
Is anybody willing to mod newbie maps?

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I think this topic is not crap, so I posted on here.

I gave up to earn kudosu.
Few days ago,
I decided to mod new mapper's map.
But there's so many newbie maps.
I can't mod all of them. So I need some companions to mod new mapper's map with.
Final goal is seeing more newbie's RANKED map!
Let's do this!
Come on! So many newbie maps are getting graveyarded!

Modding newbie maps can be hopeless:;
But at least, we have to mod their map as possible as we can.

You can move this topic to other forums :;
Maybe advertise the mod queue threads to newbie mappers?
ok,Im down. i don't like contributing my worthless suggestions to already good maps or being 1 upped by more experienced modders so ,you be captain. assign me newbie maps to look over 'cuz im not gonna search.
Topic Starter

strager wrote:

Maybe advertise the mod queue threads to newbie mappers?

Newbie barely chats on osu
Newbie barely searches osu homepage
How can we advertise the mod queue threads?

Also, I made an topic on mapping questions&help "minyeob's helping hand(No ranked map users only)*
Only alvisto used that:;
Sleep Powder
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Newbies need to chat more on #osu/#mod (and ask for help there). Tons of newbie maps probably get graved either because 1) They think that they can just submit a map and it get approved without them having to check the topic/ask for help or 2) They just don't care

If they want to seriously map, then they need to become a part of the community first :P

animask wrote:

See any newbie maps just add it to my queue~
Most of Pending lol
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Yeah, that's true.
But they often check their map's replies......

Also, newbie mappers=The mapper who has 0 ranked map.
There are some ACTIVE new mappers, either.

Derekku Chan wrote:

1) They think that they can just submit a map and it get approved without them having to check the topic/ask for help
I don't think so. I think tons of newbie maps get graved because their beatmap can't get any reply til 1 month and they don't know about the bumping system......

strager wrote:

How did we (newer members to the community; not vets) get our maps looked at? We were smart and tried.
Moomaibe is so kind. I got his reply without say anything

strager wrote:

Getting a map ranked requires effort. Getting mods is part of that.

How did we (newer members to the community; not vets) get our maps looked at? We were smart and tried. Asked in #osu, #mod, etc. Studied other maps, modded other maps...

If I didn't do all that I wouldn't have a bunch of graveyarded maps a ranked map. ;P
PS go get Rap Chop modded already I love that song >=|

Derekku Chan wrote:

PS go get Rap Chop modded already I love that song >=|
Get me a monitor and a harddrive so I can run osu! standard properly to test changes.

My experience with newbie mappers:

When I first decided to mod a map I went to the back of the pending section with all the 0-priority maps. I modded a few (kinda nazi I think). No response or update on all but one I think, and that was a few weeks later. They all graved AFAIK. I gave up, as this was very discouraging.

Then I decided to map and needed some help so I found myself to #mod, etc. Took some requests there and was much happier, as I got feedback for my mods (read: thanks), and learned along the way as both modder and mapper.

Basically, I saw the light.

Stretch out your hand to help, but don't help without being asked, I guess.
I modded a newbie map because I love the song. But I think the way to do this isn't to give newbie mappers a free ride like I did, but maybe to give them a bit more of a pointing in the right direction. Maybe some encouragement on first-time submission to visit the community, or a link to a thread to read?
I did the same thing strager did. Like I said, a lot of newbies don't even check their topics after posting a map. orz

I thought that either the faq or ranking guidelines topic said something about asking for help in #mod/irc/whatever, but I'm too lazy to check. Newbies should actually read the faqs :P
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Maybe we can have bonus for helping newer mapper's maps ranked? I mean something like when a mapper's FIRST map get ranked, all modders got double kudos or something else.

deepsea wrote:

Maybe we can have bonus for helping newer mapper's maps ranked? I mean something like when a mapper's FIRST map get ranked, all modders got double kudos or something else.
Like the other modders, I have also modded newbie maps with very similar results to strager. Some of the mappers responded, but even the maps with responses ended up dying because the map will just sit there with one response, no one else checking it, and a lack of initiative from the mapper.

For a new mapper, it usually takes 20+ mods to get the map to a rankable state. If the mapper never takes the initiative to talk on #osu/#mod, pm other players, or put their map on modding queues, that number is virtually impossible for the mapper to reach with just bumping his map.

The best way to solve this problem is to inform newbies about what a good song looks like and how to get their song modded. Then just hope that the mapper will try to get their song modded.

On another note, any newbie is free to pm me or contact me to mod their map. I just want to mapper to take the initiative to get their song ranked.

deepsea wrote:

Maybe we can have bonus for helping newer mapper's maps ranked? I mean something like when a mapper's FIRST map get ranked, all modders got double kudos or something else.
Lol, I don't know how many modders would care about more kds. I already have way too many unused kds on my side.
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deepsea wrote:

Maybe we can have bonus for helping newer mapper's maps ranked? I mean something like when a mapper's FIRST map get ranked, all modders got double kudos or something else.
Lol, I don't know how many modders would care about more kds. I already have way too many unused kds on my side.[/quote]
KDS itself is a way to encourage modders mod, in fact I don't care about kudos and I don't like mod for kudos.

But, it may be a way.
I think the main problem is that this is the first online community I've seen with an approval system that basically makes the submitters essentially whore themselves out for views in order to get more material for the game/audience. I understand where you all are coming from in terms of having paid your dues, making sure those who are new at this get enough guidance to make the map playable, or continuing to put forth effort to get your own stuff approved now, but it's a bizarre system.

