
Time Traveling Derpface says hi?

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Well it says here I'm supposed to do some nerdy battle cry and then leap headfirst into some time warp. Eh, I don't think I'll do that yet...

Well, this is my first time on the forums, so I don't know much. I'd appreciate some newbie pointers though :)
Welcome to the community!~ :)
welcome to the community, please enjoy yourself
Welcome :)
Welcome to osu! community~ :)
That intro title made me laugh XD Hahahahahaha, ahh welcome to osu! :D

Hmm, as for pointers, though I'm somewhat decent at this game >.> umm, if you are using a mouse, make sure to turn off the mouse acceleration. It will make spins much easier. What else, I know there's a crapton of methods to go about osu! gameplay, but do what you think is a challenge for yourself. I started with easys and normals for a few months then moved up to the harder diffs. Anywho, hope you have lots of fun! ^^
And try to feel the Rhythm when clicking :)
Welcome to the community!
Welcome to the osu! community! First off, I love your title and intro. :D Hmm, I've only been playing for three months so I don't have that many newbie tips, but make sure you adjust your mouse settings to what you feel fits and also don't get too frustrated when you're playing. Everyone starts off bad and it may take some practice to get the hang of osu! Oh and also the friend system is a little weird. Say I add you as a friend, you would have to add me back so it's mutual. If you add someone make sure you tell them or else it'll just be a one-sided friendship and not a mutual one. I think that's it. Just have fun and enjoy your stay in the osu community. :)
Welcome welcome.
welcome ~ :lol:
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