
What if the user above you were a boss enemy in a videogame?

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Restless Spirit
That's a little game I came up with reading some of the usernames in the forum and I thought "What kind of stage boss or great foe would bear such a name as this?". And so here it is, dunn oif the idea will succeed but I guess it's worth a try.

Here are the rules:
1. The user above you is to be "bossified".
2. You may not only refer to the name but also, if you like, to the avatar and/or signature the user above you wears or to any knowledge you have about him/her. The theme you come up with doesn't need to go too well with the name though, so you've got some freedom of interpretation.
3. You may write only a title (like in the title giving game) referring to the user which can be anything as long as it covers what you know about the user but on the other hand, you may also write proper stats, abilities and the like or even a little background story if you feel like it. EDIT: You may also take a title-only post and write a proper descprition to it, just make sure you're giving off who you're referring to when you do so.
4. If you get ninja'd, do not worry. This is a natural thing that occurs in a thread like this, just make sure you state clearly which user the description you wrote is referring to and everything's gonna be fine.
5. Users may criticize a description of them made by another user and even give information about themselves to provide more material other users can use.
6. Make sure you don't post anything too lewd, but I think this is a given rule of the forums.
7. No shitposting.
8. Don't be a dick.

Oh, and also note that it is not necessary to make some epic boss stuff, just some foe or whatevs may also be enough if you want to post your genius idea and may worry about it being not "bosslike" enough.
If you think this thread's gonna be shit, keep quiet about it and abandon it. This will solve the problem and the thread will slowly be sucked into nothingness.

There you go.
Then let us enjoy ourselves and dwell in the stories, titles and descriptions which (hopefully) are coming up.
Socke the Yellow-eyed Illusionist
'issat right? (just ta get the gist of the rules)
Topic Starter
Restless Spirit
I guess so. Like stated in the rules, a title may also be enough as long as it fits the boss criteria.
Text for you:

Magus, the magical phoenix of thunder and fire.

He is about as big as a one family home and his wings have a span of 40m.
He is believed to appear at thunderstorms and bushfires, emerging from the energy outbursts at each event. He then poses a serious threat to all who are nearby. He usually doesn't randomly attack people out of fun but is known for picking great warriors and magicians as their opponents to prove their worthiness of calling themselves that. If defeated, he will explode in a flash of light (as this is one of the essences lighting and fire ar made of) and the ashen remains will crumble and give birth do a tree whose one and only fruit bears knowledge of magic, strenght or other wisdom, defined by the one who defeated him. After defeat he transforms into light and waits for the next storm or fire to come about. If he defeats his enemy, he swallows it and with him/her his/her power, too. He then goes on to challenge warrios and magicians or even is challenged by others until defeat or the end of the bushfire/thunderstorm (whichever he apperas in).
There currently is no way to defeat him permanently but the wizards are working on it.
His primary attacks consist of either fire waves (when appearing in a bushfire) or thunderbolts (when appearing at a thunderstorm) as well as wind to throw his foes over or blow them away. He may also grab his enemies and throw them through the air, though they usually don't last very long because he is made of either intense flames or intense lighting and thus charring his foes on touch.
His main weakness in fire state is water or anything cold and ice-realted, while he doesn't necessarily have any elemental weakness in lighting state. However, modern civilization has proven gigantic copper walls or shields to be effective, as Magus' strenght and life energy are being absorbed by the metal pretty quickly. He is harder to defeat within a bushfire however, because he gets his energy out of the raginf fire while his flaming body is creating more of it. At thunderstorms hwoever he is more easily defeated but not less dangerous an encounter.
Zain Sugieres
Max level Necromancer
Mercer Frey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Literally a generic boss
Utsuho Reiuji
Soda Popinski

Shiny Rowlet - Level 99
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