
A little discussion about Lazer skinning.

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I want some discussion, so i'm opening this thread to talk about a little thing that the game has, sliders, my goal is to read the opinion of various skinners on what they think about it and if it's worth the time to sugest it on git hub.

I, personally, have always found some appeal to the old osu skins that players would make back in their times, but, they just look better with the fallback sliders... for the most part, if i where to talk in detail, i don't like the first sliderhead do the hit animation and then, when the slider ball reaches the other sliderhead, both sliderheads do the hit animation, it could have been designed better, an example i can sugest is that once you click the first sliderhead, the number on the hitcircle just fades out and then, when the slider ball reaches the other slider head, there's where they both do the hit animation, and obviously, the sliders will fade out on hd, even if they have their fallback animation, it's just unplayable to play hd with the sliders just staying there without fading out. Anyone remember, anyone gets my idea? Now, i'm getting out of rails. Since peppy has programmed the new default skin for flexibility and enhanced performance purposes, that means that we, eventually, it's gonna be a long time since it happens, are gonna be able to do some sort of programming thing to be able to modify the most of the gameplay elements, i would personaly love to be able to get the fallback sliders back and better because it's not only matter about the old skins, it's also about the customization.

I know i'm not the only one here and this idea is actually quite good and logical to not be ignored. Thoughts about it? I'll go back to this thread on a week or so, that so i can find stuff that i can answer. Edit: ._.
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