
Get a maps max combo using python

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So i am currently working on a little project for which I need to calculate the max combo of all of my maps. First I thought of using the api and get the max combo by making a call for every map I have, but making a call for every ranked beatmap takes quite some time so I tried making a program to calculate the max combo of a map for me but my program isn't accurate enough and for some reason for some maps my calculated combo deviates by up to 30 from the combo I got from the api. Is there any other way I can get the max combo of a map using python?
Nao Tomori
Are you counting every event that could increase combo? Off the top of my head you would need 1 per circle and slider head, one per slider repeat and tick, one per slider end and one per spinner end. You might not be calculating ticks and repeats correctly.
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