
Beatmap Mirror webpage

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Hello, I would like to see the possibility of making a mirror page beatmaps (I would create the page), download servers as mega, mf, zs, etc..

Greetings and I hope your answer. :)
Go for it?
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I was waiting for your approval and permission to begin the project
I can't/won't stop you.
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OK, I'll start making the web page! :)
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This is a screenshot
Looks like a blatant copy of another existing site.
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xD, is delivering a similar service to them but for other servers.

What would you propose you?
Here is a piece of advice: do, then talk later when you have finished your project. You were the only one that decided to make your project, so do it as you wish.

On a side note, you could have tried to make your own design, at least to make a clear distinction between your website and yas-online and thus to avoid any possible confusion for end-users. Right now, it just looks like an obvious copy.
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XPJ38 wrote:

Here is a piece of advice: do, then talk later when you have finished your project. You were the only one that decided to make your project, so do it as you wish.

On a side note, you could have tried to make your own design, at least to make a clear distinction between your website and yas-online and thus to avoid any possible confusion for end-users. Right now, it just look like an obvious copycat.

Ok, moving on your advice and'll change the design to avoid Confucianism :)
oh, nice idea.

where is the code?, github?
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I dont have github, I developing in local server.

mxater wrote:

This is a screenshot

:arrow: :x
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nanashiRei wrote:

mxater wrote:

This is a screenshot

:arrow: :x
I am working in another design, these desing is based in the yas design because is a good design, but Iam changing for make a diference by both sites.

sorry for the problems and disgust.:(
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