
[Proposal] apply 5ms delay rule to combobreak

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Current RC

All clicked parts of objects must have at least one hitsound which both...
...has a clear impact, whose peak is delayed no more than 5 milliseconds. normal-hitfinish.wav from the default skin is exempt from this.

the wording seems to exclude combobreak.wav as it is not clicked parts of objects

and it would be ridiculous to have a combobreak that has 2000 ms delay, as it still provide good feedback for missing a note.

so suggest modify the phrase a bit to include it.

New RC

All clicked parts of objects must have at least one hitsound which both...
...has a clear impact, whose peak is delayed no more than 5 milliseconds, including combobreak.wav. normal-hitfinish.wav from the default skin is exempt from this.
can't think of a situation where a delayed combobreak sound would make any sense, +1
have mappers used a delayed combobreak sound before?
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pishifat wrote:

have mappers used a delayed combobreak sound before?
im not aware of any intentional usage

since u cant predict when people will miss, i dont think u can design a cool thing around intentional delay
now that I think about it I'm kinda concerned about the 5ms limit. combobreak sounds don't have the same element of helping the player stay on beat as other hitsounds, so I don't think it's necessary to be as strict with them. enforcing a 5ms limit wouldn't really hurt anyone, but not enforcing it despite it being part of a rule because it's pointlessly strict would be bad in the long run

I also found some maps that have delayed combobreaks:
Saranaru Otenami Haiken! - 10ms
Steelbeak - 35ms
Sweet Child O' Mine - 140ms

I didn't really feel the delay on the first two, although it's kinda hard to tell when I'm not used to the sound itself at all and combobreaks are inherently delayed anyways. on Sweet Child O' Mine, though, the delay is easily noticeable and fairly offputting imo

finally, fwiw, while I do agree with the sentiment of not adding rules unless the issues they solve actually exist in maps (which is the vibe I get from the question), I kinda feel like it doesn't really apply to this case. the delayed hs rule exists because people sometimes use audio files with delay, and that seems to happen with combobreaks as well. it just can't happen very often because no one ever overrides the sound in their maps (my songs folder has 18k mapsets and 76 combobreak.wavs which is kind of a comically low ratio lol)
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my main goal is just to clarify the RC.

don't personally care we allow or disallow delay on combobreak. could be 5ms or some other value.

just want avoid possible future drama related to DQ or abuse of super long delay for combobreak.

It is true that most people aren't even aware combobreak is a skinnable element of your beatmap.
yes hs shoudlnt be delayed i think
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