based on the beatmaps original difficulty settings, difficulty adjust will either increase or decrease the score. example: map has CS:4 and you make it CS:5 | score will go stay the same as no DA
example 2: map has AR:10 and you make it AR:9 | score goes down
i think its unreasonable to ask the score to change dynamically so just like a .5x if easier and 1x if harder, that way people who crank everything to 11 (literally) dont get shoved to the bottom of the scoreboard for doing more work.
example 2: map has AR:10 and you make it AR:9 | score goes down
i think its unreasonable to ask the score to change dynamically so just like a .5x if easier and 1x if harder, that way people who crank everything to 11 (literally) dont get shoved to the bottom of the scoreboard for doing more work.