
Like a bolt from the blue, it's Choco to pester you!

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- Choko -
So, Hi! I'm Choco, I've been around for...~5 years. I started somewhere around 2009 and stopped playing for several years, mostly because my favorite mouse quit working after 10 long years of abuse.

Anyways, before I quit, I was ranked ~1072 globally or something, but that was way before the PP system came into play. I recently came back, though as I'm sure it's blatantly obvious, I never really took a peek into the forums.

I'm a mouse-only player, as least for OSU!. I dabble in the other modes some and occasionally use a tablet as some form of handicap.

All in all I'm just a gamer at heart, love playing multiplayer, and have made it my personal goal to beat my brother at OSU!, which I've succeeded in so far.

I'm also excited to see how PPv2 turns out..
Hello! Welcome to the forums Chocobubba! Gorgeous profile picture by the way.
I bid you good luck with regaining your previous rank :)
I've only been here 2-3 months and I would say you can verse me in Osu! if you'd like, but I'm more of an Osu!mania player, but hey... if you want to verse someone in mania, I'll be around XD
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- Choko -

Pearl Phoenix wrote:

Hello! Welcome to the forums Chocobubba! Gorgeous profile picture by the way.
I bid you good luck with regaining your previous rank :)
I've only been here 2-3 months and I would say you can verse me in Osu! if you'd like, but I'm more of an Osu!mania player, but hey... if you want to verse someone in mania, I'll be around XD
I'm always game for some mania as well. I'm not that great yet, but I recently found my niche. I tried playing how you're 'supposed' to and found it didn't work for me, but if I hold my keyboard Guitar Hero/Frets on Fire style, I do significantly better.

If I can make that work on 7k modes for me, I'll certainly be playing that mode a lot more. Let me know if you ever want to do a game or two, just PM me.
that "The World Ends With You" reference. i approve
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