
Guess this means I'm joining the forums lel

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Hai guys. Been playing osu for a while (eg, couple of years) but I guess this is the first actual post I'm making on the forums so yeah. Latecomer but hope that doesn't mess things up too much.

A little about myself then, I suppose. I'm mainly a taiko player though I suppose I can hold my own on standard, though I wouldn't say I'm particularly pro at it (I can pass most insane maps... though I can't FC them xD;;) Currently a university student in the US and am studying mechanical engineering. If anyone's familiar with both Touhou and Minecraft, you might have heard of This Freakishly Large Project that's recreating the entirety of Gensokyo in aforementioned game. I founded and have been running that project for a while now. I started doing some taiko mapsets as well but haven't really had any mods, but I guess that's just part of the game lel

So yeah. Nice to meet you all.
- Marco -
\o/ welcome to forum ^^
Hey w0lf/Remi, nice to see you on the forums now! :)
i like your avatar @Remi_Scarlet
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Ohshit, it's triskelion! xD Long time no see~

Thanks for the welcome, everyone~ (And thanks, Sabi!)
Welcome to the forums! :)
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