
Hello~ Testing...

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Hello good morning/afternoon/evening or day to everyone. Maru-chan here. Been playing OSU! for 6 months already and this is actually the first time I posted here in le forums.

Hope we get along. lol. I don't play other modes except osu!mania - 4keys.

That's the first mode that I started playing ~~ Anywaaayysu

Welcome to the forums, have fun there ~ >3<
Hey, Welcome to osu! I personally never liked osu!mania, i really suck at hitting 4 keys or even 7 o.o.
Have fun :D, And enjoy the forums :D
Welcome to the Osu!forums maruchan021! ^_^
I'm a mania player also, although, I've only been here around 2-3 months. If you ever want to verse me, feel free to message me in-game or here :)
I love all the keys that generally appear on ranked maps (4k, 5k, 6k, 7k), they may be challenging at times... but what's a game without challenges? :)
Welcome! Hello owo/
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Thank you for the warm welcome guys! :) I'll do my best! :D
You should try to play another mod. It'll be fun.

Also, welcome to the forum! Feel free to discuss anything with us.
Ooooh a mania player o.o I was only ever good at 4k lol I'm really uncoordinated with 5 and 7k diffs XD Welcome to the forums! ^^
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