lukewarmholiday wrote:
Hmm three characters keeping the rest of the cast down...
In what fighting game have I heard this before...
Chun Li, Ken and Yun?
Sagat, Ryu, and Zangief?
O.Sagat, Dhalsim, and Boxer?
Eddie, Testament, and Slayer?
Sentinel, Storm, and Magneto?
There's always at least 3 people to complain about. Honestly, Nu is the only one I feel is too strong, and it's really only against Tager. Anyone with an airdash can IAD over the swords, making her more hesitant. Tager has three options: walk forward, sledge, and superjump forward. If you walk, you have to block swords, pushing you further back than you walked. If you sledge, you'll get hit by a sword after the sledge, so you can only sledge if you can hit her with it (and any non-terrible Nu can avoid that situation). Super jump > barrier is the best option, but her 6D will push you back, so you're still not making good progress. Ideally, you want to hit her with spark bolt, but she'd again have to be clueless, and there's no way you'll be able to charge it other than over time. It sucks, straight up.