I don't know where else to put this, but when you go to http://osu.ppy.sh/p/playerranking (the player ranking list) it says "To search for a particular username, use the search below." Unless my page is weirdly displayed or I'm straight up blind, I can't see any search function. Unless it is referring to the one at the very bottom of the page (the "Lost? Looking for something?" one) then I think there must be a typo. Or maybe it means the search above where you just search for usernames and it's a typo (because that search bar is above), I'm not sure.

Here's a pic in case my browser is displaying something wrong. Nothing major, it's just a small issue that should be a quick and easy fix.
Here's a pic in case my browser is displaying something wrong. Nothing major, it's just a small issue that should be a quick and easy fix.