mac is bad, considering your internet is god tier.
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