
Salutations Fabulous People!

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Hello good fellow players :)

My name is Lachlan, but you can call me whatever you like really :P
I am an Australian player, and I am only currently playing Taiko :)

I have been playing Osu! since last year on my iPod, and then on and off on the computer (that sentence :P)

Anyways, thought I would start lurking around the forums now that I support Osu! and will continue to support this! I'll try my best to keep to the rules and well yeah, be nice :3
Haio Lachlan~

Welcome to the forums~!

More Taiko players please ~♥ and nice doggy avatar, socuuute ;w ;!

I started lurking forums the day I became the supporter as well~ so far it is fun~!
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Caraele wrote:

Haio Lachlan~

Welcome to the forums~!

More Taiko players please ~♥ and nice doggy avatar, socuuute ;w ;!

I started lurking forums the day I became the supporter as well~ so far it is fun~!
Haha, the doggy comes from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, and is named Missile :3

And I LOVE Taiko :3 saves me from burning my fingers on my touchpad if I cannot use my mouse :)

Nice to meet you!
Welcome here~!
That doggy reminds me of Pom from Pom gets wifi
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Haha, well, it is a Pomeranian :3
oh australian, say hi to peppy for me :lol:
and welcome to the community enjoy your stay


romul8r wrote:

I'll try my best to keep to the rules and well yeah, be nice :3

JokerFate wrote:

much to learn, you have \:D/
anyway, welcome to the forums and all, but i'm gonna lock this sorry. the introduction forum is more so for new players, not people that have been here for a year :<

catch me ingame if you need help with anything though
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