
2022 osu!catch Mapping World Cup [Winner: Canada A]

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Welcome to the 4th year of the osu!catch Mapping World Cup! After not knowing whether I would be dead or not (still yet to be determined) at long last, the post has arrived. Last year's contest showed exactly what a carefully drafted team could do, as Various Countries #3 (led by autofanboy and joined by Deif, AutoLs, and Hanikawa Kurose) took home the gold in a clean sweep of perennial powerhouse Team Philippines as well as another Various Countries team led by Bastian! This past year has seen a plethora of new mappers rise to the occasion with the fall of some of the old guard. Will their skill be enough to claim this year's trophy?

For now, the tentative start date of the event is July 23, 2022.
Sign-ups will end on July 16, 2022
You will be able to register for this year's competition HERE

Discord Link (REQUIRED!)

Changes from last year

  1. Various Countries Teams will now be assigned based on geographical location.
    This is a mix of year 1 as well as the system utilized in years 2 and 3. Year 1 had many flaws in putting certain members in teams that were already strong enough without them (looking at you PH), whereas years 2 and 3 had a lot of issues in "luck of the draw" when it comes to earning draft positions. To honor the theme of a "World Cup", things like "Team North America", "Team Europe", etc will be better at fulfilling that role to ensure as many people get to participate as possible. For continents with not enough participants, some may be combined at the discretion of the organizational team. For teams with too many participants, A and B teams could be a possibility at the discretion of the organizational team.
  2. Team captains that are unresponsive and non-interactive (and fail to communicate key details to their teammates) will have their captaincy revoked and passed to a willing member of their team
    There are a lot of instances where sometimes a captain is busy or is just straight up uninterested and in order to ensure each team has the highest chance of succeeding, we will be looking to replace people that are unresponsive.


  1. The osu!catch Ranking Criteria and General Ranking Criteria are in effect for this contest.
    No mapset submitted must be intentionally unrankable. Mistakes happen and points will be deducted for them, but this is a regular mapping contest, not aspire.
  2. To complete a team, you must have 3-6 members on it from your own country.
    For countries that do not have enough members to participate, teams will be formed by the organizational team based on geographical location.
  3. Teams will be required to conduct all CMWC business in their respective discord channels.
    This is to ensure competitive integrity. All passing of .osz/.osu files and any discussion about the map itself must be done in their country's channel.
  4. At least two (2) mappers must collaborate per song.
    This is a team-based competition. Collaboration is necessary to determine the strengths of each participating country as a whole. We want to avoid pure carry situations amongst teams. Collaboration does not include hitsounding or anything other than mapping.
  5. At least three (3) mappers must participate in the final product each round.
    Same as above, this is to prevent, for example, a 3-man team but only 2 members doing both songs. Again, participation only applies to actually mapping, not to hitsounding or anything else.
  6. If a mapper on the winning team does not participate in 3 out of the 6 songs given, they will not receive their badge reward for the contest
    Plain and simple, we don't want a case of someone joining the team just to get a free carry, so this should incentivize participation from ALL members on a team.
  7. Submissions will not be accepted after the deadlines.
    Just don't procrastinate.

General Information

  1. This is a country-based team tournament.
    For consistency, we'll be using the flag on your profile to determine your team.
  2. Captains will be determined by the Organization Team and given a list of interested mappers to choose from.
    If this person wants to give up their title as Captain to a teammate, they are welcome to do so.
  3. Various Countries teams will be formed by the organizational team based on geographical location.
    See "what's changed" for details and reasoning behind that.
  4. The tournament will consist of 14 teams in a round-based elimination format.
    Round 1 will have 14 teams, the bottom 6 scorers at the end will be eliminated. Round 2 will have 8 teams, bottom 4 will be eliminated. The final round will have 4 teams, in which 1 team will win the contest and a badge. Team numbers per round are subject to change based on number of entries.
  5. Each round will consist of two (2) songs to map.
    Both of these songs will be completely different from each other and will feature some of osu!'s very talented Featured Artists.
  6. Each team must produce at least one (1) difficulty for each song.
    Due to the sheer amount of entries there will be, as well as to maintain interest, only one difficulty per song will be required. Any difficulty is fine, as long as it is labeled correctly so judges can do their jobs properly. If more than 1 difficulty is submitted, the highest difficulty will be judged.
  7. Custom additions such as hitsounds and storyboards are allowed.
    However, storyboards and backgrounds will not be taken into account in the judging process. Judging will be based purely on mapping skill.

If you're interested in judging, streaming, providing supporter tags, or helping in hosting please DM me on discord: ascendance#7599

a friendly reminder that signing up does not mean you'll make it onto a team, there will be a selection similar to CWC where the captains will choose their team.

Prizes tentative, rules are subject to change until the day of the contest.
Ok, my time has come!
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Congratulations to the 8 teams that advanced to the next round!

#1 Europe
#2 Hong Kong
#3 Canada A
#4 Poland
#5 Russian Federation
#6 East Asia
#7 Asia + South America
#8 United States

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