update: i now have a mod log, check it out here! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vOsjwl82-ICRWu9ggOXvOInNRNFo-C2wZi-ErijNSAM/edit?usp=sharing
- this is just an nm mod queue, if you'd like a gd look at my profile and then req through dms
- don't post your maps more than once, and don't post another map of yours if I modded one the last time I opened up the queue
- don't be a dick. I am a person with responsibilities and interests outside of osu!. a simple nudge is fine, toxicity is not.
if you've been added here, it's likely because you didn't follow the very simple rules above (or are otherwise someone I would rather not work with again for other case-specific reasons)
special conditions
- sina toki pona la mi pana e pilin mi lon tenpo ale. taso, mi wile sona e sona sina. sina nasin ni la o toki tawa mi kepeken nasin len! mi alasa e jan pi toki pona lon musi ni. mi wile sin e kulupu pona! o toki tawa mi lon toki len tawa sona mute. kin la sina lon ma pona pi ilo Siko la o mu e mi a!
stuff to consider
- i'm going to tend towards modding in a more general/conceptual way; don't anticipate large amounts of points and mods on the timeline unless its a recurring suggestion/complaint
- no song preferences but as for maps I tend to really like weird/experimental/generally interesting stuff over generic styles (not to say its impossible for me to accept maps with that kind of style, though)
- respond to my mods, please. it is frustrating to put effort to communicate feedback just for that feedback to be completely ignored