
About My Love For Osu!Mania (And Rhythm Games in General)

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Hello! I am B0ii. As you probably already know from reading the title, I will talk about how I got here in the first place, and where I currently am
Also this is just taken straight from my Padlet that's linked on my profile, but this just talks about how I got into osu!mania. The Padlet talks more about myself.


When/Where I Found My Love For Rhythm Games

During late 2018/early 2019, I played a Rhythm Game that was on Roblox called "RoBeats". And I was OBSESED with it! I spent most of my days on that game, grinding for songs and gears, and setting personal high-scores (even tough my child brain didn't know how he scoring system worked), etc...

But then I eventually stopped playing bc I heard that most of the charts in RoBeats were stolen from osu!mania.
Of course they don't steal charts anymore: they've moved on from that.

I eventually started playing other types of Roblox games (bc I didn't really play "real" games back then)

When I Came Back To Rhythm Games

During 2020, there was a new rhythm game that came out: Friday Night Funkin' (FNF). You've probably heard of it before, and while most of the Rhythm Game community didn't consider it as a "real" Rhythm Game, I really enjoyed it. And when I heard about mods for the game in 2021, I REALLY Started to become obsessed with it. But then I discovered another Rhythm Game: OSU.

Becoming A REAL Rhythm Gamer

One day in late 2021, I decided to sign up for OSU, mainly because I just wanted to see what it was like. And that's when I became hooked.

I downloaded a few songs (Mei, Blue Zenith, Bad Apple, Dark Sheep, just to name a few), and started to find a skin, I eventually found a skin on an osu!mania video. and started playing around with the skin, until I was happy with the edits.

I started playing low-level 3 stars, and worked my way up to 3.5 stars. Adding tons of maps to my library in the process, and some of those maps became my favorite songs.

But then, during January 2022, I had lost all interest in the game...

Temporary Leave...

I suddenly lost all interest in Rhythm Games. I don't know why, but I think it was because of school, or the fact that I thought I couldn't improve. This Temporary leave lasted for about 5 months (January - May).

While I did play a little bit, I just didn't really enjoy it as much as when I first started playing.
While I was away, I started playing other games (mostly mobile ones) like Identity V, Pixel Gun 3D, Rec Room, and Beat Saber.

While yes, Beat Saber IS a Rhythm Game, it felt like a completely different experience compared to osu!mania. Which helped me in my return to mania.

Coming Back

In early June, I decided to come back. And this time, I started to enjoy osu!mania again! Setting new scores, adding even more maps to my library, and discovering even more favorite songs!

Returning to mania was the best decision I've ever made! It made me feel happy again, like a child getting a new toy.

Where I Currently am

As of writing this, I can play up to 4.5 stars, and I'm currently improving. I also play Quaver. (update: I've also started playing Etterna, but am not pro)
Helloooo B0ii! Welcome back! Don't forget to enjoy the process and also try playing multi from time to time, it's fun and maybe you can find a couple of new friends there. If you need anything, just pm or ask around the forums.

FNF is REAL rhythm game.
If you use Linux (like I do with Linux Mint), I'd recommend you install Lazer on your system. I followed Privacyphile's guide on YouTube for the Ubuntu-based install, which requires the .NET SDK to do it.

You won't have to worry much about latency, depending on how your system was built.
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