I enjoy the game, I wish there were more songs for it, and I even started making a map. I thought that volume of submissions was the problem. But then I started looking past the guidelines for submissions to look at the submissions forum and it's a mess. I have other hobbies, other games I can mod for, even. And if I submit my mods to a moderated site in those communities, a small team checks it for quality, sends a refusal back with tips for improvement (or directs them to the subforum set aside to help people get their submissions up to snuff), or passes it through to the site. Do I want to spend all that time making a map and then all that time begging people to look at it...or do I want to spend that time making things that other people might actually get a chance to enjoy?

I wouldn't feel comfortable doing a lot of modding for maps here until I had a couple under my belt and understood the process from the creation side of it. So I guess I won't submit or mod. I'll just play and, on the rare occasion a new song I want to play comes out, I guess I'll get to actually play a new song. :(

deepsea wrote:

Lol, I don't know how many modders would care about more kds.
I don't either. The pink stars DO look nice with the blue/yellow though :3

Quinctia wrote:

I think the main problem is that this is the first online community I've seen with an approval system that basically makes the submitters essentially whore themselves out for views in order to get more material for the game/audience. I understand where you all are coming from in terms of having paid your dues, making sure those who are new at this get enough guidance to make the map playable, or continuing to put forth effort to get your own stuff approved now, but it's a bizarre system.
Whoring themselves out? lol... (I'll comment more on this in the next paragraph) If osu! had a system where every map was approved regardless of how well it was (timing, placement of notes, etc etc)... I think you can imagine this for yourself. There HAVE to be standards, and thus it takes time to look through maps.

Quinctia wrote:

I enjoy the game, I wish there were more songs for it, and I even started making a map. I thought that volume of submissions was the problem. But then I started looking past the guidelines for submissions to look at the submissions forum and it's a mess. I have other hobbies, other games I can mod for, even. And if I submit my mods to a moderated site in those communities, a small team checks it for quality, sends a refusal back with tips for improvement (or directs them to the subforum set aside to help people get their submissions up to snuff), or passes it through to the site. Do I want to spend all that time making a map and then all that time begging people to look at it...or do I want to spend that time making things that other people might actually get a chance to enjoy?
Glad to hear that you started to make a map. :) Yes, the volume of submissions IS a problem. There are too many maps and not enough people modding. The reason that people need to ask for help in #mod is to show that they actually CARE about their maps. Like I've said, so many people just think that they can submit a map and it's added to the game or something, but that's obviously not the case. You need to work and spend time on your maps if you want to get them added to the game. If you don't want to spend the time working on your map, then don't. For a new mapper, it can take a couple of months (at least) to get your map ranked.

Quinctia wrote:

I wouldn't feel comfortable doing a lot of modding for maps here until I had a couple under my belt and understood the process from the creation side of it. So I guess I won't submit or mod. I'll just play and, on the rare occasion a new song I want to play comes out, I guess I'll get to actually play a new song. :(
Actually, you would probably feel a LOT more comfortable mapping once you've modding and seen how the map creation process really is. I thought my first map was great, but after modding and later going back to it, I saw how crappy it was and scrapped the whole thing. Just look at how other people mod and do the same. Check through someone's map for spacing inconsistencies, incorrect timing (BPM/offset/and notes themselves on the timeline), long combos, hit sounds, etc etc. You can always ask for help in #mod if you're not sure what to do when mapping/modding. :)
I mod everyone's maps. Which I will get to starting August 24th or so, when my bro leaves for college and I have free reign again.

I'm willing to mod newbie maps. I remember BATs, particularly Sinistro, and other people helping me out with my first map. Why not return the favor?

Derekku Chan wrote:

There are too many maps and not enough people modding.
Correction: There are too many maps and not enough people caring for them. Each map should have at least one person caring for it: the mapper itself. If the mapper is dedicated enough they can get their map ranked.

But, what if the mapper is fine with the map as it is? What's wrong with that? Sure, it won't get ranked or approved. I don't see the problem making a fun, unrankable map. Look at Lemon Tree? =D

(Then again, keeping it unapproved intentionally sounds like forced laziness.)
Lemon Tree? You mean bat-shit-crazy tree? XP

Yeah, there's lots of people that mod, but obviously we can't all keep up. And since a bunch of people mod each map, it makes it even harder. But yeah, if you just leave your map alone and don't have patience, it's not going to get ranked/approved.
Sleep Powder
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Pew pew ^
If they can't find a way to contact modders whether it be #osu or #mod they can just eat a dick because we aren't wasting our time on something they may have abandoned.

Same reason people don't tend to mod older maps.
Sleep Powder
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lukewarmholiday wrote:

If they can't find a way to contact modders whether it be #osu or #mod they can just eat a dick because we aren't wasting our time on something they may have abandoned.

Same reason people don't tend to mod older maps.
ive been told that some of the people who go to #mod for help are told very nicely to fuck off, not sure how much to believe the rumor.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

lukewarmholiday wrote:

If they can't find a way to contact modders whether it be #osu or #mod they can just eat a dick because we aren't wasting our time on something they may have abandoned.

Same reason people don't tend to mod older maps.
ive been told that some of the people who go to #mod for help are told very nicely to fuck off, not sure how much to believe the rumor.
Sometimes people use #mod as a #random, and occasionally do act like that. It's kind of screwed up... Other times it works nicely, though. It depends on the people currently in it.

It's much easier for a newbie mapper to get a map modded now, thanks to all the queues that sprung up. You can thank mtmcl for that. <3 Tell them to post in some queues, easiest way to get attention nowadays if you're a newbie.
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