
stuck in dilemma what do?

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Charlotte Teo
> be me, quite okay-ish mapper (not the best but have made some bangers)
> want more attention on my work because i crave them 24/7
> tried mod q but stopped applying them since half of them don't really fit my ideology
> want to ask people for testplay but can only dm top 100 players (since y'know i only make 8*+s) and dont want to sound annoying

so what do you guys usually do in this situation? continue mapping? go balls hard to the wall and just ask everyone for testplay? and no im not gonna map smthng below 7*. im not a big fan of mapping those kind of diffs.
try to gather people for a full spread where you make the 9 star top diff and others do the low diffs, and try to rank these sets, since it seems you have the skills, just have to expose yourself to more people by making a full ranked set

do that enough times and people will recognize you for your high star maps, just like kroytz or r3m
Topic Starter
Charlotte Teo

Lp9 wrote:

try to gather people for a full spread where you make the 9 star top diff and others do the low diffs, and try to rank these sets, since it seems you have the skills, just have to expose yourself to more people by making a full ranked set

do that enough times and people will recognize you for your high star maps, just like kroytz or r3m
about that.... i kind of quit ranking maps anyway because i had quite a bit of beefs with a few bn's so it'll just go to waste anyway. if i were to be honest i would just follow the path like settia

peappi wrote:

> want more attention
rank a map (consider not having beef with bns) and/or get a streamer to play it

peappi wrote:

> want to ask people for testplay but can only dm top 100 players (since y'know i only make 8*+s) and dont want to sound annoying
just ask them without saying anything annoying
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